- Quick links:
- German ALMA Community Day 2025
- Announcement for early proposal planning
- Proposal Preparation Support: Online Resources
- Dual-anonymous Guidelines
- Information on the proposal review process
- LEGO ALMA - Radiointerferometrie verstehen leicht gemacht
- ALMA Status Page
- ALMA Configuration Schedule
- The German ARC node:
- Home
- About us
- Visiting us
- Contact
- ARC staff
- Newsletter
- Host institutes:
- University of Bonn
- University of Cologne
- Impressum
- Datenschutzerklärung
- The European ARC:
- European ALMA Regional Centre
- ALMA Science Portal
- ALMA Helpdesk
- European ARC nodes:
- German node
- Allegro (Dutch node)
- Italian node
- U.K. node
- Nordic node
- IRAM node
- Czech node
- External links:
- ALMA for the public
- ALMA at the NA ARC
- ALMA at the EA ARC
User support at the German ARC node
Within the European ALMA Regional Center (EU-ARC) network, the face-to-face support of ALMA users and prospective ALMA users lies exclusively with the regional ARC nodes.
As soon as an ALMA proposal by a PI within the European executive is approved, s/he will be assigned a trained member of the supporting ARC node as contact scientist. The contact scientist will guide the PI through all further steps of observation preparation, data taking, and where applicable data reduction and analysis.
Even before that stage, ARC node staff support (prospective) ALMA users with technical advice during proposal writing and/or educational events.
In particular, we offer the following user support:
- technical advice at the proposal stage
- one-on-one support during the creation of scheduling blocks
- help with the reduction of ALMA data with CASA
- advice on the data analysis (if applicable)
- advice in areas of special expertise (EU-ARC-wide)
- computing infrastructure to efficiently handle the reduction of regular ALMA data sets
In addition, we reach out to the broader astromonical community with a variety of events to facilitate access to ALMA for non-radio astronomers:
- a lecture on Radio Interferometry including a hands-on CASA tutorial, held annually (remote participation welcome!)
- a lecture on Radio Astronomy as a general introduction to the field, held annually
- ALMA Community Days (annually, before the proposal deadline)
- ALMA Users' Meetings (annually, in between the Community Days)
- a newsletter/newsflashes geared towards the local community and
- frequent contributions to the European ARC newsletter
- ALMA talks in seminars and at scientific conferences