boxcar input output xwindow ywindow
List of images to be smoothed.
List of output images. The number of output images must equal the number of
input images. If the input images name equals the output image name the
smoothed image will replace the input image.
xwindow, ywindow
The size of the smoothing window.
boundary = nearest
The boundary extension options are:
Use the value of the nearest boundary pixel.
Use a constant value.
Generate a value by reflecting around the boundary.
Generate a value by wrapping around to the opposite side of the image.
constant = 0.
The constant for constant-valued boundary extension.
BOXCAR smooths the list of images specified by input with a flat-topped rectangular kernel of dimensions xwindow by ywindow and places the smoothed images in output. The type of boundary extension is optional and set by the boundary parameter.
1. Smooth an image using a 3 by 3 smoothing box and nearest neighbour boundary extension.
cl> boxcar m82 3 3
BOXCAR requires approximately 30 cpu seconds to smooth a 512 square real image with a 5 by 5 kernel (VAX 11/750 with fpa).
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