tablefun - awk language functions available in the directory tablefun.
- paramcheck(program, parameters)
- check that the command line parameters are valid.
- paramrange(program, parameter, type, value, min, max)
- check that the values of the parameters are in range.
- radecbox(ra, dec, width)
- return a pair of ra and dec ranges that describe a box on the sky.
- sepangle(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2)
- return the separation angle of the two sphrical coordinates.
- table_colnum(colname)
- return the column number of the named column.
- d2h(degrees)
- convert from degrees to hours.
- h2d(hours)
- convert from hours to degrees.
- max(value1, value2)
- return the max value.
- min(value1, value2)
- return the min value.
- abs(value)
- return the absolute value.
These functions are automatically available to user expressions and statments
by setting the environment path variable TABLEFUNCTIONS to the tablefun
- radecbox.src
- The source for radecbox