History of Astronomy:
What's new at this site on January 22, 1999
Some URLs have been updated.
Observatories and other places
Berlin, Germany
- Potsdam, Germany
- E
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)
Short biography and links
Short biography
Britannica Online entries
Einstein Revealed
Einstein-Galerie (in German)
Bibliography (Library of Congress entries)
Bibliography (ADS entries)
References (Library of Congress entries)
Reference (Library of Congress entry, misspelled)
Reference (Library of Congress entry, misspelled)
References (ADS entries)
Einstein-Haus, Caputh, Germany (in German)
Einstein field equations (Library of Congress entries)
Einstein manifolds (Library of Congress entries)
Einstein Observatory (Artificial satellite) (Library of Congress entries)
Einstein-Podolosky-Rosen experiment (Library of Congress entries)
Einsteinturm (Einstein Tower), Potsdam, Germany (Library of Congress entries)
Solar Observatory Einsteinturm, Potsdam, Germany
Albert-Einstein-Schule Bochum, Germany (in German)
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Duisburg-Rumeln, Germany (in German)
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Hameln, Germany (in German)
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Kaarst, Germany (in German)
Einstein-Gymnasium Kehl am Rhein, Germany (in German)
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Ravensburg, Germany (in German)
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Reutlingen, Germany (in German)
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Sankt-Augustin, Germany (in German)
Links to WWW sources
Museums, memorials, historical places and exhibits
Colloquium on the occassion of the 300th birthday of Erhard Weigel
- March 20, 1999, Jena, Germany (in German)
The Legacy of J. C. Kapteyn
- June 9 - 11, 1999, Groningen, The Netherlands
111th Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
History Sessions
- July 4-5, 1999, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
One Hundred Years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics
- August 13-15, 1999, Tihany, Hungary
History of Astronomy Conference Calendar 1999 (updated)
History of Astronomy Conference Calendar 2000
History of Astronomy Conference Calendar 2001
Historians of astronomy
Alpher, Ralph (alpherr@union.edu)
Bratton, Timothy L. (bratton@acc.jc.edu)
Daugherty, Brian (bd25@tutor.open.ac.uk)
Deiss, Bruno M. (deiss@ph1.uni-koeln.de)
Hatch, Robert A. (ufhatch@nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu)
- Including a list of recent publications
Hoffleit, Ellen Dorrit
Jarrell, Richard A.
- Including a list of recent publications
North, John (north@let.rug.nl)
- Including a list of books
Plotkin, Howard (hplotkin@julian.uwo.ca)
- Including a list of recent publications
Rauth, Michael (rauth@tyche.mat.univie.ac.at)
- Including a list of publications
Ritschl, Wolfgang (ritschl@astro.ast.univie.ac.at)
Robbins, R. Robert (rrr@astro.as.utexas.edu)
Simonia, Irakli (simon55@hotmail.com, isimonia@post.net.ge)
Sivin, Nathan (nsivin@mail.sas.upenn.edu)
- Including a list of publications
Slechta, Miroslav (slechta@mbox.cesnet.cz, slechta@menza.mff.cuni.cz)
White, Raymond E. (rwhite@as.arizona.edu)
- Including a list of publications
Conferences [in history of science]
19th Baltic Conference on the History of Science
- January 15-17, Vinius-Kaunas, Lithuania
"Science as Culture": 5th International History, Philosophy and Science
Teaching Conference and 8th European Physical Society History and Physics
Teaching Conference
- September 15-19, 1999, Lake Como and Pavia, Italy
Third International History of Philosophy of Science Conference (HOPOS 2000)
- July 6-9, 2000, Vienna, Austria
XXIst International Congress of History of Science
- Mexico City, 8-14 July, 2001
Wolfgang R. Dick