Proceedings of the Workshop
"The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies"
of the Bonn/Bochum-Graduiertenkolleg

H I Properties of new nearby Dwarf Galaxies

from the Karachentsev Catalog

W.K. Huchtmeier

[Fig. 1]
Fig. 1. H I profiles of selected dwarf galaxies from our sample observed with the 100 m radiotelescope at Effelsberg which has a half power beam width of 9.3' at a wavelength of 21 cm. Local H I emission at 0 km s-1 has been cut out as it is much stronger than the weak extragalactic emission

[Fig. 2]
Fig. 2. Reproductions from the digital POSS-I: a subsample of the detected dwarf galaxies in Fig. 1. Each chart is 5 × 5 arcmin2, North at top, East at west. L10 (A 0143+2633), L29 (A 0338+6806)

[Fig. 3]
Fig. 3. The relative content of neutral hydrogen MH I/LB of the detected galaxies is plotted versus blue luminosity LB. The solid line represents the sample of nearby galaxies (Huchtmeier and Richter 1988)

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First version: 16thJuly,1998
Last update: 27thSeptember,1998

Jochen M. Braun   &   Tom Richtler
 (E-Mail: jbraun|