Ancestry of John Menzies (*1743)

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Robert Menzies












Robert Menzies
+ Edinburg?

nn Stewart





Alexander Menzies



John Menzies
* 1743

x N.N.


The family name Menzies is pronounced "Mengis".

The Castle Menzies in Scotland. Drawing by John Henry Menzies (*1839) made on a visit there in 1855 (see FHM p.35).

History   (see Clan Menzies).
Menzies is most likely Norman in origin with the family originating from Mesnières near Rouen (on the Seine in France).
The Menzies' came north at some point and were granted lands in Lothian (Scotland) in the 12th Century, almost certainly in exchange for military service. This is the same route that other Scottish clans with Norman origins, such as Bruce, Moray (Murray) and St. Clair (Sinclair), took to establish themselves in Scotland.
The first definitive chief was Sir Robert de Meyneris, who became Chamberlain to King Alexander II in 1249. At some point he received a grant of lands in West Atholl, including Culdares and Duneaves. Part of the condition of the grant is that Sir Robert became 'loco pateris' to the people of the lands in accordance with Gaelic custom.
His son, Sir Alexander Menzies, was granted the lands of Aberfeldy and Weem. He further extended these possessions due to his support of Bruce during the War of Independence (~1300-1328) at the expense of some of his neighbours who had supported Comyn's claim to the crown.
Once established in Weem the same family lived there for over four hundred years and was at one time the oldest family in Strathtay.
At the peak of their power, the Menzies' held a significant swathe of the Central Highlands which included Weem, the Appin of Dull and Rannoch. They also held land in Lothian and in Aberdeenshire. The Chief of the Clan was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1665.
During the Jacobite rebellions the main branch of the clan, the Menzies of Weem strived to be neutral but most of the cadet branches (notably Menzies of Shian and Menzies of Pitfodel) fought in all the battles on the Jacobite side.

Robert Menzies
Perhaps a younger son of the then head of the Clan Menzies, or son of a younger branch of the head family.
Lived around the year 1600, probably was lawyer in Edinburgh. Is said to have married a daughter from the house of the Laird of Drummoehary. He had three sons, the oldest Robert, and no daughters.

Crown lawyer in Edinburg. Married a Lairds daughter of the name of Stewart.
Had several children, among them the youngest son Alexander.

Owned whaling ships sailing from Aberdeen.
One child: 1743 John, who inherited a good sum of money.

All information above is taken from the first chapter of "Family history to 1877" by J.H.Menzies; ISBN 1-877242-26-8 (FHM)

(2017.04.12)   original 2013.07.25