Jakob Vos (*1874) en Hendrikje Boddeveld (*1874)

From: NvhN 19030313.
J. Vos, seedtrader, has a "kor" (low wooden 4 wheel cart) on springs with bridles for sale.
This is the first advertisement of J. Vos, seedtrader.

From: NvhN 19041116.
Son Jan Roelf is born.

From: NvhN 19060509.
Goat with goatcart for sale,
and houshold helper requested.

From: NvhN 19080619.
All kinds of vegetable plants for sale.

From: NvhN 19130607.
All kinds of vegetable plants for sale.

From: NvhN 19150123.
P. Rozema in the village of Onnen takes over the business of A. Boddeveld in Noordlaren (Antoon Boddeveld, the brother in law of Jakob Vos).
He is the official representative of J.Vos, seed grower.

From: NvhN 19180807.
Chickens (Leghorns) for sale.
Or is this father Jan Vos?

From: NvhN 19190826.
Endives plants for sale.

From: NvhN 19221222.
Calf for sale (mother present).

From: NvhN 19230505.
Announcing that for the duration of the large Groningen fair the trade is relocated to the intersection of Zuiderdiep and Heerestraat.

From: NvhN 19231117.
The estate of the 1915 deceased Jan Roelf Boddeveld and 1917 Anna Douws is being settled. The lands were up for sale. The newspaper reports on the outcome.
The total proceeds is almost f 10,000.  [ This is roughly 200,000 in Euro (2015). ]
Antoon Boddeveld "keeps" the house. He probably signs a hypothecary debt to his sister Hendrikje for (part of) the value. [ When Hendrikje dies in 1957, there is still a debt by Antoon's widow to Hendrikje. ]

From: NvhN 19230509.
Stove and daisy plants for sale.

From: NvhN 19240107.
One skate found, to be collected.

Left, from: NvhN 19240416.
25th anniversary of marriage.
Below: NvhN 19240507: thanks for sharing.

From: NvhN 19240503.
Announcing that for the duration of the large Groningen fair the trade is relocated to the intersection of Zuiderdiep and Herestraat.

From: NvhN 19310124.
The Salvation Army now has also regular gatherings on the Hereweg at the Menneslaan.

From: NvhN 19310316
Announcement that the trade in seeds is, during the weekly market, now located at the westside of town hall.


From: NvhN 19330116.
Official announcement of trade council:
J.R. Vos takes over from J. Vos.

From: NvhN 19330527.
Chest for sale.

From: NvhN 19340730.
Small plums for sale.
There is now telephone.

From: NvhN 19340730.
Kale, leeks, endive plants for sale.
Is this Jakob Vos or son Jan Roelf Vos?

From: NvhN 19370326.
Young garden helper asked for.
Is this Jakob Vos or son Jan Roelf Vos?

From: NvhN 19410805.
Small plums for sale.
Seeds for sale.
Is this Jakob Vos or son Jan Roelf Vos?

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