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Up: Displaying Spectral Cubes
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The ATNF visualisation software is a suite of programs (outside
) specifically aimed
at displaying spectral-line data cubes. The programs are X-windows based.
Although these visualisation programs are outide the MIRIAD
domain, they can read MIRIAD
data sets directly, so they
can be used to inspect your data while using MIRIAD
The tools available are:
- kubes: This program allows you to inspect one or two 2- or
3-dimensional datasets in several ways. The simplest thing to use it for is as
using xmtv, i.e. displaying a dataset. The difference is that there
more flexibility for zooming, special colourmaps for velocity fields etc. For
3-dimensional datasets one can play the channels, as well as the
RA-VEL and DEC-VEL slices, of the datacube as a movie, in order to get an idea
of the 3D structure of the emission in the datacube.
Another application of kubes is that one can load two datasets -- one
can then look at these two datasets simultanously in several ways, like blinking or
contour one data set on top of the other. The advantage of kubes is that
one has interactive control over zooming, contour levels etc., so it gives more
flexibility than e.g. cgdisp
. This mode of kubes can be used for
overlaying a radio-continuum map on an optical image, or the channels of an HI
datacube on the continuum or an optical image and inspecting this
interactively. Note that for the contouring, the two datasets do not have to
be on the same grid, they should have a proper coordinate system defined. Also
note that the visualisation software can read data in fits format so one
can load images from e.g. skyview directly and overlay MIRIAD
kubes can also produce full colour postscript output of whatever you
- kslice_3D: This program allows to interactively inspect datacubes.
The RA-DEC, RA-VEL and DEC-VEL slices of the datacube are shown simultanuously,
and by moving the cursor one moves through the datacube.
- xray and These two programs do volume
rendering of datacubes. This is very useful for getting an overview of the
emission in data cubes, as well as for finding small errors in continuum
substraction or the cleaning of the cube. The difference between
xray and is that can do adaptive filtering,
while the two programs also offer different ways of rendering the datacube.
To use these programs, you have to set up your environment. At
Epping or Parkes, use
source /applic/karma/.login
source /applic/viz/karma/viz_setup
or at Narrabri, use
source /source/karma/.login
source /applic/viz/karma/viz_setup
To run a program, type the program name, no arguments are required.
More details can be found in the on-line documentation available on the
WWW-pages, or
in a compressed postscript document on the ATNF
Next: Analysing Spectral Cubes
Up: Displaying Spectral Cubes
Previous: Movies and Projecting
Last generated by on 16 Jan 1996