txrenumber textfiles
The APPHOT/DAOPHOT text database to be renumbered.
idoffset = 0
An integer offset to be added to the id numbers of the stars in
the output renumbered photometry file. If idoffset is > 0, the output
id numbers will run from 1 + idoffset to N + idoffset instead of from 1 to N.
id = ID
The name of the keyword whose value is the sequence number of the object in
the list. After renumbering the original values of the id are replaced
by numbers 1 through N, where N is the total number of objects in the list.
The id keyword must denote an integer quantity.
TXRENUMBER is a simple task which accepts an APPHOT/DAOPHOT text database file and renumbers all the objects in the file beginning with 1 and ending with the number of objects in the file. The renumber operation is performed in place. The original values of the id field are replaced by numbers 1 + idoffset through N + idoffset where N is the total number of objects in the list. A renumber operation is typically performed after another list operation such as TXCONCAT or TXSORT.
1. Renumber the stars in a concatenated file produced by TXCONCAT.
pt> txrenumber m92rall.mag.1
2. Renumber a PHOT photometry file of extra stars so as to ensure the stars' id numbers are greater than 4000.
pt> txrenumber m92r.mag.extra idoffset=4000
ptools.tbrenumber, ptools.prenumber, tables.tcalc,