AstroSem - Das Astro-Seminar
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Verantwortlier: Emilio Romano-Diaz
Information for the WS2024
Welcome to the four-credit-point Seminar on Astronomy and Astrophysics (astro830) in the Master of Astrophysics program at the Argelander-Institute for Astronomy.
In this course, students will present a talk based on a recently published research paper selected by professors and research staff at the AIfA. Students must discuss the research topic, the paper content, and their presentation with their respective supervisors before their presentation.
Time: Mondays, 14.00-15:15 when two talks or 13:45-15:30 when three talks,
Place: Lecture Hall 0.012, AIfA.
The AstroSem introductory session will be on Monday 14.10.24 at 14.00, where the papers will be briefly introduced (list below). Students shall have a close look at them in the following days and express their interest in two papers via email to the respective supervisors by Friday, October 18th. The papers will assigned after that date.
The talks will be scheduled for a date after the registration deadline of 31.10.2024. The first presentations will take place on November 11th.
The latest date available for scheduling a talk this semester is 27.01.2025.
Students (and advisors) are strongly recommended to read the guidelines. Do also read the guides to good seminar talks linked below!
Please register on basis for this seminar course: the registration and de-registration deadlines October 31st and November 7th. Late registrations will not be possible!

Material and Web Links
The SAO / NASA Astrophysics Data System - Paper Query
ArXiV preprints in astrophysics
Astronomy paper seminar participation guide
Kunchur: Guide for a good seminar talk
ocip guidline for student seminars
Maude's guide to a good seminar talk
Papers: |
Supersivor: |
Not available: |
Student: |
Date: |
Growth of Light-Seed Black Holes in Gas-Rich Galaxies at High Redshift |
Prof. Cristiano Porciani |
Pantho Chakraborty |
11/11/2024 |
Dr. Abel Schootemeijer |
24/02/2025 |
Erik Stehr |
18/11/2024 |
Christos Karoumpis |
Stefanos Lialios |
18/11/2024 |
Evolutionary growth of molecular clouds as traced by their infrared bright fraction | Dr. Dario Colombo | Vikalp Sharma | 18/11/2024 | |
Two waves of massive stars running away from the young cluster R136 | Dr. Abel Schootemeijer | 24/02/2025 | Lorenzo Breuer | 25/11/2024 |
Dr. Lucas Porth |
11-18/11/24 2-9-16-23/12/24 6-13-27/01/25 |
Lena Schürmann | 25/11/2024 | |
Dr. Lucas Porth |
11-18/11/24 2-9-16-23/12/24 6-13-27/01/25 |
Elyas Farah | 25/11/2024 | |
Polarized signatures of adiabatically expanding hotspots in Sgr A*’s accretion flow | Dr. Gunther Witzel | Zhengxu Hou | 02/12/2024 | |
The MAGPI survey: evolution of radial trends in star formation activity across cosmic time |
Dr. Mallory Thorp |
11/11/2024 18/11/2024 |
Philipp Siebold | 02/12/2024 |
Prof. Thomas Reiprich |
18/11/2024 20/01/2025 |
Sravan Krishnan Perinthatta Eettisseri | 02/12/2024 | |
COMAP Early Science. VIII. A Joint Stacking Analysis with eBOSS Quasars | Christos Karoumpis | Dinesh Maheswari Vaittinadane | 09/12/2024 | |
Turbulent Pressure Heats Gas and Suppresses Star Formation in Galactic Bar Molecular Clouds | Prof. Frank Bigiel |
25/11/2024 02,16/12/2024 20/01/2025 |
Varun Sohanda | 09/12/2024 |
Prevention is better than cure? Feedback from high specific energy winds in cosmological simulations with Arkenstone | Dr. Nastasha Wijers | Felicitas Freche | 09/12/2024 | |
The hot circumgalactic medium in the eROSITA All-Sky Survey I. X-ray surface brightness profiles | Prof. Thomas Reiprich |
18/11/2024 20/01/2025 |
Amanda Sabovic | 16/12/2024 |
REBELS-25: Discovery of a dynamically cold disc galaxy at z = 7.31 | Dr. Emilio Romano-Diaz | 11-18-25/11/2024 | Rita Reis | 16/12/2024 |
Relight the Candle: What happens to High Redshift Massive Quenched Galaxies |
Dr. M. Reza Ayromlou |
02/12/2024 23/12/2024 |
Eirini Rodiou | 16/12/2024 |
Prof. Andrina Nicola | Diana Lopez Navarro | 13/01/2025 | ||
Dr. Alexander Eggemeier |
20/01/2025 |
Antonio Buzza | 13/01/2025 | |
Clusters, clouds, and correlations: relating young clusters to giant molecular clouds in M33 and M31 |
Dr. Hao He |
18-25/11/2024 20-27/01/2024 |
Cosme Aquino Ovelar | 13/01/2025 |
Dr. Florian Pacaud | Anna Vervelaki | 20/01/2025 | ||
Dr. Robert Reischke | Sviatoslav Khukhlaev | 20/01/2025 | ||
Dr. Alexander Eggemeier |
20/01/2024 |
Marek Majoch | 27/01/2025 | |
The MillenniumTNG Project: semi-analytic galaxy formation models on the past lightcone |
Dr. M. Reza Ayromlou |
02/12/2024 23/12/2024 |
Aleyna Döven | 27/01/2025 |
Dr. Kaustuv Moni Basu | ||||
The Moving Lens Effect: Simulations, Forecasts and Foreground Mitigation |
Dr. Kaustuv Moni Basu |
Do stars still form in molecular gas within CO-dark dwarf galaxies? |
Dr. Emilio Romano-Diaz |
11-18-25/11/2024 |
Rapid Methods for Modeling Overdensities of Massive Neutrinos and Other Non-Cold Relics | Prof. Cristiano Porciani | |||
Stage IV baryonic feedback correction for non-Gaussianity inference | Dr. Robert Reischke | |||
CHEX-MATE: A non-parametric deep learning technique to deproject and deconvolve galaxy cluster X-ray temperature profiles | Dr. Florian Pacaud |