The "TracePopup" Widget
This widget provides a trace display in a popup.
Library: karmawidets
Link With: -lkarmawidgets
Name | Purpose
XkwNverbose | If TRUE verbose output is displayed
XkwNcanvasVisual | The visual for the canvas
XkwNworldCanvas | The world canvas that is created
XkwNrealiseCallbacks | Callbacks when the canvas is realised
XkwNkarmaColourmap | The Karma colourmap
Name | Class | Rep. Type | Default
XkwNverbose | XkwCVerbose | XtRBool | FALSE
XkwNcanvasVisual | XtCVisual | XtRVisual | CopyFromParent
XkwNworldCanvas | XkwCWorldCanvas | XtRPointer | NULL
XkwNrealiseCallback | XtCCallback | XtRCallback | NULL
XkwNkarmaColourmap | XkwCKarmaColourmap | XtRPointer | NULL
EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice
XkwTracePopupNewArray (Widget W, iarray array, double min, double max)
Register new array.
- W :
The TracePopup widget.
- array :
The new array. This may be NULL.
- min :
The minimum data value in the array.
- max :
The maximum data value in the array. If this is less than min
then the minimum and maximum values are computed.
Returns: Nothing.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice
XkwTracePopupShowTrace (Widget W, CONST unsigned int *dim_indices,
CONST uaddr *coord_indices)
Show a trace.
- W :
The widget.
- dim_indices :
The dimension indicies. The length of this array must be one
less than the number of dimensions in the array.
- coord_indices :
The coordinate indices of the trace. The length of this
array must be one less than the number of dimensions in the array.
Returns: Nothing.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice
XkwTracePopupShowTraces (Widget W, CONST unsigned int *dim_indices,
float global_weight, unsigned int num_traces,
CONST uaddr *coord_indices, CONST float *weights)
Show a weighted, summed trace.
- W :
The widget.
- dim_indices :
The dimension indicies. The length of this array must be one
less than the number of dimensions in the array.
- global_weight :
This weight value is applied to each trace as it is
- num_traces :
The number of traces to combine.
- coord_indices :
The co-ordinate indices for the traces. This is grouped
into num_traces contiguous blocks of co-ordinate traces. Each block
must contain num_dim - 1 co-ordinate indices.
- weights :
The weights to apply to each trace as it is combined. If this is
NULL no weights are applied.
Returns: Nothing.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTION: subject to change without notice
XkwTracePopupShowBoxedTrace (Widget W, CONST unsigned int *dim_indices,
flag sum,
CONST uaddr *start_indices,
CONST uaddr *stop_indices)
Show a boxed trace.
- W :
The widget.
- dim_indices :
The dimension indicies. The length of this array must be one
less than the number of dimensions in the array.
- sum :
If TRUE the traces are summed, else they are averaged.
- start_indices :
The starting coordinate indices of the box. The length of
this array must be one less than the number of dimensions in the array.
- stop_indices :
The stopping coordinate indices of the box. The length of
this array must be one less than the number of dimensions in the array.
Returns: Nothing.
Multithreading Level: Unsafe
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Contact: Richard Gooch
Web Development: Ariel Internet Services