Proceedings of the Workshop
"The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies"
of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg

Diffuse Hot Gas in Dwarf Galaxies

Dominik J. Bomans1,2

1Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
2Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (current address)

Received 29th April 1998
Abstract. While theory predicts that diffuse hot gas is common in dwarf galaxies, the observational evidence is only based on a few cases. This contribution summarises some new observational results concerning diffuse hot gas in dwarf galaxies and especially the links between hot gas production, outflows, hot halos, and chemical evolution.

1. Dwarf Galaxies and Galactic Winds

The evolution of low mass galaxies (M<MLMC) is thought to be strongly influenced by bursts of star formation and subsequent loss of metals through galactic winds (e.g. Dekel & Silk 1986). Such outflow events are thought to be the natural result of phases of enhanced star formation in a small galaxy (e.g. Spaans & Norman 1997), when a large number of massive stars is formed in a small volume. The winds of massive stars and supernova explosions provide a large energy input into the surrounding interstellar medium, creating an expanding bubble of hot gas. These hot gas plumes reach large distances from the galaxy (Mac Low & Ferrara 1997) and may fuel a hot halo.

Starburst driven outflows are needed to reconcile the observed star formation histories of dwarf galaxies with their current (low) metallicity (e.g. Marconi et al. 1994). They also provide an attractive mechanism to create gas free dwarf spheroidal galaxies as an evolutionary product of starbursts in intermediate redshift dwarf galaxies (Babul & Ferguson 1996). This mechanism could contribute significantly the large numbers of faint, blue galaxies in deep fields.

Still, observational data are limited to a small number of objects, which is especially true for the detection of hot gas in the halos of low mass galaxies. The only search for extended hot halos of dwarf galaxies failed to detect hot halos in their three target galaxies (Bothun et al. 1994), questioning at least some assumptions of the picture described above.

2. An X-ray Survey for Extended Hot Halos

As part of a larger program to study diffuse hot gas in dwarf galaxies we selected a distance limited sample of irregular (Magellanic and amorphous) dwarf galaxies with distances less than 6 Mpc using the Nearby Galaxies Catalog (Tully 1988). The total number of galaxies in our input sample is 96, of which we have usable ROSAT data sets for 49 galaxies.

In a first analysis pass we overlayed the broad (0.1-2.4 keV) and soft (0.1-0.4 keV) band ROSAT images with B band images of the galaxies and searched for extended diffuse emission in a 10 kpc radius around the target galaxy. To test the feasibility of our project we calculated the X-ray luminosity (0.1-2.4 keV) of a column through a hot halo as function of the mean electron density. We adopted a plasma temperature of 3·106 K (typical for diffuse hot gas). Further, we assumed a foreground H I column density of log NH =20.5 and an integration time of 10 ks, both representative values for our sample. The calculations showed that we should be able to detect hot halos in our galaxy sample, if the mass in a sphere with 10 kpc radius is not smaller than 106 Msun. We should also detect patchy halos of much lower mass, if the X-ray emitting blobs have diameters larger than ∼1 kpc.

In addition to seven cases documented in the literature, we found six more galaxies in our sample which show possible extended X-ray emission. In all galaxies of our sample the prospective diffuse emission is located within 2 kpc of the galaxy (Bomans 1998). We did not detect any large hot halo.

While `extended' hot halos appear to be rare, a lot can be learned from detailed studies of the diffuse hot gas in the `lower' halo:

3. NGC 4449: Hot Gas Transport and Chimneys

NGC 4449 is a large irregular galaxy showing enhanced recent star formation. It is often used as low redshift template for starforming dwarf galaxies at intermediate redshifts. The galaxy shows an extensive collection of Halpha filaments and shells, with sizes exceeding 2 kpc (e.g. Hunter & Gallagher 1997). Recently ROSAT observations showed that NGC 4449 contains a significant amount of hot gas (Bomans et al. 1997; Vogler & Pietsch 1997). This gas resides partly near the large H II regions in the main body and partly at large distances from the star forming ridge in the lower halo of NGC 4449. The diffuse emission inside the largest Halpha shell has a temperature kT∼0.2 keV and an X-ray luminosity of 7·1038 erg s-1. The resulting cooling time of 2·107 yr is significantly shorter than the dynamical time-scale of the structure (∼5·107 yr), which implies that the interior of the shell must be refueled. This cannot take place locally, since no massive stars are present at the projected position of the X-ray emitting gas (see Fig. 1a).

When comparing the X-ray emission with the Halpha map, it becomes clear that many filaments extend perpendicular from H II regions in the main body into the X-ray emitting supergiant shell (Fig. 1b). One may speculate that these filaments are chimneys, through which hot gas is vented upward, as envisaged by Norman & Ikeuchi (1989). This idea receives strong support by the dynamical data which show high velocity gas associated with the brightest of the chimneys (Bomans et al. 1997). Apparently the supergiant shell at the west side of NGC 4449 is currently energized by the star formation regions in the main body of NGC 4449, which are not a genuine starburst. This implies that less extreme star formation events may create (or at least maintain) hot gas in the lower halos of low mass galaxies.

[Click here to see Fig. 1!]

4. I Zw 18: Outflow and Chemical Evolution

I Zw 18 is the most metal poor galaxy found up to now. It belongs to the class of blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) (Searle & Sargent 1972), which feature low mass and size and a strong burst of current star formation. This high energy input into a shallow potential should produce optimal conditions for a galactic wind, but observation shows that the pattern may not be that simple: while the most nearby BCD (NGC 1569) shows large shells expanding into the halo and soft X-ray emission connected with the starburst core and the interiors of the shells (Heckman et al. 1995), several other nearby BCDs do not show comparably large shell structures (Bomans, in prep.).

At a distance of ∼10 Mpc, I Zw 18 is well suited to test the assumptions of the galactic wind model. Recent HST observations showed that I Zw 18 has an abnormally high carbon abundance, which implies that it is not experiencing its first burst of star formation. An older population must be present to elevate the carbon abundance (Garnett et al. 1997). Therefore the extremely low oxygen abundance may be explained by a galactic wind, transporting the metals created by massive stars and type II supernovae (e.g. O, but not C) away. Support for this idea comes from deep Halpha imaging which reveals kpc-sized shells around I Zw 18, and long-slit echelle spectroscopy showing an expanding bubble in the central region of I Zw 18 (Martin 1996; Bomans et al. 1998). I Zw 18 is detected in X-rays with the ROSAT PSPC and the spectrum can be interpreted as hot gas, but also due to high mass X-ray binaries. The interpretation is not unambiguous especially due to the fact that the point-spread function of the PSPC (30") is larger than the galaxy.

To locate and analyse the source of the X-ray emission, we observed I Zw 18 with the ROSAT HRI, which provides a spatial resolution of 5", at the expense of higher background and missing energy resolution. I Zw 18 was detected and the source is clearly not point-symmetric. At least two components are visible and they correspond to the central bubble and the area of supersonic expansion (Fig. 2). The X-ray emission also appears to fill the large shell in the south-west (Fig. 2).

It appears that we detected hot gas moving out of I Zw 18, in concordance with the idea, that metal-loss into the halo is responsible for the low metallicity of the star forming regions in the main body. While this qualitatively supports the link between metal abundance of dwarf galaxies and galactic scale outflows, a larger sample and especially higher quality data of I Zw 18 (better sensitivity, spatial and spectral resolution) are needed to make a quantitative analysis. These data can be supplied by the upcoming X-ray missions.

[Click here to see Fig. 2!]

5. Conclusions

The observations of NGC 4449 and I Zw 18, together with the results in the literature for NGC 1569 (Heckman et al. 1995) and the LMC (e.g. Bomans et al. 1994), show that hot gas resides inside large shell structures and flows out into the lower halo of dwarf galaxies. Especially NGC 4449 shows that this process does not require an outright starburst for the whole time, but that large, normal OB associations can at least refuel the hot gas above the disk. I Zw 18 indicates that large outflows in low mass galaxies exist and can have an impact on their chemical evolution. Quantification of this statement most probably requires improved data.

Not everything falls into place. Our X-ray survey for extended halos (Bomans 1998) showed, that there are no large 106 K halos around dwarf galaxies, only the local effects of recent starbursts. This is roughly consistent with the observations on NGC 4449, but only marginally consistent with the results of NGC 1569. Of all low mass galaxies only M 82 has an X-ray halo more extended than its diffuse Halpha emission.

Either the hot gas travels much larger distances in a short time and drops therefore below detection surface brightness, as implied by Mac Low & Ferrara (1998), or the gas cools rapidly out of the ROSAT band into the EUV domain. The latter idea is less likely due to EUV emission limits of star forming galaxies (Reid & Ponman 1996). One problem in constraining these possibilities is that the important temperature region around 105 K is largely unexplored, except for the Magellanic Clouds. The recent detection of a 105 K halo of the LMC (Wakker et al. 1998) underlines that we do no yet fully understand the interplay of gas and stars in low mass galaxies.

Acknowledgments. The author thanks the ITA Heidelberg for its hospitality during his stay in January 1998.


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First version: 16thAugust,1998
Last update: 25thSeptember,1998

Jochen M. Braun   &   Tom Richtler
 (E-Mail: jbraun|