Interested in Cosmology at AIfA?

Ph.D. positions in cosmology

The Argelander Institute for Astrophysics of Bonn University invites applications for a number of Ph.D. positions in theoretical astrophysics and cosmology. These positions are associated with the group "The large-scale structure of the Universe" led by Prof. Cristiano Porciani.

Available research projects span a wide spectrum of possibilities including research on the large-scale structure of the Universe, dark energy, numerical cosmology, and the physics of the intergalactic medium.

Applicants are required to have a Master's or Diploma Degree in physics, astronomy, or related fields. Materials in support of an application (including a brief Curriculum Vitae and a statement of research interests) should be submitted electronically to Please ensure that at least two letters of recommendation are sent directly to the above e-mail address. Applications will continue to be accepted until all positions have been filled.

Interested students who wish to receive further information on the Ph.D. program are welcome to contact Prof. Porciani.

The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from women and minorities.