'startx -- :1 -bpp 24&'thus the standard 8-Bit X server (accessible by pressing 'Ctrl-Alt-F7') is 0, i.e. you activate X output to that display from another machine by 'setenv DISPLAY aibnxx:0.0', while the new 24 Bit server is 1, i.e. you activate X output to this new display from another machine by 'setenv DISPLAY aibnxx:1.0'.
'cd44ul', 'mkdir patch', 'cd patch', 'ftp ftp.gwdg.de', 'cd /linux/kernel/v2.0/', 'bin', 'hash', 'get patch-2.0.31.gz', 'bye', 'gzip -d patch-2.0.31.gz', [root on a Linux machine:] 'cd /usr/src', 'cp -Rdp linux-2.0.30 linux-2.0.31', 'rm linux', 'ln -s linux-2.0.31 linux', 'mkdir /usr/src/v2.0.30', 'cd /usr/src/v2.0.30', 'ln -s ../linux-2.0.30 linux', 'cd /usr/src', 'patch -p0 < /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/patch/patch-2.0.31', 'cd linux', 'rm -f `find . -name "*.orig"`', 'make menuconfig' [proceed in the normal way to create a kernel, see below].Software not included in the distribution was installed to '/usr/lib' or '/usr/astro', with symbolic links in '/usr/bin' for the executables.
The entire system (configuration, additional installed software packages,
help system, new glibc and kernel 2.2.x based distribution
[S.u.S.E. <--?--> Debian])
will be changed till mid 1999.
First steps had been done by installing all software not part of the
underlying distribution in a directory structure rooting
in '/usr/astro'.
New software (after beeing tested in user directories) will be installed
in this directory on the 'aibn46' (something like a master copy).
After testing that everything works (execution, man-pages etc.)
the whole tree structure will be synchronized by
Its remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the differences
between two sets of files across the network link, beeing done by the
following commands:
'rsync -avzn --delete aibn46:/usr/astro /usr'for testing and
'rsync -avz --delete aibn46:/usr/astro /usr'to do it.
'a' - archive, i.e. recursion and preservation, 'delete' - deleting files on the receiving side that aren't on the sending side, 'v' - verbose, i.e. increase in given information, 'z' - compress, transferring compressed data on slow links, 'n' - dry-run, i.e. not transferring any data but reporting about the faked action.
'cd /usr/src/linux', 'make menuconfig' (setting the features of the new kernel), 'make dep; make clean; make zImage' (creating the new kernel), 'cd /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot', 'mv zImage /boot/kernel.2.0.30', 'cd /', 'mv vmlinuz /boot/kernel.2.0.30.old', 'ln -s /boot/kernel.2.0.30 /vmlinuz' 'ln -s /boot/kernel.2.0.30.old /vmlinuz.old' 'cd /etc', 'vi liloconf' (add the old kernel 'vmlinuz.old'), 'lilo' (setting the LinuxLoader to the current configuration), 'reboot' (rebooting the system to load the new kernel).
'Option "power_saver"'.Don't forget to check the configuration of the window manager, normally 'fvwm2', which is done for root and a user whithout a personal configuration file '~/.fvwm2rc' by the file '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc'.
'vi /etc/login.defs' (search for "CONSOLE" and comment this line by a leading '#'; this enables root login from everywhere [with password of course]), 'vi /etc/rc.config' (there must be the line 'START_SMB ="no"' for no Samba support), 'vi /root/.rhosts' (normally, this file will be created on a new machine and should contain the following lines: 'aibn25 root', 'aibn31 root', 'aibn32 root', 'aibn33 root', 'aibn34 root', 'aibn42 root', 'aibn43 root', 'aibn44 root', 'aibn45 root', 'aibn55 root', 'aibn58 root', 'aibn70 root', 'aibn71 root', 'aibn90 root', 'aibn91 root'), 'chmod 600 /root/.rhosts' (the same as: 'chmod u+rw /root/.rhosts'), 'vi /etc/inetd.conf' (replace the line 'shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rshd -L' by the line 'shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rshd -Lh' and replace the line 'login stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rlogind' by the line 'login stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rlogind -h'), [no updating "inetd":] 'ps -guxa | grep inetd' (look for process ID: PID), 'kill -HUP PID' (replace PID by the number you got by the 'ps' command above; this command will restart "inetd" and it is described in the file '/etc/inetd.conf').
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1 /dev/hda4 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda1 /dosc msdos defaults 0 0 /dev/hdb1 /aibn45_2 ext2 defaults 1 2 ... /dev/hdd /cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide ... aibn40:/local /local nfs rw,soft,bg 0 0 ... # Device Mount-Point Type Options Dump CheckThe line with '/cdrom' ensures that any user is able to mount ('mount /cdrom') and unmount ('umount /cdrom') the local CD ROM (650 kB).
'cd /sbin/init.d', './nfsserver stop' (you will get the message: 'Shutting down NFS server: SIGTERM rpc.mountd SIGTERM rpc.nfsd'), './nfsserver start'or on Debian systems:
'cd /etc/init.d', './nfs-server stop' (you will get the message: 'Stopping NFS servers: mountd nfsd.'), './nfs-server start' (you will get the message: 'Starting NFS servers: nfsd mountd.').If a new machine needs a password every time you 'rlogin' or 'rsh' from another AIUB machine, one has to copy a file giving equivalent hosts, e.g.
'rcp aibn44:/etc/hosts.equiv hosts.equiv'.
1) adding new disks to automounter: [as root on aibn75:] cd /aibn75_1/install/autofs vi auto.vol vi amd.links 2) starting new automounter on a system, e.g. aibn35: [as root on aibn35:] cd /aibn75_1/install/autofs ./install_amd.sh ~~~~~~--- old SuSE systems, no longer available ---~~~~~~ [as root on aibn38:] 'cd ~sysstw/linux/inst/files', 'vi amd.links' (list of necessary links to historical mountpoints); 'vi amd.stw' (replacement of 'fstab', example: '# default options', '/defaults opts:=rw,intr,soft,nosuid,grpid;fs:=${autodir}${rfs}', '#', '# aibn-Volumes', 'aibn25_1a host!=aibn25;type:=nfs;rhost:=aibn25;rfs:=/${key} \', ' || type:=link;fs:=/export/${key}' and further lines); [as root on aibn??:] '~sysstw/linux/inst/install amd'.
'cd /', '/softw90/linux/mo_utils/make_j_dirs' (if not done before), 'cp /softw90/linux/INSTALL/etc/motab_Beispiel /etc/motab', 'vi /etc/motab' (for each MO one line, e.g.: '/j00a', and make sure that you have mounted the harddisk accessed before mounting of MOs, e.g. with 'vi /etc/fstab' and by adding the line 'aibn58:/aibn58_0 /aibn58_0 nfs rw,soft,bg 0 0'), 'vi /etc/rc.config' (add the following lines: # # Start MO_MOUNT? (yes/no) # START_MO_MOUNT=yes after START_XNTPD=yes or START_LPD=yes), 'cp /softw90/linux/INSTALL/sbin/init.d/mo_mount /sbin/init.d/mo_mount', 'ln -s /sbin/init.d/mo_mount /sbin/init.d/rc3.d/S19momount' (done automatically with option 'start' when starting the system), 'ln -s /sbin/init.d/mo_mount /sbin/init.d/rc3.d/K30momount' (done automatically with option 'stop' when performing system shutdown).When problems occur while booting, the MOs specified in '/etc/motab' are not mounted. In that case one has to enter:
'/sbin/init.d/mo_mount start'.
'fdisk /dev/hd?' (changing/viewing the partions of the harddisk ? [e.g. hdc for 3rd disk, i.e. master of the 2nd eIDE channel] with the following commands: 'm': help/menu, 'p': show all partitions, 'l': list all types of partition IDs [swap, DOS, etc.; see 't'], 'v': verify the entire partition table, 'n': creating a new partition, 't': setting a partition ID [see 'l'], 'a': setting the boot flag, 'd': deleting an existing partition, 'q': quit without saving, 'w': writing the partition table and quit [please perform 'v' in advance to be sure of the result];) 'mkfs -t ext2 -i 4096 -m 1 /dev/hdc1' (making file system "ext2" on the 1st partition of the 3rd IDE harddisk with 4 kB inode density and 1% space reserved for root) [after these steps the harddisk can be mounted in the normal way via 'fstab', see above].
'vi /sbin/init.d/boot.local' (for SYS V based system, for others another bootup script). Inserting the line: 'hdparm -c3 /dev/hdX' This may boost xfer performance by 75%; testable via: 'hdparm -t -T /dev/hdX' (replacing X by an appropriate number).
Mode | Maximum Transfer Rate / [MB/s] |
Cycle Time /[ns] |
0 | 16.6 | 120 |
1 | 25.0 | 80 |
2 | 33.3 | 60 |
3 | 44.4 | 45 |
4 | 66.6 | 30 |
PC Professionell 5/99, 142 |
SCSI Protocols | ||
Protocoll | Maximum Transfer Rate / [MB/s] |
Maximum Cable Length /[m] |
SCSI 1 | 5 | 6 |
Fast SCSI (SCSI 2) | 10 | 3 |
Fast/Wide SCSI (SCSI 2) | 20 | 3 |
Ultra SCSI (SCSI 3) | 20 | 3 |
Ultra-Wide SCSI (SCSI 3) | 40 | 1.5 (3) |
Ultra-2 SCSI (LVD) | 40 | 12 |
Ultra-2-Wide SCSI (SCSI 2) | 80 | 12 |
Ultra-3-Wide SCSI | 160 | |
PC Professionell 11/98, 274; 3/00, 15 |
CGA: | 320 | × | 200 | (also MCGA mode) |
EGA: | 640 | × | 350 | |
VGA: | 640 | × | 480 | |
SVGA: | 800 | × | 600 | (VESA mode) |
XGA: | 1024 | × | 768 | (usual for better 17" CRTs or TFTs of 13.3-15.1") |
SXGA: | 1280 | × | 1024 | (used as standard at StwUB; also available as 15.4" TFT) |
SXGA+: | 1400 | × | 1050 | (since 10/99 available as 15" TFT in Laptops) |
??? | 1600 | × | 1280 | |
QXGA: | 2048 | × | 1536 |
For comparison:
A4 paper size: 210 mm × 297 mm,
300 dpi resolution is 2480 × 3508 pel.
Some Acronyms:
CRT: cathode ray tube, LCD: liquid crystal display,
TFT: thin film transistor, CGA: color graphics array,
MCGA: multi CGA, EGA: enhanced graphics array, VGA: video graphics array,
SVGA: super VGA, VESA: Video Electronics Standards Association,
XGA: extended graphics array, pix: picture element, pel: printed element,
dpi: dots per inch (1" = 2.54 cm).
'drive a: file="/dev/fd0" exclusive', 'drive b: file="/dev/fd1" exclusive', '', '# J.M.B.: Iomega Zip drive', 'drive i: file="/dev/hdd4" exclusive', '', '# First SCSI hard disk partition', 'drive c: file="/dev/sda1"', '', '# First IDE hard disk partition', '#drive c: file="/dev/hda1"', '', '#dosemu floppy image', 'drive m: file="/var/lib/dosemu/diskimage"', '', '#dosemu hdimage', 'drive n: file="/var/lib/dosemu/hdimage.first" MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1 MTOOLS_LOWER_CASE=1 MTOOLS_NO_VFAT=1 partition=1 offset=128', '', 'mtools_lower_case=1'.For non-root users accessing the Zip drive root has to type:
'chmod go+rw /dev/hdd4'.If the configuration is O.K., then you can use one of the following commands:
'mdir' (displaying the content of an MSDOS directory, e.g. 'mdir a:' displays the files and directories of the current directory of the inserted 3.5" diskette), 'mcd' (changes a MS-DOS directory), 'mcopy' (copying some MS-DOS files, e.g. 'copy * a:' copies all files of the current directory to the drive 'a:' corresponding to the 3.5" diskette; please note that you can only copy 120 files in the root directory '\' of an MS-DOS filesystem - if you have more files copy them to a subdirectory), 'mdel' (deleting files of an MS-DOS file system, e.g. 'mdel a:' cleans your diskette), 'mmd' (makes an MS-DOS subdirectory), 'rmd' (removes an MS-DOS subdirectory), 'mlabel' (making an MSDOS volume label), 'man mtools' (getting further help about the Mtools).
'rlogin -l username aibn75'and enter the burner directory
'cd /aibn75_4/burner/'where everybody can/should create an own directory named 'username'. From this directory, the burn script can be called:
'burncd'Now you have to decide to burn an Audio or a Data CD:
i (create image), i (use mkisofs), i (input directory with directory tree of data - to be available as '/cdrom' after mounting the burnt CD ROM), . ENTER, j (only if necessary: create joliet filesystem for Win95), d (create image), q (quit), q (quit), b (burn), RETURN, f (fix) q (quit);
p (parameter), a (audio), q (quit), i (image), a (audio tracks), d (toggle /dev/sg0 = SCSI burner | /dev/cdrom = eIDE [faster]), i (read info), 1 Enter (1st track), ..., r (read sel. tracks), Enter, q (quit), q (quit), b (burn), Enter, f (fix), q (quit).
'cp -rdpu /path/dir_orig/ .' (copies all files, links [d: no-dereference] and subdirectories [r: recursively] - keeping the original owner, group, permissions, and timestamps [p: preserve] - of the directory '/path/dir_orig' to './dir_orig' in case that there is no newer non-directory [u: update] which would be replaced, and it will create the directory 'dir_orig' in the actual directory ['.'] if it does not exist; instead of u the parameter i [interactive] can also be used), 'grep "desired search String" ` find /etc -name "*" `' (looking for the string "desired search String" in all files of '/etc' or subdirectories), 'ps auxww' (giving full information about all processes, [user, PID, %CPU, %MEM, SIZE, RSS, TTY, STAT, START, TIME, COMMAND]), 'pstree' (displays a tree of processes), 'top' (displays top CPU processes, with option '-u user' one can specify the processes of a given 'user'), 'kill -9 PID' (kills the process with the process ID PID, e.g. 138), 'which' (shows the path of a given command), 'file' (information about the type of a given object), 'strings' (print the strings of printable characters in files), 'ldd' (lists all used shared libraries, i.e. dependencies, of a specified program), 'gdb program core' (starts the GNU debugger for the program [incl. path] 'program' after it crashed with creating a core-dump file 'core'; use the command 'quit' to exit the debugger), 'gcc -Wall -O -o binary_name name.c' (compile, here incl. preprocessor and linker, the C program 'name.c' with all warnings and create an optimized binary 'binary_name'), 'strip' (discard symbols from object files, i.e. reducing the size of binaries making debugging harder), 'make' (starts the utility for maintanance of groups and programs, i.e. working according to the local file 'GNUmakefile', 'makefile' or 'Makefile' [searched for in that order]), 'make clean' (erasing the temporary files [object files, backups etc.] of the previous runs of make), 'make -n' (simulates a run of make with all massages), 'dmesg' (printing boot messages), 'tail -f /var/log/messages' (printing the last 10 and additional new lines of message file), 'pnpdump' (printing plug&play information), 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' (printing CPU information; similar information available for: 'pci', 'ioports', 'interrupts', 'sound', 'version', 'modules', 'meminfo', 'filesystems', 'devices', 'partitions', 'mounts', 'swaps', 'stat'), 'lsmod' (list loaded kernel modules), 'uptime' (shows the system up time), 'netstat' (displays network data), 'route' (show / manipulate the IP routing table), Please note that one should only use the appropriate package software, rpm on SuSE and dpkg (and *apt*) on Debian sytems. 'rpm -qa' (giving all installed software packages in the Redhat package format RPM), 'rpm -qilp package.rpm' (Giving general info and the files of package), 'rpm -U package.rpm' (installing or updating package), 'rpm -V package' (verify installation of package), 'rpm -e package' (deleting package), 'dpkg -l > packagelist.txt' (giving list of all installed software packages and direct info to packagelist.txt), 'dpkg --purge tcl8.2-dev' (explicitly deleting a package, here 'tcl8.2-dev'), 'dpkg --configure --pending' (solving problems during former installation process), 'apt-get update' (getting new package lists; make sure that the FTP server is right, i.e. the following line should exist in '/etc/apt/sources.list': 'deb ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free'), 'apt-get upgrade' (updating all installed and now improved new packages), 'apt-get clean' and 'apt-get autoclean' (deleting installed package format files), 'apt-get install console-apt' (installing packages, here 'console-apt'), 'capt' or 'console-apt' (starting the convenient, ncurses-based install menu program, which is a semi-replacement for dselect and apt-get; now I give a list of valid keys also available by '?' [help does not work from xterm but console], which are similar to vi commands: Cursor keys (or 'j', 'h', 'k' 'l') and page keys (or 'Ctrl'-'F'|'B') for browsing through the displayed package list, 'u' for updating the list, 'U' for upgrading all installed packages, 'g' to go to the beginning of the list, 'Shift'-'g' for the end, '/' search specified string in the page list, 'n' going to next match, 'c' to clear search markers, 's' for specifying the sort criterium, 'enter' for package description, 'R' to re-initialize package cache, 'blank' (or '+') to mark a package for installation, 'tab' (or '-') to mark a package for deletion, 'backspace' (or 'i') to complete pending package removals and installs, 'q' to end/quit the program), 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb1 /mnt' (mount the "ext2" filesystem of the 1st partition of the 2nd IDE harddisk to the mountpoint '/mnt' - this directory should exist without containing files), 'mount -t nfs obelix:/aibn75_1 /mnt' (mount the "NFS" filesystem from 'aibn75' alias 'obelix' to the mountpoint '/mnt'), 'mke2fs -m 0 -i 4096 -c /dev/hda8' (creating a Linux second extended file system (ext2) on '/dev/hda8', i.e. the 8th partition of the 1st eIDE HD, with 0% reserved space for super-user and a bytes/inode ratio of 4096, both suitable for a data disk, and check the device for bad blocks before creating the file syste - advisable on new HDs), 'dd if=/dev/fd0 of=dump.dat count=2880' (making an image of the floppy disk in the current directory as dump.dat), 'dd of=/dev/fd0 if=dump.dat count=2880' (restoring the image dump.dat to the floppy disk), 'mkfs -t minix /dev/fd0' (creating a "minix" filesystem on the floppy disk, e.g. to keep the package selection for installing/updating with YaST), 'mount -t minix /dev/fd0 /mnt' (mounting the floppy disk with "minix" filesystem), 'mount -t msdos /dev/sdb4 /zip' (mounting the 100 MB SCSI Zip disk with "MS DOS" filesystem), 'xhost +IP-address' (allowing to redirect X output from 'IP-address', e.g. 'aibn45', to the local host by the person directly logged in localhost), 'setenv DISPLAY=IP-address:0.0' (redirecting X output to the given IP-address), 'lpc' (line printer control program, mostly done on 'aibn70' for our standard printer 'lps3'; you should first try the 'help' or '?' command in the program, mostly one has to give the command 'clear lps3' etc.), 'mc' (starts the "Midnight Commander", a directory browser/file manager for Unix-like operating systems), 'dig eso.org eso.org any any' (getting information about an E-Mail address, here 'eso.org'), 'nslookup' (getting computer names for ID, try '' for our 'aibn55'), 'finger name@computer' (getting information about 'name' on the machine 'computer').See also the commads for managing DEC systems.
'date' (getting the UNIX system time), Old SuSE systems: 'clock -r' (reading the CMOS/hardware/HW clock), 'date 072415461999' (setting the UNIX system time to 24.07.1999 15:46, i.e. MMDDhhmmYYYY), 'clock -w' (writing the UNIX system time to the CMOS clock, so the time information is valid after shutting down | rebooting the system); New Debian (2.2) system: 'hwclock --localtime' (setting hardware/HW/CMOS clock interpretation to local time, see also '/etc/adjtime'), 'hwclock --adjust' (adjusting clock concerning systematic drift), 'hwclock --show' (printing HW clock), 'hwclock --set --date="11/27/99 13:05:40"' (setting HW time to 27th Nov. 1999 at 13:05:40 local time), 'hwclock --hctosys' (setting system time to HW data, also done by booting), Setting a time after an Ultrix machine: 'netdate aibn55'.
'cp /softw90/linux/INSTALL/etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf', 'cp /softw90/linux/INSTALL/etc/ntp.keys /etc/ntp.keys', 'vi /etc/rc.config' (add the following lines: # # Start XNTP daemon? (yes/no) # START_XNTPD=yes after START_LPD and before START_MO_MOUNT), 'cp /aibn44_usr/local/bin/* /usr/local/bin', 'cp /softw90/linux/INSTALL/sbin/init.d/xntpd /sbin/init.d/xntpd', 'ln -s /sbin/init.d/xntpd /sbin/init.d/rc3.d/K15xntpd', 'ln -s /sbin/init.d/xntpd /sbin/init.d/rc3.d/S16xntpd'.
'cd /usr/bin', 'ln -s /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/system/unix/inmidas', 'ln -s /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/system/unix/gomidas', 'ln -s /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/system/unix/helpmidas';Make the libraries available:
'vi /etc/ld.so.conf', add the line: '/usr/lib/midas/96NOV/lib', '/sbin/ldconfig';Make MIDAS man-pages available:
'cd /usr/man/manl' 'cp /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/system/unix/manl/*.l .'.Support is available as:
Electronic mail: midas@eso.org (Internet), Post: Data Management Division - User Support Group. Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen Germany - Telephone: (+49) 89/32006456 - Telefax: (+49) 89/3202362 - Anonymous ftp: ftphost.hq.eso.org ( - WWW : http://http.hq.eso.org/midas-info/midas.html - mailing lists: midas-announce (for official announcements) midas-users (for general discussion). To subscribe send an e-mail to "midas-announce-request" or "midas-users-request" with the text "subscribe" in the body of the mail.The latest version MIDAS 96NOVpl2.1 had been installed with source codes on 'aibn45' by the following commands:
'cd /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211', 'tar tvZf 96NOVpl2.0_src.tar.Z > midsrc.lis', 'tar tvzf 96NOVpl2.0.tar.gz > mid.lis' (looking for the content of the two main tar archives), 'cd /usr/lib/midas', 'tar xvfZ /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211/96NOVpl2.0_src.tar.Z', 'tar xvfZ /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211/patch96NOVpl2.1_src.tar.Z' (Sources with patch for sources), [For static MOTIF libraries: edit '96NOV/local/make_options': < X_LIBS=-lXm -lXext -lXt -lX11 > X_LIBS=-lXm -lXext -lXt -lX11 -lXpm] 'cd 96NOV/install/unix', './config' (Setting up the configuration of the sources [pressing Enter]: 3 - select all MIDAS packages 5 - preinstall MIDAS 8 - setup MIDAS ( next steps only necessary when no binaries are available: 6 - install MIDAS 9 - clean MIDAS [after testing!]) ), 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211/96NOVpl2.0.tar.gz', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211/patch96NOVpl2.1.tar.gz', 'tar xvfZ /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211/calib.tar.Z', 'tar xvfZ /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211/demo.tar.Z' (Un-tarring the 4 Linux binary archives).This installation was ported to e.g. 'aibn43' by the following commands:
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211_tar/midas211.tgz midas/', [on aibn43 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211_tar/midas211.tgz' (the made directory 'midas' will use 124 MB of disk space, campared to 92 MB of the older version without sources; additionally one has to do the links, library and man-pages steps if this was not done for an old version, which should be moved by 'mv midas midas_old' and after the new version has prooved stable should be removed by: 'rm -rf midas_old/').
'cd /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/contrib/daophot/src', 'vi allstar.for' (replacing '1600 ... ' by 'size of 2048 * 2048 (= 4194304) pixels' and including: 'contact jbraun@astro.uni-bonn.de (J.M.B.)', replacing '2560000' by '4194304' [parameter 'MAXFRM']), 'vi daophot.for' (doing analogous changes, but for parameter 'MAXPIC'), 'vi ../../../local/default.mk' (change a line to: 'MIDASHOME=/usr/lib/midas'), 'cd /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/contrib/daophot/libsrc', 'make' (creating the DAOPHOT library), 'cd /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/contrib/daophot/src', 'make' (creating the new DAOPHOT binaries).
Warning: | Both 'allstar' and 'daophot' statically allocate memory, so the used machine has to have enough memory! |
C CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'--------------------------------------------------------------', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2' W A R N I N G ', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' ',ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'This version of DAOPHOT can be used for frames with a maximum ', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'size of 2048 * 2048 (= 4194304) pixels. In case your frame is ', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'large than this value, DAOPHOT will not be able to process it.', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'In such case, please contact jbraun@astro.uni-bonn.de, alias ', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'Jochen M. Braun (AIUB, 3.08, aibn45) [(c) ESO JMB O-MC]', 2ISTAT) CALL STTPUT(' '// 2'--------------------------------------------------------------', 2ISTAT) CIt was copied by:
'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/midas211_tar/daophot.exe /usr/lib/midas/96NOV/contrib/exec/'.
'mkdir /usr/astro', 'ln -s /usr/astro /astro', 'mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /cdrom', 'cd /cdrom/install', './runme-first', (This and the next command will create and) './runme-second', (populate the directory '/home/astro'.) './install' (!! Must be started in an xterm !!) (If there occur problems with the libraries, do: 'setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /astro/lib' [for 'tcsh'] or 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/astro/lib' [for 'bash']), activate 'Install to run from hard disk', click on all packages which should be installed (for IRAF: 'IRAF', 'IRAFBIN' and 'IRAFPKG', for HTML helpfiles: 'HTMLDOCS');Some links and pipes:
'ln -s /astro /iraf', 'ln -s /astro/iraf/dev/imtoolrc /usr/local/lib/imtoolrc', 'ln -s /astro/iraf/unix/hlib/libc/iraf.h /usr/include/iraf.h', 'mknod -m 777 /dev/imt1i p', 'mknod -m 777 /dev/imt1o p', 'ln -s /dev/imt1o /dev/imt1', 'cd /usr/bin', 'ln -s /home/astro/start.iraf iraf', 'ln -s /astro/bin/cl cl'.Installation of the old aout graphics library from the 1st S.u.S.E. CD-ROM:
Icon SuSE, yast, adjustment of inst., sel. inst. med., in.f.cd, ATAPI EIDE, on controller 1 as slave (/dev/hdd), Esc, Start/set up inst., change/create config, x (package selection), oldlibs6 (mark with blank), F10 (not Esc!), F10, Start installation, main menu, Enter, exit YaST.Porting the above installation to e.g. 'aibn42' whithout using the CD:
'rlogin -l root aibn42', 'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir iraf2104', 'cd iraf2104', 'ln -s /usr/lib/iraf2104 /usr/lib/iraf', 'cp -Rdv /aibn44_usr/astro/* .', (this copies 245 MB - so be patient), 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/iraf_h/iraf_h.tgz' (created with 'tar cvfz iraf_h.tgz /home' on aibn44 as root), 'mkdir /home' (if absent), 'ln -s /usr/lib/iraf/home/astro /home/astro', 'ln -s /usr/lib/iraf /usr/astro', 'ln -s /usr/astro/iraf/dev/imtoolrc /usr/local/lib/imtoolrc', 'ln -s /usr/astro/iraf/unix/hlib/libc/iraf.h /usr/include/iraf.h', 'cd /usr/bin', 'ln -s /home/astro/start.iraf iraf', 'ln -s /usr/lib/iraf/bin/cl cl', 'ln -s /usr/lib/iraf /iraf', 'ln -s /usr/lib/iraf /astro' (for the installed packages like 'stsdas'), 'vi /home/astro/start.iraf': '#!/bin/bash', 'export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/lib/iraf/bin', 'export iraf=/usr/lib/iraf/iraf/', 'export IRAFARCH=linux', 'saoimage &', 'cl'.or via the new sysstw-account on 'aibn38':
[jbraun on aibn42:] 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/iraf_tar/iraf2104.tgz iraf2104/' (creating the tar-archive for installations), [root on aibn??:] '~sysstw/linux/inst/install iraf'.
'ln -s /usr/lib/ns301/netscape /usr/bin/ns3' 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns301/ /usr/lib/ns3' 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns301 /usr/lib/netscape' (!! Change only the above link for a new version !!), 'ln -s /usr/lib/netscape/netscape /usr/bin/netscape';Java-file in desired path:
'mkdir /usr/local/netscape/java/classes/', 'cp /usr/lib/netscape/java_301 /usr/local/netscape/java/classes'.Porting it to other Linux Workstations by the following commands:
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns301.tgz ns301/', [on aibn44 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns301.tgz' (the made directory 'ns301' will use 5 MB of disk space; additionally one has to create the symbolic links as described above).
'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir ns402b7', 'cd ns402b7', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns402b7/* .', 'gzip -dc communicator-v402b7-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz | tar -xvf -' (this will create many files in the active directory), 'rm communicator-v402b7-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz', 'mkdir java/', 'mkdir java/classes/', 'mv *.jar ./java/classes/' (JAVA classes), 'gzip -dc nethelp-v402b7.nif | tar -xf -', 'gzip -dc netscape-v402b7.nif | tar -xf -', 'gzip -dc spellchk-v402b7.nif | tar -xf -', 'rm *.nif'.Changing the link to the new directory:
'rm /usr/lib/netscape', 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns402b7 /usr/lib/netscape'.Additionally each user should add in the Linux branch of his '~/.cshrc' file the following lines:
'# For the new Netscape Communicator 4.02b7', ' setenv MOZILLA_HOME /usr/lib/ns402b7' (for '~/.bashrc' you need the following two lines instead: 'MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/ns402b7', 'export MOZILLA_HOME').These steps were done on the 'aibn45', and then the installation was ported to e.g. 'aibn43' by the following commands:
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src', 'mkdir ns_tar', 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns402b7.tgz ns402b7/', [on aibn43 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns402b7.tgz' (the made directory 'ns402b7' will use 23 MB of disk space; additionally one has to create the symbolic links as described above).
'cd /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src', 'mkdir ns403b8_pad', 'cd ns403b8_pad', 'ftp ftp.uni-paderborn.de', 'cd /ftp/disk3/unix/netscape/communicator/4.03/4.03b8/english/unix/linux20/navigator_standalone', 'get README.license.txt', 'get README.txt', 'get navigator-v403-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz', 'quit', 'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir ns403b8', 'cd ns403b8', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns403b8_pad/* .', 'gzip -dc navigator-v403-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz | tar -xvf -', 'rm navigator-v403-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz', 'mkdir java/', 'mkdir java/classes/', 'mv *.jar ./java/classes/', 'gzip -dc nethelp-v403.nif | tar -xf -', 'gzip -dc netscape-v403.nif | tar -xf -', 'rm *.nif', 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns403b8/netscape /usr/bin/ns4', 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns403b8/ /usr/lib/ns4'.Additionally each user should add in the Linux branch of his '~/.cshrc' file the following lines:
'# For the new Netscape Navigator 4.03b8', ' setenv MOZILLA_HOME /usr/lib/ns403b8' (for '~/.bashrc' you need the following two lines instead: 'MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/ns403b8', 'export MOZILLA_HOME')and the following line in the '.alias-linux' file:
'alias ns4 "/usr/lib/ns403b8/netscape -install"'.These steps were done on the 'aibn44', and then the installation was ported to e.g. 'aibn43' by the following commands:
[on aibn44 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns403b8.tgz ns403b8/', [on aibn43 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns403b8.tgz' (the made directory 'ns403b8' will use 15 MB of disk space; additionally one has to create the symbolic links as described above).
'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir ns404', 'cd ns404', 'gzip -dc /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns404/navigator-v404-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz | tar -xvf -', 'mkdir java/', 'mkdir java/classes/', 'mv *.jar ./java/classes/', 'gzip -dc nethelp-v404.nif | tar -xf -', 'gzip -dc netscape-v404.nif | tar -xf -', 'rm *.nif', 'rm /usr/bin/ns4', 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns404/netscape /usr/bin/ns4', 'rm /usr/lib/ns4', 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns404/ /usr/lib/ns4', 'rm -f /usr/lib/netscape', 'ln -s /usr/lib/ns4 /usr/lib/netscape'.Porting it to other Linux Workstations by the following commands:
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns404.tgz ns404/', [on aibn44 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/ns_tar/ns404.tgz' (the made directory 'ns404' will use 15 MB of disk space; additionally one has to create the symbolic links as described above).
'# For the new Netscape Navigator 4', ' setenv MOZILLA_HOME /usr/lib/ns4' (for '~/.bashrc' you need the following two lines instead: 'MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/ns4', 'export MOZILLA_HOME')and the following line in the '.alias-linux' file:
'alias ns4 "ns4 -install"'.
'~sysstw/linux/inst/install ns'and the user needs only the environment variable 'NSlinux'.
'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir mosaic27b', 'cd mosaic27b', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/mosaic27b5/Mosaic-linux-static-motif-2.7b5.gz .', 'mv Mosaic-linux-static-motif-2.7b5.gz Mosaic.gz', 'gunzip Mosaic.gz' (the file Mosaic will use 9 MB of disk space), 'chmod ugo+x Mosaic', 'ln -s /usr/lib/mosaic27b /usr/lib/Mosaic' (!! Change only the above link for a new version !!), 'ln -s /usr/lib/Mosaic/Mosaic /usr/bin/Mosaic'.
'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir amaya11c', 'cp ~sysstw/linux/amaya/amaya-java-LINUX-1.1c.tar.gz', 'tar xvzf amaya-java-LINUX-1.1c.tar.gz', 'ln -s /usr/lib/amaya11c/Thot/LINUX/bin/amaya /usr/bin/amaya'.
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz ~sysstw/linux/amaya_tar/amaya311c.tgz amaya11c/', [on aibn44 as root] '~sysstw/linux/inst/install amaya' (this made the directory 'amaya11c', which uses 18 MB of disk space).
'rlogin -l root aibn44', 'cd /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/giftrans112', 'make clean;make' (compiling the program), 'rlogin -l root aibnXX' (logging in one of the Linux machines, i.e. XX = 43|44|45), 'make install' (copying the manual page and the binary file in the standard Unix directories).This is no longer necessary cos this program is part of the standard Linux distribution.
Call: giftrans [-options] source.gif > dest.gif Description: The program giftrans is able to create GIFs with transparent backgrounds. This may be useful for the WWW presentations. The current installed version was 1.11. How-to: Typing 'giftrans' will plot: Usage: giftrans [-t color|-T] [-B color] [-b color] [-g oldcolor=newcolor] [-c comment|-C [-l|-L|-V] [-o filename] [-e filename] [filename] Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a, with the folloing changes possible: -t Specify the transparent color -T Index of the transparent color is the background color index -B Specify the transparent color's new value -b Specify the background color -g Change a color in the global color table -c Add a comment -C Remove old comment -l Only list the color table -L Verbose output of GIFs contents -V Verbose output while converting -o Redirect stdout to a file -e Redirect stderr to a file Colors may be specified as index, as rgb.txt entry or in the #rrggbb form. Normally it is sufficient to view the original GIF file with 'xv source.gif' and to press 'e' for color editor. At the top left side the color palette is shown. One has to count the position (e.g. 5th) of the desired background color in the palette (starting with 0, going from line to line (15 lines with 16 columns and 1 line with 10 columns). Thus one has to enter: giftrans -t 5 source.gif > dest.gif and one gets the transparent file dest.gif. I had created the Linux-Logo in that way: 'giftrans -t 248 Logo.gif > Logot.gif' (see /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/patch/Logo.gif)
'chmod 666 /dev/hdd'was done to allow all users access to the CD ROM!
'[login as root on a Linux workstation]', '/aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/cdtool12/inst_cdt.csh' (this will do the following steps: 'echo "Now making the Manual pages for CDTOOL ..."', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/cdtool12/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/', 'ln -s /usr/man/man1/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/cdeject.1.gz', 'ln -s /usr/man/man1/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/cdir.1.gz', 'ln -s /usr/man/man1/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/cdpause.1.gz', 'ln -s /usr/man/man1/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/cdplay.1.gz', 'ln -s /usr/man/man1/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/cdstop.1.gz', 'ln -s /usr/man/man1/cdtool.1.gz /usr/man/man1/cdvolume.1.gz', 'echo "Now installing CDTOOL for Linux ..."', 'mkdir /usr/bin/cdtool', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/cdtool12/cdtool /usr/bin/cdtool/', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/cdtool12/cdadd.sh /usr/bin/cdtool/', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdtool /usr/bin/cdeject', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdtool /usr/bin/cdir', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdtool /usr/bin/cdpause', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdtool /usr/bin/cdplay', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdtool /usr/bin/cdstop', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdtool /usr/bin/cdvolume', 'ln -s /usr/bin/cdtool/cdadd.sh /usr/bin/cdadd').After this installation you can use the following commands:
'cd /usr/lib', 'mkdir asWedit', 'cd asWedit', 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/asWedit30/* .', 'gunzip asWedit-3.0-i386.linux.tar.gz', 'tar xvf asWedit-3.0-i386.linux.tar', 'rm asWedit-3.0-i386.linux.tar', 'mv asWedit-3.0/* .', 'rmdir asWedit-3.0', 'ln -s /usr/lib/asWedit/asWedit /usr/bin/asWedit'.Additional, the user has to add the following lines in his '~/.alias-linux' file:
'alias asWedit "asWedit -helpdir /usr/lib/asWedit/"'.These steps were done on the 'aibn45', and then the installation was ported to e.g. 'aibn43' by the following commands:
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/asWedit30_tar/asWedit30.tgz asWedit/', [on aibn43 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/asWedit30_tar/asWedit30.tgz' (the made directory 'asWedit' will use 2.3 MB of disk space; additionally one has to create the symbolic link as described above).
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/tex_tar/style97.tgz style/' [on aibn39 as root] '~sysstw/linux/inst/install texstyle' (this will create the directory '/usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/tex/style' using 1 MB of disk space).
The above passage is out of date.
New style files are installed in the standard manner.
To see manuals etc. of the locally (where your browser is running)
installed style files, look at the URL:
file:///usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/doc/index.html (SuSE) or
file:///usr/share/doc/texmf/index.html (Debian).
On Debian system one has to do prepare new style files and ducumentation used in StwUB, here demonstrated with 'mnras' subdirectories for style-files of "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society", by:
'slogin -l root aibn75', 'cd /aibn75_1/install/tex/texmf/tex/latex/', 'mkdir mnras', 'cp /special_path/mn.sty ./mnras/' (copying '*.sty' and '*.cls' files), 'cd /aibn75_1/install/tex/doc/texmf/latex/', 'mkdir mnras', 'cp /special_path/*mn*.t?? ./mnras/' (copying documentation files, e.g. '*.txt', '*.tex', '*.ps' etc.), 'cd /aibn75_1/install/tex', 'tar cvfz sysstw_styles.tgz texmf/ doc/' (creating fresh style tar for adding to standard Debian - teTeX tree).and then running a script on every machine, e.g. 'aibn45':
'slogin -l root aibn45', 'cd /aibn75_1/install/tex', './install_tex.sh' (running script making deletion and untarring stuff).Now the TeX system on the given machine nows these style files and the documentations has been added to the local 'index.html'.
'#old (changed in latest Debian, see below): cd /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex', 'cd /usr/share/doc/texmf/latex', 'mkdir mnras', 'cp -dpv documentation_files ./mnras/' (copying [or untarring] all documentation files to the new directory), 'cd /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex', 'mkdir mnras', 'cp -dpv style_2.09_or_class_2e_files ./mnras/' (copying [or untarring] all style/class files to the new directory), 'texhash' (updating the TeX tree by rebuilding all necessary ls-R filename databases), '#old: /usr/share/texmf/doc/mkhtml > /usr/share/texmf/doc/helpindex.html', '/usr/share/doc/texmf/mkhtml > /usr/share/doc/texmf/newhelpindex.html', (this will build the new HTML index with new MNRAS files linked; somtimes 'mkhtml' has to be edited to make links also to '*.txt' files and other interesting documents).
'cd /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240', 'ftp calliope.cis.mcmaster.ca' (username: guest, password: sm2.4.0-97), 'binary', 'get sm2_4_0.tar.gz', 'get sm2_4_0.html.gz', 'get Release_notes', 'quit'.According to a mail from Patricia Monger (E-Mail: monger@mpa-garching.mpg.de), the following steps have been done for installation:
'zcat /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240/sm2_4_0.tar.gz | tar tvf -' (looking for the desired path of the sources), 'cd /usr/lib', 'zcat /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240/sm2_4_0.tar.gz | tar xvf -' (this will create the directory 'sm2_4_0' [the - at the end is important and stands for standard-IO, the message 'Broken Pipe' at the end of the command can be ignored]), 'cd sm2_4_0', 'more sm.install', './set_opts' ('set_opts' will ask several questions and then configures sm for the specified system, e.g. linux, X11, double, [defaults], binaries /usr/lib/sm/bin linkable libraries /usr/lib/sm/lib SM files (e.g. graphcap) /usr/lib/sm info files /usr/lib/sm/info manual pages /usr/man/man1 etc.), 'vi src/options.h' (when the configuration is done, one has to edit this file as 'set_opts' warns one to do: "remove our copyright notice"), 'make', 'chown -R root.root *' (if the owner.group - info is not right), 'strip sm rasterise' (stipping the created two binaries), 'make install', 'make clean'.After this, one has to create the two links for the binaries:
'ln -s /usr/lib/sm/bin/sm /usr/bin/sm', 'ln -s /usr/lib/sm/bin/rasterise /usr/bin/rasterise'.Before starting Supermongo, the user has to create the file '~/.sm', which looks like the following:
'device X11' (using X11 for output), 'TeX_strings 1' (using TeX commands), 'file_type fits' (using pictures in FITS format).The described installation procedere was done on the 'aibn45', and then the installation was ported to e.g. 'aibn43' by the following commands:
[on aibn45 as jbraun] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar cvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240_tar/sm240.tgz sm/', 'cp /usr/man/man1/sm.1.gz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240_tar/', [on aibn43 as root] 'cd /usr/lib', 'tar xvfz /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240_tar/sm240.tgz' (the made directory 'sm' will use 2 MB of disk space; additionally one has to create the symbolic links as described above), 'cp /aibn44_usr/lib/jmb_src/sm240_tar/sm.1.gz /usr/man/man1'.
/sbin/init.d/junkbuster {start|stop}and configured by the files stored in the directory '/usr/local/lib/junkbuster/'. The filtering of banners, advertisments etc. is managed by adding domains or special files to the file 'sblock.ini'.
'cd /etc/mail', 'vi sendmail.cf', ... # "Smart" relay host (may be null) DSaibn55 ... # who gets all local email traffic ($R has precedence for unqualified names) DHaibn55 ...
'vi ~/.procmailrc' (editing or creating of the procmail configuration file), 'vi ~/bin/do_procm.sh' (editing or creating of the Bourne shell script calling procmail), 'cdmail' (alias for going to the mail directory; this and a few other commands should be defined in the personal '~/.alias' file by: 'alias cdmail "cd /.../mails"' [go to your personal mail directory], 'alias post "mailstat /.../mails/procm.log"' [giving report of automatically sorted mails], 'alias rmail "cdmail; mail -f inbox.m"' [reading mails not sorted in special files], 'alias lmail "grep From: /var/spool/mail/username"' [listing actual mails which have not yet been sorted; username has to be replaced adequately], 'alias mailq55 "rsh aibn55 mailq"' [looking for sent mails which got stuck on our mail server]), 'vi rc.folders' (giving the mail folders, i.e. ASCII files, which can be looked at by 'mail -f ...'; they should exist or should be created as 0 byte file by 'touch ...', e.g. in 'do_procm.sh'), 'vi ~/.fvwm2rc' (setting the mail sign from the standard path to the new input folder input.m, e.g. '... Exec coolmail -f /.../inbox.m -geometry ...'), 'vi ~/.login' (appending the following lines: 'if ($MACH == "pc") then', ' post', 'endif' or something similar), 'crontab -e' (editing the cron table on the favourite Linux machine, e.g. adding '0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * $HOME/bin/do_procm.sh' for getting the mails every 5 minutes, this will modify/create the root file '/var/cron/tabs/username'), 'crontab -l' (verifying the crontab entries).
First version: | 01st | May, | 1997 |
Last update: | 29th | September, | 2000 |