In addition to the instant action keys, the control, shift, and meta (left and right) keys change the response to mouse actions when held down while performing the mouse action.
Sometimes, SAOimage will ask for text or numeric input with a pop-up window. Input in this situation is as one would expect and is unaffected by the mappings which are otherwise in effect. The cursor read-back mode of IRAF, also overrides many keyboard functions.
Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arror: The four arrow keys can be used to move the mouse cursor one screen pixel in the given direction. The mouse interaction is exactly as if you moved the mouse by hand. This facilitates fine positioning and works in all windows and all modes. R: ("raise") Raise all SAOimage windows to the front of any other windows on the screen. The 'A' key also performs this function. A: ("refresh") Raise and redraw the display windows. This is equivalent to ctrl-L in a character terminal window. N: ("new") enter new command-line arguments. This brings up a popup window for text input. Use the same switches and arguments as you would on the command line (see cmdline help). All of the command line arguments which affect selection and display of an image can be used. Some configuration arguments (e.g. -d, -g, & -G) are not affective at this time. T: ("table") When the mouse is in the main display window or the pan window, this prints a table of the pixel values surrounding the current mouse position. The table is printed in the terminal window from which SAOimage was called. The values are scaled to their original file values. (L has a seemingly similar affect but is useful only for debugging purposes). S: ("save") When in cursor mode, and the mouse is in the display window, the current cursor is saved as a region (of type include). E: ("exclude") When in cursor mode, and the mouse is in the display window, the current cursor is saved as a region (of type exclude). D: ("delete") When in cursor mode, and the mouse is in the display window, the smallest region which encloses the mouse is deleted. In the case of a point region, its area is defined as the area of the first character of its label. Delete: When in cursor mode, and the mouse is in the display window, the most recently saved region is deleted.
Shift: Holding the shift key down toggles the 'track' and 'coord' tracking actions. If no tracking was selected and the mouse is in either the main main display window or the pan window, touching the shift key will update the magnifier window to the current mouse location. If the mouse is in the main display window, the coordinates and pixel value will also appear in the upper right, above the buttons. If you are in Color mode and dragging the mouse with a button down in either the main or color graph window, the graph will be updated to the current state of the color table. By contining to hold the shift key down, tracking will continue to update as you move the mouse. If you were tracking before touching the shift key, pressing the shift key will suspend tracking, enabling you to preserve the existing tracking displays while moving the mouse. Caps or ShiftLock: Toggling to caps mode by using the Caps or shift lock key has the same effect as holding the shift key down. When using this option, you may need to toggle it off to make normal text entry in the pop-up or a terminal window. Control: When manipulating the color map in the main diplay window, holding the control key down, restricts the affect to only the color(s) corresponding to the mouse button(s) being pressed (left=red, middle=green, right=blue). Meta keys: The meta keys have traditionally been used for window manager functioning. SAOimage normally ignores keyboard and mouse input while a meta key is held down.