mkexamples name image
Example name (abbreviations are not allowed):
galcluster - Galaxy cluster globular - Globular cluster galfield - Galaxy field starfield - Starfield henear - Helium-neon-argon spectrum (uncalibrated) heneardc - Helium-neon-argon spectrum (calibrated) ecarc - Echelle thorium-argon spectrum (uncalibrated) ecarcdc - Echelle thorium-argon spectrum (calibrated) spectrum - Aborption spectrum (calibrated) echelle - Echelle absorption spectrum (calibrated) ecarc2d - Echelle thorium-argon slit spectrum ecobj2d - Echelle object slit spectrum lsarc - Long slit helium-neon-argon spectrum lsobj - Long slit object spectrum multifiber - Multifiber spectrum.le
oseed = 1
Random number seed affecting object generation. Different object seeds
will produces different examples of objects or spectral lines or number
of apertures/orders. This
usually modifies the seed parameters in starlist, gallist,
and mk1dspec.
nseed = 1
Random number noise seed. Different noise seeds will produce examples
with different noise, generally of the same level but simply having
a different pattern. This is usually the seed parameter in
mkobjects or mknoise.
comments = no
Add comments to the image header describing various artificial data
verbose = yes
Print message indicating image being created?
errors = yes
Print messages if the image already exists, bad example name, or other
list = no
List script used to generate the example rather than create an image?
The task is intended to generate a few artificial images of various types to be used as examples of the artificial data package and in various demonstrations and test procedures for other packages. The examples are not exhaustive. The only adjustable parameters are variations of the random number seeds. Varying the noise seed allows several observations of the same example while varying the object seed allows several observations of different "fields", spectral lines, or number of apertures/orders.
If the example name is not given on the command line a menu of example names is first printed and then a prompt for the name is given. The name may be a submenu or an example. The names may not be abbreviated. If desired the simple command script used to generate the example may be paged. Otherwise the specified image will be generated. Keep in mind that some of the examples (particularly those generating galaxy images) may take a significant amount of time. On a SPARCstation the examples all run in under five minutes. A check is made to see if the image already exists. If the image exists then the task exits. If the errors parameter is specified an error message is printed.
A reason for the error output to be turned off is in test scripts and demonstrations where the image will be created the first time and reused in further tests or demonstrations. In such cases the verbose option is generally set so that the user is aware that an image is being created and some delay is to be expected.
This task is a procedure script which selects and lists or executes any file in the mkexamples$ logical directory with the example name and the extension ".cl". Thus, to add additional examples create a simple command script (not a procedure script) and place it in the mkexamples directory along with an entry in the menu file mkexamples$
1. Create a globular cluster example.
ar> mkexample MKEXAMPLE Menu galcluster - Galaxy cluster globular - Globular cluster galfield - Galaxy field starfield - Starfield onedspec - Menu of one dimensional spectra twodspec - Menu of two dimensional spectra threedspec - Menu of three dimensional spectra Example name: globular Image name: globular Creating example globular in image globular ...
2. Try and create the same example again.
ar> mkexample globular globular ERROR: Image globular already exists
3. List the script which creates the globular example.
ar> mkexample globular list+ # GLOBULAR - Globular cluster file image, dat image = s1 dat = mktemp ("art") starlist (dat, 5000, "", "", interactive=no, spatial="hubble", xmin=1., xmax=512., ymin=1., ymax=512., xcenter=INDEF, ycenter=INDEF, core_radius=30., base=0., sseed=i, luminosity="bands", minmag=-7., maxmag=0., mzero=-4., power=0.6, alpha=0.74, beta=0.04, delta=0.294, mstar=1.28, lseed=i, nssample=100, sorder=10, nlsample=100, lorder=10, rbinsize=10., mbinsize=0.5, graphics="stdgraph", cursor="") mkobjects (image, output="", ncols=512, nlines=512, title="Example artificial globular cluster", header="artdata$stdheader.dat", background=1000., objects=dat, xoffset=0., yoffset=0., star="moffat", radius=1.0, beta=2.5, ar=1., pa=0., distance=1., exptime=1., magzero=7., gain=3., rdnoise=10., poisson=yes, seed=j) delete (dat, verify=no)
The examples have been expanded to include submenus. The submenus organize
the various types of spectra. Additional spectral examples have been
added. The oseed parameter selects the number of apertures in the
onedspec spectra and the number of orders in the echelle examples.
mkobjects, mknoise, mk1dspec, mk2dspec, mkechelle,