Proceedings of the Workshop
"The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies"
of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg

Final Programme

1. Timetable

  Time Topic
Monday, 19th January, 1998
   8:50 Welcome address by the GK Speaker
   9:00 J.S. Gallagher: Astrophysics in the Dwarf Galaxy Zoo
 10:00 P.-A. Duc: Properties of tidal dwarf galaxies: implications for dwarfs in clusters
 10:20 U. Fritze-v.Alvensleben: Tidal tail dwarf galaxies
 10:40 R.-P. Andersen: The evolution of galaxies with very low mass
 11:00  - Coffee Break -
 11:30 U. Hopp: The stellar census of the nearby BCDG VII Zw 403 with HST
 11:50 A. Aparicio: Determination of the Star Formation History in Nearby dwarf galaxies: problems, methods, results
 12:10 E. Tolstoy: Leo A: a truly young galaxy?
 12:30  - Lunch Break -
 14:30 E.D. Skillman: Star Formation histories of nearby dwarf galaxies
 15:30 C. Gallart: The star formation history of Leo I: A dwarf galaxy with little old population
 15:50 E.K. Grebel: The recent star formation history of the LMC
 16:10 M. Romaniello: HST study of the stellar population within 30 pc of SN 1987A
 16:30  - Coffee Break -
 17:00 A. Dieball: Binary star clusters in the LMC
 17:20 J.M. Braun: Large-scale star formation and the bow-shock trigger scenario
 18:30  - Dinner -
Tuesday, 20th January, 1998
   9:00 M. Mateo: Strange dark matters in dwarf galaxies
 10:00 P. Kroupa: dSph satellite glaxies without dark matter: a study of parameter space
 10:20 C. Taylor: The Role of Galaxy Interactions in H II Galaxies
 11:00  - Coffee Break -
 11:30 E. Brinks: The Violent Interstellar Medium in Dwarf Galaxies: Atomic Gas
 12:30  - Lunch -
 14:00 Photograph session *
 14:30 A. Rieschick: Chemodynamical evolution of dwarfs galaxies
 14:50 C. Theis: The outer halo of NGC 4449
 15:10 M.-M. Mac Low: Starbursts in dwarf galaxies: Blown out or blown away?
 16:30  - Coffee Break -
 17:00 D.I. Mendez Alcaraz: Star formation in dwarf wolf-rayet galaxies
 17:20 M.S. Oey: Interpreting the H II Luminosity Function
 17:40 M. Tosi: Star formation history in the post-starburst galaxy NGC 1569
 18:30  - Dinner -
 20:00 Presentation of posters of grad school members
Wednesday, 21st January, 1998
   9:00 D.A. Hunter: Star-forming regions and ionized gas in irregular galaxies
 10:00 M. Braun: A detailed view of the Magellanic Clouds in the FIR and the possible interaction of HVCs with the disk of the LMC
 10:20 N. Junkes: X-ray observations of starburst dwarf galaxies: The cases of NGC 1705, He2-10, Mrk 297, III Zw 102 and I Zw 18
 10:40 S. Sungeun Kim: An H I aperture synthesis mosaic of the LMC
 11:00  - Coffee Break -
 11:30 Y.-H. Chu: Hot gas in the LMC
 12:30  - Lunch -
   » Trip to Cologne «
Thursday, 22nd January, 1998
   9:00 J. Palous: Holes and shells in galaxies: observations versus theoretical concepts
 10:00 H. Lesch: Dwarf galaxies and intergalactic magnetic fields
 10:20 F. Walter: The violent interstellar medium of IC 2574
 10:40 C. Taylor: CO emission in low luminosity star forming galaxies
 11:00  - Coffee Break -
 11:30 M. Haas: Cold dust in the peculiar dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 205
 11:50 D.J. Bomans: Diffuse hot gas in and evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies
 12:10 Hans Zinnecker: NICMOS/HST images and the low-mass IMF of the 30 Dor cluster
 12:30  - Lunch -
 14:30 T.X. Thuan: Young dwarf galaxies
 15:30 A.-M. Hidalgo-Gámez: The chemical abundances of some nearby dwarf irregular galaxies
 15:50 W. Huchtmeier: H I properties of new nearby dwarf galaxies from the Karachentsev catalog
 16:10 K.S. de Boer: Bow-shock induced star formation in the LMC
 16:30  - Coffe Break -
 17:00 M. Filipovic: ATCA Continuum Observations of SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds
 17:20 P. Richter: UV spectroscopy for two lines of sight to the LMC
 17:40 Conference Summary by E.D. Skillman
* After the photograph session, at 14:30-15:30 on 20.01.98, the talk:
J. Köppen: Star formation law in chemodynamical models and disk galaxies
was originally planned, which had to be cancelled.
The review article is encolsed in these proceedings.

2. Poster Contributions

M. Albrecht: The efficiency of star formation in dwarf galaxies
A. Aloisi: Preliminary results on the Resolved Stellar Population of the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy I Zw 18
M. Altmann: Hot subdwarfs, their orbits and their galactic distribution
R.-P. Andersen: The self-regulated evolution of dwarf galaxies
J.M. Braun: Stellar content of supergiant shells in the LMC
T. Bremnes: Structure and stellar content of dwarf galaxies: Surface photometry of dwarf galaxies in the M 81 and M 101 groups
C. Brüns: H I Velocity Bridges in the Magellanic Stream
L.M. Cairós Barreto: The Low Surface Brightness Component in dwarf galaxies: evidence of an older population
K. T. Chyzy: Recent radio and polarisation observations of dwarf irregulars
M.R. Cioni: DENIS observations of the Magellanic Clouds
A. Dieball: Studies of binary clusters: SL 538 / NGC 2006
C. Düsterberg: Temperatures of H I clouds in the 30 Dor region AND Shells and Holes in the 30 Dor region
S. Ehlerová: H I shells in the Milky Way
R.A.W. Elson: An HST Study of Rich Star Clusters in the LMC
R.A.W. Elson: The Local Group at High Redshift
T. Fritz: Dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus Group - Interaction with the Environment
C. Gallart: A 'bump' above the red-clump in the color-magnitude diagram of nearby galaxies: the AGB-bump
E.K. Grebel: Be stars and IMF of young clusters
E.K. Grebel: First Results from the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Survey
A.M. Hidalgo-Gámez: Does the irregular galaxy IC 2574 obey MOND?
M. Hilker: The center of the Fornax cluster: dwarf galaxies, cD halo, and globular clusters
D. Hoffmann: Photometric identification of Be stars in different clusters of the Magellanic Clouds
W. Huchtmeier: Neutral Hydrogen in a sample of selected BCDG's
M. Jütte: NIR imaging of dwarf galaxies
H.-R. Klöckner: Comparison of H I and magnetic field structures in our Galaxy
S. Kohle: A complete CO survey of NGC 4449
R. Lütticke: Influence of satellite companions on the evolution of box/peanut bulges
M.-M. Mac Low: ROSAT observations of the giant H II complex N 11 in the LMC
D. Martinez-Delgado: The star formation history of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Phoenix
M. Marx-Zimmer: Properties of the Cool Atomic Gas in the LMC - a third H I Absorption Survey
M. Marx-Zimmer: CO Emission in Direction to Cool H I Clouds in the LMC
M. Marx-Zimmer: C II Investigation of Cool Clouds in the LMC
K. Noeske: Multi-Color Surface Photometry of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
D. Pierini: The K'-band TF relation of Virgo late-type galaxies
S. Points: The Kinematic and Physical Structure of the Supergiant Shell LMC 2
P. Richter: UV spectroscopy for two lines of sight to the LMC
T. Richtler: Primordial mass segregation in young Magellanic Cloud clusters
P. Royer: A photometric method to study the Wolf-Rayet content of compact H II regions in nearby galaxies
Th. Schmidt-Kaler: CCD Photometry of Bright Multiple Stars (Supergiants) and the Association LH 10 in the LMC
Th. Schmidt-Kaler: Integrated Colours (U-B), (B-V), (V-R) and Magnitude V of the LMC from Surface Photometry
Th. Schmidt-Kaler: Photoelectric UBV Photometry of LMC Member Stars - a New Database
U. Schwarzkopf: Interacting and merging processes between spirals and dwarf galaxies
F. Walter: Holes and Shells in IC 2574
F. Walter: H I study of the dwarf galaxy DDO 47
K. Weis: Very Massive Stars in the Magellanic Clouds H II regions
B. Wierig: Spatial distribution of halo high velocity clouds towards the LMC

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First version: 13thNovember,1997
Last update: 09thOctober,1998

Jochen M. Braun,  Tom Richtler  &  Christian Brüns
 (E-Mail: jbraun|richtler|