Ancestry of John Henry Menzies (*1839)

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John Menzies
* 1743 (Edinburg?)
+ Liverpool



Henry Gardener
* ~1742
+ after 1835 Liverpool

Ann (Holmes?)
+ ~1780 London

x ~1773

John Maw
* 1733
+ 07-03-1785 Epsworth

Elizabeth Shaw
* 1736

x 18-10-1758 All Saints Church, Wakefield

George Stovin
* 1744
+ -09-1797 Tetley Hall, Crowie

Elizabeth Stovin
* 1746 Whitgift, Goole
+ 1820 Crowie

x 20-04-1768 Whitgift, Goole, East Yorkshire

John Menzies
* 18-04-1769 Liverpool
+ after 1835

Mary Anne Gardener
* -08-1777 Wandsworth
+ 1864

x 10-01-1801

John Henry Maw
*b 12-10-1759 Epworth, Linc.
+ 23-06-1826 Doncaster, South Yorkshire

Elizabeth Lister
* 1775 Tetley Hall, Crowle, Lincolnshire
+ 06-10-1853 Birkenhead

x 0-4-06-1800

Henry Menzies
* 22-06-1802 Putney
+ -09-1873 Prescot Lanc.
(Merchant, Farmer)

Caroline Maw
* 27-07-1807 Doncaster, South Yorkshire
+ -12-1868 Ormskirk, Lancashire

x 31-08-1835 Birkenhead Chesh.
more.... as431m

John Henry Menzies
* 1839 Pendleton (Lancashire) (UK)
+ 17-02-1919 Christchurch (NZ)

x Frances Elizabeth Butler


Information on this branch of the ancestry was originally taken from FHM. However, the Clemet-Jones family genealogy led to considerable adjustments of what FHM had written down from memory. Character descriptions are from FHM.

John and N.N.
He lived in the upper part of High street in Edinburg. He was lawyer.
In about 1768 he came to Liverpool and lived in Rodney street (see recent photo) for the rest of his life. Here he was lender of money and adjuster of bankrupt estates. He was Presbyterian and well respected.
Children: 1767 William (as adult 6 ft tall, rather wild), 1769 John, 1771 Catherine (a fine tall woman; x Samuel Holland), 1777 Ann (was very tall; +1800), 1781 Henry Wright (was a "very wild" man; FHM).

Henry Gardiner and Ann (Holmes?)
The couple lived in the Down Lodge, Wandsworth, greater London (SW part, at Merton Road near A218). The building (see recent photo) is listed (20th century). From "The ambulator; or, The stranger's companion in a tour round..." of 1807: "....Down Lodge, the excellent new house of Henry Gardener, Esq."
Children at Wandsworth): 1774 Kirkman, 1775 Ann-Holmes (+1775), 1777 Mary-Anne, 1779 Henry(+1781), 1780 Sofia, 1781 Caroline, 1783 Lucy, 1785 Henry-William.
Ann died of rheumatic gout.

John and Mary-Anne
John was sent to Edinburgh to become a medical doctor. But he did not like it much.
Mary-Anne is said to have been "extravagant and dressy".

John had invested a good deal of money (£40,000) in the wine business. But when Napoleon entered Lisbon he lost all that. He then had to live in lodgings in London. But soon he could live at Kennington Oval, then in a nice house in Putney, were most of his children were born.

Children: 1801 Anne (called "the belle of Liverpool"; x William Jones), 1802 Henry, 1804 John, 1804 William (tall and thin; Reverend), 1809 Caroline (x Rev. Lushinton), 1810 Alfred (not so tall; Reverend; died young), 1813 Lucy (unmarried, lived later with Frederick), 1816 Frederick (also known as Cannon).

John is said to have had a "very excitable" nature. His looks (see FHM): 6 ft tall, grey eyes, fair. He was good in additions, wrote in a nice hand, and had a very well ordered desk. He liked and understood horses, and disliked dogs. He was a good carpenter and good at felling trees. John never smoked (neither did his father, nor his son John Henry. And he hardly ever took wine or spirits, saying: "one glass is two glasses too much".
In 1815 the family moved to Liverpool so they could take care of John's father, who was failing fast. Sometime thereafter they moved to Hesham Hall near Morecombe Bay, Lancashire. There was plenty of shooting and fishing and John could do outdoor work. Still later they moved to Surrey.
Mary-Anne's father came to live with the family and stayed until he died.
Mary-Anne suffered from the nature of her husband; in later life she relied heavily on her son William.
When John died there was only £6000 left from the £80,000 he had inherited.


Information on this branch of the ancestry was originally taken from FHM. However, much official detail has been added from the John Henry Maw genealogy leading to considerable adjustments of what FHM had written down from memory. But the character descriptions were taken from FHM.

John and Elizabeth Shaw
John's parents are John Maw (*1700) and Ann (*1703). The parents of Elizabeth are not known.
Only one child is known, 1736 Elizabeth, the names of other children follow from a will: Mary, Ann, Mary Barnard.
His will of March 1785 is known: I give and bequeath unto George Lister of Eastoft Hale in the County of Lincolnshire, Esquire and my grandson John Henry Maw land..and land in Hatfield, County of York In Trust.. daughter Elizabeth. grandsons Thomas Caister and John Caister. grandson William Barnard. daughter Mary. brother Robert and unto his son Robert of Easthound (unsure). wife Ann.. daughter Ann.. daughter Mary Barnard.. grandson William Barnard and his three sisters (unnamed).. son in law Peter Barnard and grandson William Barnard.. (both named as Executors)

George S and Elizabeth Stovin
George was the son of Jonathan Stovin (1705-1759) and Dorthy Hartshome (1710-1747).
Children of George and Elizabeth: 1770 George Lister, 1772 James Stovin Lister, 1775 Elizabeth Lister, 1777 James Lister, 1778 Susannah Stovin (+1779), 1782 Susannah Stovin, 1785 Sophia Lister.
It appears that George Stovin later named himself George Lister.
Tetly Hall was soon after 1800 restructured and aggrandized, most likely by George's eldest son. The current Tetly Hall is listed as heritage.

John Henry Maw and Elizabeth Lister
A good Yorkshire County family (FHM). JHW studied at Cambridge, Clare college (1779). He was sometime Deputy Lieutenant of one of the ridings (1/3 county) of Yorkshire.  The family estate was in the isle of Axholm, a former island on the south-branch of the Humber, south of the town York (see the 19th cent. map). This area had been a veritable island during the 16th and 17th centuries (during the Little Ice Age; see Fagan 2000).
John married three times.
- 1. Margaret Stovin and they had ten children: 1783 John Henry Shaw M, 1785 Margaret, 1786 Richard, 1789 Thomas, 1790 Elizabeth Ann (+1795), 1792 Dorothy, 1793 George, 1794 Sarah, 1795 Emma(+1797), 1797 Frederick. The Stovin family claimed being descended from Stephen Stovin, the bow-bearer to William the Conqueror.
- 2. Emma Clapham, but she died soon.
- 3. Elizabeth Lister. Children: 1801 Henry Lister M, 1802 James Stovin M (+1812), 1785 Elizabeth Georgeina Sophia, 1807 Caroline, 1813, Edwin.
It is said that Caroline was bullied by two of her half-sisters (FHM).

John was a Cambridge man. He was a short man, and rather plain, but good and kind (FHM). John died of asthma, having been taken care of by his quite younger wife. His grave plate in St.Andrew's Church, Epsworth, reads: Sacred to the Memory of John Henry Maw, Esquire: Of Belle-Vue Near Doncaster in the Country of York, who departed this life June 23rd Anno Domini 1826 in the sixty seventh year of his age. "The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish when he sleeps in dust." Psalm 112
About his grandmother Elizabeth (FHM p.50): she was tall and slender, with small good features, black, very curly hair, very blue eyes, very good figure; she was considered a beauty, and was very active right up to her death. She walked along like a young girl, perfectly upright, and very fast. She was also possessed, like many of the Norman race, by a keenly sarcastic humour. I was awfully afraid of her as a child. She used to call my mother Caroline in a way that seemed to go through me, but my mother was devoted to her, and was a most dutiful daughter always.
Elizabeth Lister moved to Birkenhead where son Edwin had ironworks. She died there. She was buried in the grave of her husband in Epsworth and the inscription reads: Also Elizabeth Lister relict of the above John Henry Maw who died Oct 6th 1853. "Trusting in Jesus - Nothing in my hand I bring only to thy cross I cling." Rev.14,15.

FHM= "Family History" by J.H.Menzies (*1840), illustrated with numerous drawings by himself. The book gives the ancestry and history up to 1877. Republished in 2003, ISBN 1-877242-26-8.
Fagan, B., 2000. "The Little Ice Age"; ISBN 0-465-02272-3.
The information given (except the pictures) has been extracted from FHM. Further (official) information was taken from the John Maw and the Clement-Jones genealogy.

(2017.03.19)   initiated April 2013