- Quick links:
- German ALMA Community Day 2025
- Announcement for early proposal planning
- Proposal Preparation Support: Online Resources
- Dual-anonymous Guidelines
- Information on the proposal review process
- LEGO ALMA - Radiointerferometrie verstehen leicht gemacht
- ALMA Status Page
- ALMA Configuration Schedule
- The German ARC node:
- Home
- About us
- Visiting us
- Contact
- ARC staff
- Newsletter
- Host institutes:
- University of Bonn
- University of Cologne
- Impressum
- Datenschutzerklärung
- The European ARC:
- European ALMA Regional Centre
- ALMA Science Portal
- ALMA Helpdesk
- European ARC nodes:
- German node
- Allegro (Dutch node)
- Italian node
- U.K. node
- Nordic node
- IRAM node
- Czech node
- External links:
- ALMA for the public
- ALMA at the NA ARC
- ALMA at the EA ARC
Contacting the German ARC node
The German ARC node is a collaboration between the University of Cologne and the University of Bonn with financial support by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. The headquarters of the German ARC node are located at:
German ARC node
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie,
Universität Bonn,
Auf dem Hügel 71,
D-53121 Bonn,
For questions regarding ALMA proposal preparation, data reduction of ALMA observations with CASA and other ALMA-related inquiries please contact the ALMA helpdesk. Face-to-face visits to the German ARC node should be requested via the ALMA helpdesk as well. For general inquiries, public outreach or if you are uncertain who to contact, you are welcome to send an email to arc (at) astro.uni-bonn.de.