polymark image
The list of input images.
coords = default
The name of the output coordinate file or coordinates directory.
The average of the x and
y vertices of the current marked polygon, shifted to the current cursor
position, are written to the text file
coords, 1 per line with the x and y coordinates in columns 1 and 2
These center positions are associated with the currently defined polygon.
POLYMARK inserts a
single ';' character in column 1 when the user defines a new polygon.
If coords is "default", "dir$default"
or a directory specification then a coordinate file name of the form
is constructed, where dir is the directory, root is the root image name,
extension is "coo" and version is the next available version of the file.
If coords is the null string then no coordinate file is written.
polygons = default
The name of the polygons file or polygons directory. The x and
y vertices of each marked polygon are written to the text file
polygons 1 per line with the x and y coordinates in columns 1 and 2
respectively. Each polygon is terminated by a single ';' in column 1.
If polygons is "default", "dir$default"
or a directory specification then an output name of the form
is constructed, where dir is the directory, root is the root image name,
extension is "ver" and version is the current version of the file.
The number of polygon files must be equal to the number of image files.
If polygons is the null string then no output file is written.
graphics = stdgraph
The standard graphics device.
display = stdimage
The image display device. At present the display interface can read
from the image display but not write to it. This means that the marked
polygons are not drawn on the display device.
Display can be set to "stdgraph", and POLYMARK
run off a contour plot. In this case the marked polygons can be drawn
on the displayed contour plot.
icommands =
The image cursor.
gcommands =
The graphics cursor.
POLYMARK creates and displays coordinate and polygons files suitable for input to POLYPHOT. For each image in the input list POLYMARK creates a polygons file polygons which may contain 1 or more polygonal apertures and an accompanying coords coordinates file which contains a list of centers for each of the marked polygons. The user marks the polygonal apertures on the display and uses the image cursor to define a list of effective centers for each aperture. At any point in the marking process the user may rewind the polygon and coordinate file and draw the previously defined polygons on the display.
Currently POLYMARK is unable to draw on the image display although it can read the image cursor. Users wishing to make use of the marking facilities of POLYMARK must set display to "stdgraph" and run POLYMARK off of a contour plot.
The following interactive keystroke and colon commands are available.
Interactive Keystroke Commands ? Print help : Colon commands d Plot radial profile of star near cursor g Define the current polygonal aperture f Draw the current polygon on the display spbar Draw the current polygon on the display, output the polygon r Rewind the polygon list m Draw the next polygon in the polygon list on the display l Draw all the remaining polygons in the list on the display q Exit Colon commands :m [n] Draw the next [nth] polygon in the polygon list on the display
A sample polygons file and accompanying coordinates file is listed below.
# Sample Polygons File (2 polygons) 200.5 200.5 300.5 200.5 300.5 300.5 200.5 300.5 ; 100.4 100.4 120.4 100.4 120.4 120.4 100.4 120.4
# Sample Coordinates File (2 groups, 1 for each polygon) 123.4 185.5 110.4 130.4 150.9 200.5 ; 85.6 35.7 400.5 300.5 69.5 130.5
1. Create a coordinate list and polygon file using the image display and image display cursor.
ap> set stdimcur = stdimage ... define the image cursor ap> display m31 1 fi+ ... display the image on the image display ap> polymark m31 ... type ? for an optional help page ... type g to enter the "define a polygon" menu ... move the cursor to the first vertex, tap the space bar to mark the vertex and repeat for each vertex ... type q to quit the "define a polygon" menu ... mark each vertex only once, POLYPHOT will close the polygon for you ... move the cursor to the desired polygon center and tap the space bar to record the polygon ... repeat for all desired polygon centers ... type g to define the next polygon ... move the cursor to the first vertex, tap the space bar to mark the vertex and repeat for each vertex ... type q to quit the polygon menu ... mark each vertex only once, POLYPHOT will close the polygon for you ... move the cursor to the desired polygon center and tap the space bar ... repeat for all desired polygon centers ... type q to quit polymark ...
2. Create a coordinate and polygon list using a contour plot.
ap> set stdimcur = stdgraph ... define the image cursor to be the graphics cursor ap> contour m31 >G m31.plot ... store the contour plot of m31 in the file m31.plot ap> polymark m31 display=stdgraph ... type :.read m31.plot to load the contour plot on the screen ... type g to enter the "define a polygon" menu ... move the cursor to the first vertex, tap the space bar to mark the vertex and repeat for each vertex ... type q to quit the polygon menu ... mark each vertex only once, POLYPHOT will close the polygon for you ... move the cursor to the desired polygon center and tap the space bar to record the polygon ... repeat for all desired polygon centers ... type g to define the next polygon ... move the cursor to the first vertex, tap the space bar to mark the vertex and repeat for each vertex ... type q to quit the polygon menu ... mark each vertex only once, POLYPHOT will close the polygon for you ... move the cursor to the desired polygon center and tap the space bar ... repeat for all desired polygon centers ... type r to rewind the coordinate and polygon lists ... type :.read m31.plot to reread the contour plot ... type l to display all the polygons ... ... type q to quit polymark ...
POLYMARK cannot currently draw on the image display.
There are no restrictions on the shape of the polygon but the vertices must be listed in order either clockwise or counterclockwise in the polygons file.
It is not necessary to close the polygon when drawing on the display. POLYMARK will complete the polygon for you.