Radio Interferometry SS 2018 (astro8404)

Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi, Dr. Stefanie Mühle, Dr. Benjamin Magnelli, PD Dr. Rainer Mauersberger, Dr. Lydia Moser, Dr. Alvaro Sánchez-Monge

Course Material

Important note: The following lecture material is only intended for the personal use of the registered participants and may therefore be encrypted with a password. By downloading the material, whether encrypted or not, you agree that you won't distribute the material to anyone not registered for this course and that you won't put the files or the password online.



Logistics II handout

General Introduction to Radio Interferometry

Introduction to Radio Interferometry I+II

Introduction to CASA I handout

Introduction to CASA II handout

CASA tutorial I: general overview, import, listobs

CASA tutorial II: a priori calibration

CASA tutorial III: editing

CASA tutorial IV: bandpass, flux

CASA tutorial V: phase, apply split

CASA tutorial VI: continuum image

CASA tutorial VII: line image

CASA tutorial VIII: line image, moments, pv

CASA tutorial IX: self calibration

Advanced topics: polarization, VLBI

Material for the hands-on part

For reference: asdm, listobs, plotants

LISTOBS example 1

LISTOBS example 2

script for calibration: import, apriori

script for calibration: bandpass

script for calibration: flux

script for calibration: phase, amplitude

script for calibration: filled-in version

script for imaging: continuum

script for imaging: line

script for imaging: analysis


Class data set

The calibrated data set that has been used in class as of 13 June 2018 is available on request. The uncalibrated data set is available on request as well.

Exam data set

This is the data set for homework, the milestones and the presentation/paper. Each participant taking this course for credit is required to work on this data set on his/her own.

exam data set (7.9 GB)


During the course, there will be three milestones that will help you to get your course work done in good time. If you take this course for credit, you are expected to hand in certain products of your data reduction by the due date of each milestone. The anticipated deadlines are 14 May, 18 June, 09 July.

Milestone 1 went online on May 02 and had a due date of May 14. Milestone 2 is online since June 04 and had a due date of June 18. Milestone 3 went online on June 25 with a due date of July 09.

In order to be admitted to the exam, you are required to complete the tasks set out in the instructions given below and to upload the deliverables to the specified ftp area before the deadline of each milestone.

Guidelines for upload by ftp

Milestone 1

Milestone 2 (with typo corrected)

Milestone 3

Guidelines for the exam


Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II, ASP Conference Series, V. 180, 1998, Editors: Taylor, Carilli, Perley

Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy (Wiley 2001), by Thompson, Moran, Swenson

Tools of Radio Astronomy, Sixth Edition (Springer 2013), by Wilson, Rohlfs, Hüttemeister


The main source of material related to CASA is the CASA homepage.

To download and install CASA you should visit this page. In class, we will use CASA 4.7.2 and 5.1.1.

A pdf version of the CASA cookbook can be found here.