tutor topic
Topic for which help is desired. If no topic is given then available
topics are presented. The topic "all" prints all the topics.
package =
Package for which tutorial help is desired. If null then the tutorial
for the current package is presented.
tutordb = helpdb
The filename of the tutorial database to be searched. If the value of the
parameter is the reserved string "helpdb", the actual filename is the value
of the CL environment variable helpdb.
This task provides a tutorial facility for some of the IRAF packages. The tutorial consists of a number of topics which are obtained by typing "tutor topic" where topic is one of the available topics. If no topic is given then the available topics are presented. The topic "all" presents all the topics.
This task is implemented using the help task. Therefore, modifying the help parameters dealing with the device and print format will also determine the output of tutor. The tutorial topic material is contained in the file Tutorial.hlp for each package. The database containing the directory to the tutorial files may or may not be the same as the standard help database.
To get started:
cl> tutor
To get help on reading and writing data tapes:
cl> tutor dataio
To read all the topics:
cl> tutor all
Piping the output of tutor to lprint does not work properly because help is contained in a script.
Tutorials are currently available only for the echelle package. This tutorial is in the process of being developed.
help, Individual help pages for all the tasks mentioned in the tutorial.,