Some notable press releases based on our research work:
Your morning coffee: (German mirror)
Sverre Aarseth's N-body page (downloading and guidance for NBODY6 N-body code; older versions are also available)
Harris' catalog of Milky Way globular clusters
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Colloquia schedule at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie.
Stellar Populations and Dynamics Group
Check out for astronomy meetings at the Canadian Astronomy Data Center
Feel free to get the interesting talk slides at the MODEST14 program page
Also the slides at the Aarseth Glühwein N-body meeting (2012) program page
Photos from the Aarseth N-body meeting (2012)
Photos from the MODEST14 conference (2014) (by Eugene Vasiliev)
Photos from the MODEST14 conference (2014) (by Fabian Lüghausen)