Proceedings of the Workshop
"The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies"
of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg

Technical Information about the Workshop Proceedings

I. Reference

Proceedings of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg Workshop
'The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies',
Tom Richtler & Jochen M. Braun (eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen
[ISBN 3-8265-4457-9]

Further information including 18 pages ``preprint'' (in TeX [Source] or GNU-zipped PS [PostScript] format) comprising the 'Preface' with 'Table of Contents', the 'Conference Summary', and the 'List of Participants' is available at the XXX Preprint Archive (see local SISSA manual for submission details) from URL:

The book should now (14.01.1999) be available ('Reihe Astronomie', Shaker Verlag) in all book stores for 109.- DM.

II. Incoming Contribution Statistics

1) Table giving the numbers of expected/submitted/edited contributions:
Cathegory Expected In press / subm. In prep. Cancelled
Review 09 09 / 09 00 00
Talk 29 29 / 29 00 04
Poster 41 41 / 41 00 04

Last update: 10th October, 1998; 19:55

2) Diagramm about the statistics of incoming contributions (last update: 12th October, 1998):
[Submission Statistics Diagramm]

3) Please note

- Thanks for your help!

III. Technical Information about the Electronic Version

of the Graduiertenkolleg Workshop Proceedings

The construction of the HTML version has been started on Su. 08th Feb. 1998 with a test version for GK-internal use only.

The WWW version will be optimized for Netscape 4.0x and Amaya 1.3a [or higher]:

[Netscape NOW!]   [Amaya 1.4a Now!]
but should work with all other browsers obeying the W3C recommendations.
For use of special features I have used HTML 4.0 and CSS, but we hope that this will not bother you too much (note that there is no browser available which is fully compatible to HTML 4.0, but this will change in future). In the meantime please look at the following conversion table of special symbols (which are only supported by Sep. '98 release Amaya 1.3a):
[Picture of a conversion table]
Concerning CSS the situation is even worse - the implemented CSS functionality in all browsers is not like the W3C has specified it. Despite of this situation I have embedded the test style sheet in all contributions. The result should look better with NN 4.0x than with a browser not knowing CSS; but other browsers pretending to obey CSS 1.0 or 2.0 ... - this fight is in progress.
Right now I would recommend the use of the latest Netscape Navigator (current best version is 4.08 [since 4.5 is not generally available and has no real improvements], see this download link) or the latest W3C Amaya (current version 1.4a, see this download link) on Unix systems (preferably a Linux distribution like S.u.S.E. Linux 5.3).

[Linux Logo!] [S.u.S.E. Linux Logo!] [Linux Logo!]

IV. General Remarks about the Submission of Workshop Contributions

This chapter lists a few points important for authors who want to submit their contributions to the workshop proceedings. Simultaneously we will develop the printed version and construct an electronic (HTML) version available on our server.

1) Please note that:

  1. new information (and the template file "gkwspt.tex") is available on our homepage: '' (this page).
  2. the proceedings will be printed in a special format, so you should insert plain text only (we probably will change minor things concerning the layout); you should fill in text after '% <v>'-lines according to the following '% # example:'-lines.
  3. there is a maximum page count for the printed proceedings:
    1. the invited speakers now have a maximum of 14 (!) pages for reviews,
    2. all other speakers have a maximum of 4 pages and
    3. poster presentations should be summarized on 2 pages.
    The page count is meant for 11pt font on Din A4 paper format.
    Please use our template file "gkwspt.tex" to check it. You can also download the German style file "german.sty" if you want to use it.
  4. you should give remarks about possible links in commentary lines beginning with: '% WWW:'.
    For the electronic version (HTML) we would like to have as much WWW URLs to private homepages, sites of institutes and research pages as possible.
  5. one may mark the positions for embedded pictures and reserve the space (e.g. 1.5 cm via '\vspace*{1.5cm}' and don't forget a following empty line).
  6. you have access to the GK FTP server via:
    »  'ftp', Name: 'ftp', Password: 'your_email_address'  «
    There you can enter 'bin', 'cd /incoming/webgk' and send your pictures (in PS, JPG, GIF or PCX format), LaTeX and readme files [please begin the file names with your name to avoid problems] by 'mput ...'.
    Additionally you should write to us (e.g. to '') a separate mail about the details.
  7. you should write abbreviations, references etc. as recommended for authors of "Astronomy and Astrophysics" (A&A).
  8. there is a deadline to submit this file: all information should come in by
     ! Su., 15.03.1998 !

2) LaTeX template:
All authors should use the following template file (please download "gkwspt.tex" now, and also "german.sty" if you need it) for their contribution to the Workshop Proceedings:

% ***********************************************************************
% *** Template for the Workshop Proceedings, last changes: 16.02.1997 ***
% ************************************************************** J.M.B. *
% ***  Workshop of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg in January 1998  ***
% ***********************************************************************
% Please note that you can get the german.sty file on our ftp server, but this
% file should not be necessary.
% Just use \documentstyle[twoside,11pt]{article} instead.
% for LaTeX2e: \documentclass[11pt,twoside]{article}
% for LaTeX2e: \usepackage{german}
\textheight24.5cm  % 29.7cm Din A4 hight
\textwidth16cm     % 21.0cm Din A4 width
% ** Some definitions ... **
% Separating a header/figure/table from the following text
% Separating a section from the next title or the figure/table caption from
% the rest of the text.
% <v> You can make your own definitions here ...

% # example: \newcommand{\HI}{H$\,${\sc i}}
% \mathindent0cm
% <v> Title of your talk/poster:

% # example: {\LARGE \bf Latest Astrophysical Results for Dwarf Galaxies}

% <v> Short title and author information for heading:

% # example: \markboth{Prime Author et al.}{Dwarf Galaxy Results}

% <v> List of authors:

% # example: {\large \bf Prime Author$^1$ and Donald Duck$^{1,2}$}

% <v> List of institutes:

% # example: {$^1$Astronomical Institute ..., University of ...; $^2$Entenhausen}

% *** Main body (please keep the maximum page sizes noted above):
\hspace*{-0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{14.0cm}
% <v> Beginning of the abstract:

% *** End of Abstract
\end{center} \secsep

% *** First subtitle (you can change '1. Introduction' for your needs), and
% *** please make further sections in \large \bf (or subsections like
% *** '1.2. more details' in \bf) in the same way (including \secsep and
% *** \titsep):
{\noindent \large \bf 1. Introduction} \titsep

% <v> Beginning of the first chapter of the main text:

% *** End of main text
\secsep \vspace*{0.2cm}

{\small {\noindent \large \bf References} \titsep \vspace*{-0.2cm}
\itemsep=0pt \parsep=0pt \parskip=0pt \labelsep=0pt
% <v> Beginning of the list of references (item-lines separated by blank lines):

% # example: \item Author P., Duck D., Unknown U.-I., 2000, ApJ 000, 001
% #   
% #          \item Simpson H., Conner R., 1890, in the {''}4th Workshop on Astrophysics{''}, Nobody T., Anybody S. (eds.), XXX Conf. Proc. 555, p. 16

Links (back/forward) to:

First version: 12thDecember,1997
Last update: 15thJanuary,1999

Jochen M. Braun   &   Tom Richtler
 (E-Mail: jbraun|