The "dsrw" Package
These routines are meant to provide a mechanism to read and write the
recursive, heirarchical data structure supported in Karma from and to
open channels.
The use of these routines is NOT recommended. The dsxfr routines are
the preferred means of transferring data structures.
Library: karma
Link With: -lkarma
Prototype Functions
EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice
multi_array *
dsrw_filter_setup (Channel channel, CONST array_desc *arr_desc,
CONST char *infile, CONST char *outfile)
Set up a Karma data filter.
- channel :
The channel to write to.
- arr_desc :
The array descriptor.
- infile :
The input filename.
- outfile :
The output Karma filename.
Returns: A multi_array pointer on success, else NULL.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice
dsrw_filter_process (Channel channel, multi_array *multi_desc,
flag (*read_func) (), void *info)
Read in data and write in Karma format.
- channel :
The channel to write the Karma data to.
- multi_desc :
The multi_array descriptor to write.
- func :
The function to call when new data should be read. The prototype
function is dsrw_PROTO_read_func.
- info :
An arbitrary pointer which will be passed to func.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_multi (Channel channel, CONST multi_array *multi_desc)
This routine will write a binary multi_array descriptor to a
channel object. All descriptors and data, as well as history strings are
- channel :
The channel object.
- multi_desc :
The data structure.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_multi_header (Channel channel, CONST multi_array *multi_desc)
This routine will write a binary multi_array descriptor header to
a channel object. The various top-level packet descriptors, data and
history are not written.
- channel :
The channel object.
- multi_desc :
The data structure.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_packet_desc (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *pack_desc)
This routine will write the binary format of a packet descriptor
to a channel object. The routine will also write all lower levels of array
or linked list descriptors.
- channel :
The channel object.
- pack_desc :
The packet descriptor.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_element_desc (Channel channel, unsigned int type,
CONST char *desc)
This routine will write the binary format of an element
descriptor to a channel object. If the element is an array pointer or a
linked list pointer, that descriptor will also be written.
- channel :
The channel object.
- type :
The type of the element.
- desc :
The element descriptor.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_array_desc (Channel channel, CONST array_desc *arr_desc)
This routine will write the binary representation of an array
descriptor to a channel object. The packet descriptor for the array will
also be written (this is a recursive process).
- channel :
The channel object.
- arr_desc :
The array descriptor.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_dim_desc (Channel channel, CONST dim_desc *dimension)
This routine will write the binary representation of a dimension
descriptor to a channel object.
- channel :
The channel object.
- dimension :
The dimension descriptor.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_packet (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *pack_desc,
CONST char *packet)
This routine will write the binary representation of a data
packet to a channel object. The routine will recursively write sub arrays
and linked lists of packets.
- channel :
The channel object.
- pack_desc :
The packet descriptor.
- packet :
The packet data.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_element (Channel channel, unsigned int type, CONST char *desc,
CONST char *element)
This routine will write the binary representation of an element
to a channel object.
- channel :
The channel object.
- type :
The type of the element.
- desc :
The descriptor for the element.
- element :
A pointer to the element data.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_array (Channel channel, CONST array_desc *arr_desc,
CONST char *element, flag pad)
This routine will write the binary representation of an array to
a channel object. The routine will recursively write any sub arrays or
linked lists of packets.
- channel :
The channel object.
- arr_desc :
The array descriptor.
- element :
The element to write the array pointer to.
- pad :
If TRUE the array will be padded on a selected boundary (this is the
case when writing .kf files).
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_list (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *pack_desc,
CONST list_header *list_head)
This routine will write the binary representation of the data in
a linked list to a channel object. The routine will recursively write any
sub arrays or linked lists of packets.
- channel :
The channel object.
- pack_desc :
The packet descriptor for the list entries.
- list_head :
The linked list header.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_packets (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *descriptor,
CONST char *source, unsigned long num_packets)
This routine will write the binary representation many data
packets to a channel object. The routine will recursively write out sub
arrays and linked lists.
- channel :
The channel object.
- descriptor :
The descriptor for the packets.
- source :
The packet data.
- num_packets :
The number of packets to write.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_write_flag (Channel channel, flag logical)
Write a boolean value in binary format to a channel object.
- channel :
The channel object.
- logical :
The boolean value.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
multi_array *
dsrw_read_multi (Channel channel)
This routine will read the binary representation of a
multi_array general data structure header from a channel object and will
allocate the required descriptors. The routine will then read in the data
from the channel object and will write it into the data structure(s)
- channel :
The channel object.
Returns: A pointer to the multi array header on success, else NULL.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
multi_array *
dsrw_read_multi_header (Channel channel)
This routine will read the binary representation of a
multi_array general data structure header from a channel object. The
various top-level packet descriptors, data and history are not read.
- channel :
The channel object.
Returns: A pointer to the multi array header on success, else NULL.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
packet_desc *
dsrw_read_packet_desc (Channel channel)
This routine will read the binary representation of a packet
descriptor from a channel object. The routine will recursively read in
array and linked list descriptors if required.
- channel :
The channel object.
Returns: A pointer to the packet descriptor on success, else NULL.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
array_desc *
dsrw_read_array_desc (Channel channel, unsigned int type)
This routine will read the binary representation of an array
descriptor from a channel object. The routine will recursively read the
packet descriptor for the array.
- channel :
The channel object.
- type :
The type of the array. Legal values are:
ARRAYP (old format)
K_ARRAY (new format)
Returns: A pointer to the array descriptor on success, else NULL.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dim_desc *
dsrw_read_dim_desc (Channel channel)
This routine will read the binary representation of a dimension
descriptor from a channel object.
- channel :
The channel object.
Returns: A pointer to the dimension descriptor on success, else NULL.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_packet (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *descriptor,
char *packet)
This routine will read the binary representation of a data packet
from a channel object. The routine will recursively read in sub arrays and
linked lists.
- channel :
The channel object.
- descriptor :
The descriptor for the packet.
- packet :
The packet data will be written here.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_element (Channel channel, unsigned int type, char *desc,
char *element)
This routine will read the binary representation of an element
from a channel object. If the element type is a pointer to an array or
linked lists, the routine will recursively read in the array or linked
list of packets.
- channel :
The channel object.
- type :
The type of the element.
- desc :
The element descriptor.
- element :
A pointer to the element storage. This will be written to.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_array (Channel channel, CONST array_desc *arr_desc,
char *element, flag pad)
This routine will read the binary representation of an array
from a channel object. The routine will recursively read in array packets.
- channel :
The channel object.
- arr_desc :
The array descriptor.
- element :
The array pointer will be written here.
- pad :
If TRUE the array will be padded on a selected boundary (this is the
case when reading .kf files).
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_list (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *descriptor,
list_header *header)
This routine will read in the binary representation of a linked
list of data from a channel object. The routine will recursively read in
sub arrays and linked lists.
- channel :
The channel object.
- descriptor :
The packet descriptor for the list entries.
- header :
The linked list header. The linked list entries and data will be
contiguous in memory.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_packets (Channel channel, CONST packet_desc *descriptor,
char *dest, unsigned long num_packets)
This routine will read the binary representation many data
packets from a channel object. The routine will recursively read in sub
arrays and linked lists.
- channel :
The channel object.
- descriptor :
The descriptor for the packets.
- dest :
The packet data will be written here.
- num_packets :
The number of packets to read.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_flag (Channel channel, flag *logical)
This routine will read in the binary representation of a boolean
flag from a channel object.
- channel :
The channel object.
- logical :
The boolean value is written here.
Returns: TRUE if the flag was read in without error, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
dsrw_read_type (Channel channel, unsigned int *type)
This routine will read in the binary representation of a data
type from a channel object.
- channel :
The channel object.
- type :
The type value is written here.
Returns: TRUE if the type was read without error, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
Prototype Functions
dsrw_PROTO_read_func (void *buffer, uaddr num_values, void *info)
Read data and write to a buffer.
- buffer :
The buffer to write to.
- num_values :
The number of values to read.
- info :
The arbitrary function information pointer.
Returns: TRUE on success, else FALSE.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services