radeccirc - Search an starbase data table catalog for targets in an ra dec specified circle.
radeccirc file ra dec radius
- file
- Input catalog to search, this file must have ra and dec columns.
If the search parameter not set to "row" the input file must be
be a real file (not a pipe) and be numericly indexed on the ra
column. The ra column should be in units
of hours and the dec column should be in units of degrees.
- ra
- Right Ascension of the center of the search box in hours.
- dec
- Declination of the center of the search box in degrees.
- radius
- The radius of the circle to search in degrees.
- rcol
- The column name of the ra column defaults to "ra".
- dcol
- The column name of the dec column defaults to "dec".
- search
- The search method to use. Three search methods are
implemented. The default method is "fast"
- row
- The search is done sequentially with a single "row" command.
- fast
- The an initial search command is executed for the range of
ras. The ra column of the input file must be indexed. The
results of this search are passed to row and filtered on the
dec range. This method is excellent when retrieving a small
number of rows (<1000) from large datasets.
- debug
- Control debug output. The default is debug=0. When debug=1
the commands that will be executec are printed out on the
standard error instead. When debug=2 the commands are printed
and executed.
Source text of radeccirc.
Search an starbase data table catalog for targets in an ra dec specified box.
programs available with the slalink extensions to tawk.
starbase data tables introduction.
starbase data table included functions.