eparam task [task ...]
The name of the task whose parameter set is to be edited.
The eparam command calls up an interactive screen editor to edit the parameters of the named task or tasks. The syntax of the page editor is controlled by the environment variable `editor' which may have the values "edt", "emacs", or "vi". The user may also customize the editor by copying the associated "dev$*.ed" file to their home directory, and editing the file.
The CL parameter "epinit" may be used to set the following options:
Enables or disables use of standout mode (reverse video) in the display.
Controls whether or not hidden parameters are displayed and edited.
The eparam task may be used to edit either ordinary task parameter sets, or named parameter files. The presence or absence of a .par filename extension is used to determine whether an operand is a taskname or a filename. For example,
cl> eparam skypars.par
will edit the parameter file skypars.par in the current directory, whereas
cl> eparam skypars
will edit the parameter set for the pset-task skypars. Lastly, since spypars is a pset-task, we could just type
cl> skypars
to edit or review the contents of the pset.
The parameter file skypars.par in the above example would probably be created using the new colon-command extensions to eparam. The original eparam supported only single keystroke editing commands. The new colon commands are used to enter command lines of arbitrary length to be processed by eparam.
A colon command is entered by typing the colon character (`:') while
the cursor is positioned to the starting column of any value field of the
parameter set being edited. The colon character is not recognized as a
special character beyond column one, e.g., when entering the string value
of a parameter. When colon command mode is entered, the colon character
will be echoed at the start of the bottom line on the screen, and the cursor
will move to the character following the colon, waiting for the command to
be entered. The command is read in raw mode, but the usual delete,
The following eparam colon commands are currently supported. All commands
are carefully error checked before being executed to avoid having eparam
abort with a stack trace. An illegal operation causes colon command entry
mode to be exited, leaving an error message on the command entry line.
All commands which cause editing of the current pset to terminate may include
the ! character to avoid updating the current pset before reading in
the new one or exiting eparam. The default is to update the current pset.
In all cases, pset may be either the name of a task or the name of a
parameter file. Parameter files are always indicated by a .par
extension, even though the actual file may be a .cl file:
only .par files will be written, although either type of file may be
To get out of colon command mode without doing anything, simply type delete
until the colon prompt is deleted and the cursor returns to the parameter
it was positioned to when colon command entry mode was entered.
1. Set standout mode and disable the editing of hidden parameters (leaving
only the positional parameters).
cl> epinit = "standout noshowall"
2. Edit the parameters for the delete task.
cl> ep delete
:e[!] [pset]
Edit a new pset. If pset is omitted and the cursor was positioned to
a pset parameter when the colon command was entered then eparam descends into
the referenced pset; when editing of the sub-pset is complete eparam returns
to editing the higher level pset at the point at which the ':e'
command was entered. If a pset is named the editor context is switched to
the new pset, updating the current pset first unless the ':e!' command
was given.
Exit eparam for the current pset; equivalent to a :r[!] [pset]
Read in a new pset. If the command is ':r', an error message is
printed. If the command is ':r!' the pset currently being edited
is reread, cancelling any modifications made since the last update.
If a pset is specified the contents of the named pset are merged into the
current pset, i.e., the named pset is loaded into the current pset,
overwriting the contents of the current pset.
The command ':r pfile.par' is commonly used to load a pset formerly
saved in a user file with ':w pfile.par' into the UPARM version of
the parameter set for a task.
:w[!] pset
Write or update a pset. If pset is omitted the pset currently being
edited is updated on disk. If pset is given it should normally be the
name of a parameter file to be written. If the file exists an error message
will be printed unless the command ':w! pfile.par' is given to force
the file to be overwritten.
Run the task. Eparam exits, updating the pset and running the task whose pset
was being edited. This is implemented by pushing a command back into the input
stream of the task which called eparam, hence if eparam was called in a script
or with other commands on the same line, execution may be delayed until these
other commands have been edited. The feature works as expected when used
interactively. Since the run command is pushed back into the command input
stream it will appear in the history record and in any log files.
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