ehistory (or just "e")
The ehistory command calls up a screen editor to edit previously
executed commands, executing the edited command when return is typed.
Interrupt (e.g.,
After the ehistory command is entered, the previous command is
displayed at the bottom of the terminal. If the previous command was
a compound statement, or if it extended over more than one line,
all the lines of the command will be displayed. To reach a different
command simply enter the appropriate cursor movement keys for the editor type
being used. When the cursor attempts to move above the current command
the previous command will be displayed. Similarly when it attempts
to move below, the next command will appear. Hitting the return
key will execute the command currently being edited.
The CL parameter "ehinit" may be used to set the following options:
1. Set no standout and verify modes.
cl> ehinit = "nostandout verify".
2. Recall the last "xc" command from the history list and edit it.
If verify were not enabled the command would simply be repeated.
cl> ^xc
The command editor really only works well for single line commands;
multiline command blocks are not easily edited at present.
VI is poorly emulated at present since only control code editor commands
are possible.
Controls whether the command to be edited is displayed in reverse or
normal video.
The editor is entered with the cursor positioned to be end of the command line.
The editor is entered with the cursor positioned to be beginning of the command
If verify is specified, ehistory will be automatically entered
when history commands are entered to recall and execute previous commands.
If noverify is specified, the commands are recalled and immediately
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