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Pavel Kroupa: RSDN

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The Rhine Stellar Dynamics Network consisted of 6 groups along the Rhine river working on stellar dynamical problems and that are partially involved in close collaborations:

  • Amterdam (S.Portegies Zwart)
  • Utrecht (S.Larsen)
  • Cologne (S.Pfalzner)
  • Bonn (H.Baumgardt, P.Kroupa)
  • Heidelberg (R.Spurzem)
  • Strasbourg (C.M.Boily)

    The RSDN was called into existence by P.Kroupa and R.Spurzem in 2004 with the coming of P.Kroupa to Bonn, and it was inaugurated at the start of the 1st RSDN meeting at the HoLi Mountain Observatory.

    Organisational meetings:
  • June 13th 2005 (H. Baumgardt, P. Kroupa, R. Spurzem)
  • July 4th-5th 2005 (Ch. Boily, S. Portegies Zwart, P. Kroupa, R. Spurzem)

    RSDN meetings:
  • 1st RSDN meeting at HoLi Mountain on 15/16 October 2004.
  • 2nd RSDN meeting at HoLi Mountain on 25th-27th November 2005.
  • 3rd RSDN meeting at HoLi Mountain on 1st-3rd December 2006.
  • 4th RSDN/MODEST8 meeting at the physics centre in Bad Honnef near Bonn, 4th -- 8th December 2007.

    Another RSDN web-page: RSDN

    January 2010: RSDN largely closed down. The reason: The node in Heidelberg is mostly shut down because Rainer Spurzem has shifted his activities to Beijing. The Cologne node is also closing down due to internal problems. At the Bonn node Holger Baumgardt has been awarded an Australian Future Fellowship at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Simon Portegies Zwart moved from Amsterdam to Leiden. In Bonn, computational stellar-dynamics remains a major research tool and is taught extensively.