Ancestry of   Aprilla Jacometti née Stanford (*1939)

The immediate ancestors of Aprilla Stanford lived in New Zealand. The more distant ones came (in part via Australia) from England, Scotland and Ireland and (via the Caribbean) a sprinkling of ancestors from Ireland, Zeeland, France and the mulatto population.

On the map, important places for the description of the ancestry have been marked. In more or less chronological sequence of where ancestors settled. These are:
RB = Ryal Bush, MB = Menzies Bay, CC = Christchurch, Nn = Nelson.
PP = Puke Puke, the family farm of the last two generations, is added.

Most of the data and stories provided on these pages have been extracted from histories and memories written down by members of the family. These include the memoirs of J.H. Menzies, Frances Menzies née Butler, Edwin Stanford and Owen Stanford as well as of Margaret Reeves née Cameron.
Aroha Pasley née Foster Barham and Helen Perry née Stanford contributed valuable further information.
Lots of information was extracted from various sources in the internet, among them genealogies of other families.
In the following, references to individual sources are given.
These pages were designed for viewing in the internet. Crossreferencing is based on links, that are often not spelled out.

Access to the base page of Aprilla Stanford.
Access to the overview of the pages of the
ancestry of Aprilla Stanford.
