slitpic serial_numbers output_root
A range of serial numbers to be searched for in tape1. One
mask is generated for each serial_number.
The rootname of the output image file. The serial_number is appended to
this output_root if more than one image is begin created.
tape1 = slitsave
A text file containing solutions generated by program SLITS. This file
essentially contains x,y positions of slits to be included on the mask.
slit_width = 2.5
The slit width in seconds of arc.
site = kpno
The telescope site where the output mask will be used. Current choices
are "kpno" and "ctio".
pixel_scale = 0.4157
The scale of the output image in arcseconds per pixel
pixel_scale_date = 14feb84
The date from which pixel_scale is valid. The output crtpict
print will be annotated with this date.
crtpict = no
This boolean parameter controls whether or not a file of commands is written
to drive program crtpict.
cmd_file = cmd
If crtpict = yes, this parameter specifies the root name of the output
command file. This command file is read by task crtpict.
Task slitpic reads a file of slit positions and generates an IRAF image for use as a slit mask for aperture plate observing.
The following example creates an IRAF image from the "SERIAL = 67" entry in file "mask67.dat"; the output image is named "mask": .sp
cl> slitpic 67 mask tape1=mask67.dat
TIME REQUIREMENTS Task slitpic takes 8 cp seconds to create a 780 x 780 mask; a 1184 x 1184 image requires about 16 cp seconds.