The galaxy evolution group at AIfA holds an active collaboration with the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), is a member of the VLA COSMOS European core team and has international, non-COSMOS related collaborations which are described below. Synergies with other wavelengths include the 2 millimetre observations of the COSMOS field with the GISMO survey (B. Magnelli, et al.). With the the 'A3COSMOS' project, we harvest the ALMA archive to create a spotty, deep survey of the COSMOS field.

The COSMOS VLA European core team
At X-rays, we investigate the effects of large-scale environment on radio AGN using the X-ray groups in COSMOS and search for radio/X-ray coincidence of non-thermal radio emission from AGN, which can be used for predictions of upcoming X-ray surveys (E. Vardoulaki, in collaboration with Finoguenov, Gozaliasl, Delvecchio et al.). In the far-IR we mined the ALMA archive to study sub-mm sources in COSMOS, amongst others (A^3-COSMOS; Liu, Magnelli, Schinnerer, Bertoldi, Lang, Leslie, Jimenez Andrade, Vardoulaki et al.). Finally in the infrared we investigate the well known relation between infrared and radio emission in galaxies using COSMOS sources (Molnar, Leslie, Vardoulaki, Sargent, Schinnerer, Smolcic, Magnelli, Bertoldi, et al.).

Fig 2: Composite image depicting radio galaxies (in red) from the 3GHz VLA-COSMOS Large Project (Smolcic et al. 2017a), overlaid on the Ultra-VISTA optical/infrared stacked mosaic image (in green; COSMOS2015, Laigle et al. 2016). Image credit: Eleni Vardoulaki, Eric F. Jimenez Andrade
Besides the COSMOS collaboration, researchers from the galaxy evolution group at AIfA are leading and are active members of several international projects. These include statistical studies of local galaxies regarding the linearity of IR/radio relation in the local universe (Molnar, Leslie, Vardoulaki, Sargent, Schinnerer, Smolčić, Magnelli, Bertoldi, et al.), and high-redshift studies of sub-mm galaxies using gravitational lensed sources (K. Harrington, PhD project), as well as the Mustang 3mm survey towards GOOD-N field with GBT (B. Magnelli et al.). Finally, researchers in AIfA are actively involved in the international collaboration of the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) survey (E. Vardoulaki: development, classification and radio galaxy zoo).