widsout image idsout
Image to be converted to IDSOUT text format.
IDSOUT filename for single file output and IDSOUT root name for multiple
file output.
type_output = multiple
Type of output to be created. The options are "single" and "multiple".
In type "single" the IDSOUT records, one for each image line, are
appended to the file given by the parameter idsout.
In type "multiple" the IDSOUT record for each line is appended to a different
file. The files have names formed from the root name, given by idsout,
with the extensions .001, .002, etc, where the extension is the image line.
.001, .002, etc.
label =
List structured string parameter for the record labels.
uttime = 0
Universal time in integer seconds.
utdate = 0
Universal date given in the integer format yymmdd.
siderial = 0.
Siderial time in hours.
ra = 0.
Right Ascension in hours.
dec = 0.
Declination in degrees.
ha = 0.
Hour angle in hours.
airmass = 1.
Air mass.
integration = 0
Integration time in integer seconds.
wavelen1 = 4000.
Wavelength of the first bin.
dispersion = 1.
Dispersion per pixel.
The image containing one spectrum per image line is converted to the IDSOUT card format described below. There are two types of output selected by the parameter type_output. The options for this parameter are "single" and "multiple". In type "single" the IDSOUT records, one for each image line, are appended to the file given by the parameter idsout. In type "multiple" the IDSOUT record for each line is appended to a different file. The files have names formed from the root name, given by idsout, with the extensions .001, .002, etc, where the extension is the image line. Each record contains a record label which is read from the list structured parameter label. If label is not specified the user is prompted for the label for each image line. Otherwise the file specified is read for the labels. The remaining parameters are general record header information whose meanings are apparent.
The IDSOUT text format consists of 133 80 character lines. The format of these lines is:
Line Column Type 1 1-5 Integer Record number within IDSOUT text file 6-10 Integer Integration time 11-25 Real Wavelength of first bin 26-40 Real Dispersion 41-45 Integer 0 (Index of first pixel) 46-50 Integer Line length - 1 (Index of last pixel) 71-80 Integer UT time 2 1-10 Real Siderial time 11-25 Real Right Ascension 26-40 Real Declination 3 21-35 Real Hour Angle 36-50 Real Air mass 51-58 Integer UT date 60-76 String Image title 78-80 String END 4 1-64 String Record label 78-80 String END 5-132 Real 1024 pixel values, 8 per line 133 Blank line
The data of type real are in exponent format; i.e FORTRAN 'E' format (1.234e3).
To convert an two dimensional image containing three spectra to the output file "idsout":
cl> widsout image idsout type_output=single label=file
where file contains three strings to be used for the record labels.