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- University of Bonn
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- Onsala Space Observatory
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- Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Universität Bonn
Auf dem Hügel 71,
D-53121 Bonn,
Germany - apexsz (at) astro.uni-bonn.de
- tel:+49 (0)228 733670
fax:+49 (0)228 731775
Last Modified: Monday, 01-Feb-2010 10:27:19 UTC
Research Projects
The entropy floor of galaxy clusters
Galaxy clusters contain most of their visible baryonic mass in the form of a diffuse plasma that fills up the space between the galaxies. Studying of this intra-cluster medium is an active field of cosmological research, as it helps us to estimate the mass of the cluster dark matter halos, and to use the clusters as cosmological tools. The entropy of the intra-cluster medium is an excellent tracer of all the heating and cooling processes that have taken place inside the cluster. Our work combining X-ray and millimeter data has opened a new model-independent way to estimate the entropy of this diffuse plasma, and to estimate the "height of the entropy floor", which is essentially a measure of the energy injected into the intra-cluster medium by non-gravitational processes. The goal of this project is to estimate the intra-cluster entropy for one or two clusters, and then compare these values with the predictions from some popular parametric models.