Proceedings of the Workshop
"The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies"
of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg

The Role of Galaxy Interactions in H II Galaxies

Christopher L. Taylor1, Elias Brinks2, and Evan D. Skillman3

1Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2Departamento de Astronomia, Universidad de Guanajuato
3Astronomy Department, University of Minnesota

Received 27th March 1998
Abstract. A statistical relationship between interactions and elevated star formation rates was found by Taylor (1997) for gas rich dwarf galaxies. That study was not able to conclude what physical mechanism was responsible for this relationship. To study the physics involved, we have obtained VLA C-array observations in the H I line. These data show that H II galaxies tend to have dense concentrations of H I overlapping spatially with their stellar components, often have large H I holes, and have velocity fields indicating solid-body rotation. We plan to combine the new observations of 6 H II galaxies with previous observations of 5 others. By comparing the kinematics and morphology of the isolated systems with those of the interacting systems, we hope to determine how the interactions affect the physical properties of the H II galaxies.

1. Introduction

H II galaxies, also known as Blue Compact Dwarfs, are a class of dwarf galaxy with some interesting properties. They tend to be H I rich, with compact optical morphologies and optical spectra containing features typical of H II regions. The recent star formation rates inferred from spectra are quite high for dwarf galaxies (0.2-1 Msun yr-1, Sage et al. 1992), rapid enough to exhaust the available gas in well under a Hubble time. Because at the current epoch they still contain substantial amounts of gas (Thuan & Martin 1981), H II galaxies are believed to experience a bursting mode of star formation, in which the bursts last ∼107 yr and quiescent periods last ∼108 to 109 yr.

Galaxy-galaxy interactions are known to be associated with increased star formation activity (e.g. Larson & Tinsley 1978; Bushouse 1987; Kennicutt et al. 1987). Work on this connection has focussed on "normal" galaxies - spirals and ellipticals. Brinks (1990) suggested that interactions might trigger the star formation in H II galaxies as well, based upon observations of II Zw 33, in which a VLA map of the H I distribution revealed a previously unknown companion galaxy. To test the idea that H II galaxies might be triggered by interactions, even in cases with no obvious companion, we conducted a VLA H I survey of H II galaxies, searching for gas rich companions (Taylor et al. 1993 - TBS; Taylor et al. 1995 - TBGS). We found that 53% (10 of 19) H II galaxies had H I rich companions, with a lower limit on the true companion rate for the sample of 32%. For comparison, a sample of low surface brightness galaxies - which have low star formation rates - was also surveyed with the VLA (Taylor et al. 1996). These galaxies were chosen to span the same range in recession velocity, H I mass, and H I line width as the H II galaxies, to prevent any relative selection bias between the two samples (Taylor 1997). Only 24% (4 of 17) of the low surface brightness dwarfs were found to have H I rich companions. Taylor (1997) ruled out a spurious origin for this difference between the two samples, concluding that the small scale environments (distances of ≤250 kpc) are different, with the H II galaxies having significantly more nearby neighbors. This work has established a statistical relationship between the presence of a companion near a dwarf galaxy and the existence of a burst of star formation in that galaxy. However, it was not able to say anything about physics involved in this process. In order to address the underlying physical mechanism responsible for the bursts of star formation, we decided to apply for high resolution H I data.

2. Observations

New 21 cm observations of 7 H II galaxies were made with the VLA in the C-array. The correlator was configured to give 5.2 km s-1 velocity resolution. Standard VLA calibration procedures were followed, and the C-array uv data were combined with D-array data from TBGS and TBS prior to mapping with the AIPS task IMAGR. Data cubes were prepared from the CLEANed maps using the conditional blanking process as described in TBS as well as from applying a 4σ cut off directly to the original maps.

3. Preliminary Results

We observed 3 H II galaxies without H I companions (UM 323, UM 372 and Haro 21) and 3 interacting systems (UM 422, UM 456, UM 500/501) in order to compare their characteristics. All the galaxies have a core-halo morphology in common, with a dense concentration of H I at the center, overlapping with the optical component of the galaxy, and a more diffuse extended distribution. An exception to this is UM 422 (UGC 6345B) which shows a highly irregular and clumpy H I distribution, with a large depression in the H I column density at the center (Figs. 1 and 2). This depression may correspond to a supernovae driven hole, or Mosaic of several such holes overlapping. Such features are discussed in detail by Brinks (1998) in this volume. Four of the seven systems have such H I holes, although UM 422 is the most extreme case. Another feature shared by these galaxies is solid body rotation, which is generally common in dwarfs except for those of the lowest masses (Young & Lo 1997). These results are consistent with the findings of Taylor et al. (1994) who made similar high resolution observations of H II galaxies. The core-halo morphology, the violent ISM with H I holes, and solid-body rotation are thus properties which in general are shared by H II galaxies.

[Click here to see Fig. 1 and 2!]

4. Future Goals

The primary objective of this program is to gain an understanding of the physical mechanisms behind the observed relationship between interactions and elevated star formation rates in dwarf galaxies. To that end, we have observed 3 H II galaxies, and 3 interacting systems to compare and contrast their properties. One property that ought to be affected by an interaction is the velocity dispersion of the gas, which should be increased in interacting galaxies as the gravitational influence of the companion modifies the orbits of gas clouds. However, with the data currently available, we are unable to measure the velocity dispersion. Even with our high resolution data, the beam size is large relative to the velocity gradient caused by rotation implying that the measured dispersion is dominated by bulk motion over scales of ∼1 kpc rather than a true measure of the random motions along the line of sight.

Other methods to measure the effect of an interaction remain. In particular, we plan to fit rotation curves to both the isolated and interacting H II galaxies, and use these to create model velocity fields. These models can then be subtracted from the data, yielding a residual map which will show departures from symmetry in the velocity fields. We predict these residuals will be larger for the interacting galaxies than in the isolated ones. In addition, we will compare orbital parameters of the interacting galaxies (e.g. projected separations, relative radial velocities and orbit orientations) to measures of the star formation rate (e.g. Halpha luminosity or line width). To increase the number of galaxies in the study we will add the data from the 5 H II galaxies of Taylor et al. (1994), for a total of 11 galaxies. With this larger sample, we hope to determine the physical process by which interactions influence the star formation rates in dwarf galaxies.


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First version: 12thAugust,1998
Last update: 28thSeptember,1998

Jochen M. Braun   &   Tom Richtler
 (E-Mail: jbraun|