imedit input output
List of images to be edited. Images must be two dimensional.
List of output images. The list must match the input list or be empty.
In the latter case the output image is the same as the input image; i.e.
the edited image replaces the input image.
cursor =
The editing commands are entered via a cursor list. When the task is
run interactively this will normally be the standard image cursor
(stdimcur) specified by a null string. Commands may be read from
a file. The file format may be cursor values including the command
keys, a simple list of positions with the default command given
by the default parameter, and a regions file, as used in
the task fixpix and the ccdred package, selected by
the fixpix parameter.
logfile =
File in which to record the editing commands which modify the images.
The display and statistics commands which don't modify the images are
not recorded. This file may be used for keeping a record of the
modifications. It may also be used as cursor input for other images
to replicate the same editing operations.
display = yes
Display the image during editing? If yes then the display command,
given by the parameter command, is used to display the image.
Normally the display is used when editing interactively and turned
off when using file input.
autodisplay = yes
Automatically redisplay the image after each change? If the display
of the image is rapid enough then each change can be displayed as
it is made by setting this parameter to yes. However, it is faster
to accumulate changes and then explicitly redisplay the image.
When the parameter is no then the image is only redisplayed by
explicit command.
autosurface = no
Automatically display surface plots after each change? In addition
to the image display command, the task can display a before and after
surface plot of the modified region. This can be done by explicit
command or automatically after each change.
aperture = circular
Aperture for aperture editing. Some commands specify the region to
be edited by a center and radius. The shape of the aperture is selected
by this parameter. The choices are "circular" and "square". Note that
this does not apply to commands in which a rectangle is specified by
selecting the corners.
radius = 2.
Radius of the aperture for commands selecting an aperture. For circular
apertures this is the radius while for square apertures it is half of the
side of the square. Note that partial pixels are not used so that a
circular aperture is not perfectly circular; i.e. if the center of a
pixel is within this distance of the center pixel it is modified and
otherwise it is not. A radius of zero may be used to select a single
pixel (with either aperture type).
search = 2.
Search radius for adjusting the position of the region to be edited.
This applies to both aperture regions and rectangular regions. The
center pixel of the region is searched within this radius for the
maximum or minium pixel value. If the value is zero then no searching
is done and the specified region is used directly. If the value is
positive then the specified region is adjusted to be centered on a
relative maximum. A relative minimum may be found if the value is
negative with the absolute value used as the search radius.
buffer = 1.
Background buffer width. A buffer annulus separates the region to be
edited from a background annulus used for determining the background.
It has the same shape as the region to be edited; i.e. circular, square,
rectangular, or line.
width = 2.
Width of background annulus. The pixels used for background determinations
is taken from an annulus of the same shape as the region to be edited and
with the specified width in pixels.
xorder = 2, yorder = 2
Orders (number of terms) of surface polynomial fit to background pixels
for statistics and background subtraction. The orders should generally
be low with orders of 2 for a plane background.
value = 0.
Value for constant substitution. One editing command is replacement of
a region by this value.
sigma = INDEF
Sigma of noise to be added to substitution values. If less than or
equal to zero then no noise is added. If INDEF then pixel values from
the background region are randomly selected after subtracting the
fitted background surface. Finally if a positive value is given than
a gaussian noise distribution is added.
angh = -33., angv = 25.
Horizontal and vertical viewing angles (in degrees) for surface plots.
command = display $image 1 erase=$erase fill=yes order=0 >& dev$null
Command for displaying images. This task displays images by executing a
standard IRAF command. Two arguments may be substituted by the appropriate
values; the image name specified by "$image" and the boolean erase
flag specified by "$erase". Except for unusual cases the tv.display
command is used with the fill option. The fill option is required to
provide a zoom feature. See the examples for another possible command.
graphics = stdgraph
Graphics device used for surface plots. Normally this is the standard
graphics device "stdgraph" though other possiblities are "stdplot"
and "stdvdm". Note the the standard graphics output may also be
redirected to a file with ">G file" where "file" is any file name.
default = b
Default command option for simple position list input. If the input
is a list of column and line positions (x,y) then the command executed
at each position is given by this parameter. This should be one of
the aperture type editing commands, the statistics command, or the
surface plotting command. Two keystroke commands would obviously
be incorrect. This parameter is ignored in "fixpix" mode.
fixpix = no
Fixpix style input? This type of input consists of rectangular regions
specified by lines giving the starting and ending column and starting
and ending line. This is the same input used by fixpix and in
the ccdred package. The feature to refer to "untrimmed" images
in the latter package is not available in this task. When selected
the editing consists of interpolation across the narrowest dimension
of the region and the default key is ignored.
Regions of images are examined and edited. This may be done interactively
using an image display and cursor or noninteractively using a list of
positions and commands. There are a variety of display and editing
options. A list of input images and a matching list of output images
are specified. The output images are only created if the input image
is modified (except by an explicit "write" command). If no output
list is specified (an empty list given by "") then the modified images
are written back to the input images. The images are edited in
a temporary buffer image called "epixbuf".
Commands are given via a cursor list. When the task is run
interactively this will normally be the standard image cursor
(stdimcur). Commands may be read from a file. The file format may be
cursor values including the command keys, a simple list of positions
with the default command given by the default parameter, and a
regions file, as used in the task fixpix and the ccdred
package, selected by the fixpix parameter.
The commands which modify the image may be written to a log file specified
by parameter logfile. This file can be used as a record of the
pixels modified. The format of this file is also suitable for input
as a cursor list. This allows the same commands to be applied to other
images. Be careful not to have the cursor input and logfile have the
same name!
When the display parameter is set the command given by the parameter
command is executed. Normally this command loads the image display
though it could also create a contour map or other graph whose x and y
coordinates are the same as the image coordinates. The image is displayed
when editing interactively and the standard image cursor (which can
be redefined to be the standard graphics cursor) is used to select
regions to be edited. When not editing interactively the display
flag should be turned off.
It is nice to see changes to the image displayed immediately. This is
possible using the autodisplay option. Note that this requires
the display parameter to also be set. If the autodisplay flag is set
the display command is repeated after each change to the image. The
drawback to this is that the full image (or image section) is reloaded
and so can be slow. If not set it is still possible to explicitly give
a redisplay command, 'r', after a number of changes have been made.
Another display option is to make surface graphs to the specified
graphics device (normally the standard graphics terminal). This may
be done by the commands 'g' and 's' and automatically after each
change if the autosurface parameter is set. The two types of
surface plots are a single surface of the image at the marked position
and before and after plots for a change.
Regions of the image to be examined or edited are selected by one
or two cursor commands. The single cursor commands define the center
of an aperture. The shape of the aperture, circular or square, is
specified by the aperture parameter and the radius (or half
the edge of a square) is specified by the radius parameter.
The radius may be zero to select a single pixel. The keys '+' and
'-' may be used to quickly increment or decrement the current radius.
The two keystroke commands either define the corners of a rectangular
region or the endpoints of a line.
Because it is sometimes difficult to mark cursor position precisely
the defined region may be shifted so that the center is either
a local maximum or minimum. This is usually desired for editing
cosmicrays, bad pixels, and stars. The center pixel of the aperture
is moved within a specified search radius given by parameter
search. If the search radius is zero then the region defined
by the cursor is not adjusted. The sign of the search radius
selects whether a maximum (positive value) or a minimum (negative value)
is sought. The special key 't' toggles between the two modes
in order to quickly edit both low sensitivity bad pixels and
cosmicrays and stars.
Once a region has been defined a background region may be required
to estimate the background for replacement. The background
region is an annulus of the same shape separated by a buffer width,
given by the parameter buffer, and having a width given by
the parameter width.
The replacement options are described below as is a summary of all the
commands. Two commands requiring a little more description are the
space and 'p' commands. These print the statistics at the cursor
position for the current aperture and background parameters. The
printout gives the x and y position of the aperture center (after the
search if any), the pixel value (z) at that pixel, the mean background
subtracted flux in the aperture, the number of pixels in the aperture,
the mean background "sky", the sigma of the background residuals from
the background fit, and the number of pixels in the background region.
The 'p' key additionally prints the pixel values in the aperture.
Beware of apertures with radii greater than 5 since they will wrap
around in an 80 column terminal.
When done editing or examining an image exit with 'q' or 'Q'. The
former saves the modified image in the output image (which might be
the same as the input image) while the latter does not save the
modified image. Note that if the image has not been modified then
no output occurs. After exiting the next image in the input
list is edited. One may also change input images using the
":input" command. Note that this command sets the output to be the
same as the input and a subsequent ":output" command should be
used to define a different output image name. A final useful
colon command is ":write" which forces the current editor buffer
to be written. This can be used to save partial changes.
1. Interactively edit an image.
cl> imedit raw002 ed002
2. Edit pixels noninteractively from an x-y list. Replace the original images
by the edited images.
This task is a first version of what will be an evolving task.
Additional features and options will be added as they are suggested.
It is also a prototype using a very limited display interface; execution
of a separate display command. Much better interaction with a variety
of image displays will be provided after a planned "image display
interface" is implemented. Therefore any deficiencies in this area
should be excused.
The zoom and roam features provided here are quite useful. However,
they depend on a feature of the tv.display program which fills the
current image display window by pixel replication or interpolation.
If this is left out of the display command these features will not
work. The trick is that this task displays sections of the editor
buffer whose size and position is based on an internal zoom and
center and the display program expands the section to fill the
The surface plotting is done using an imported package. The limitations
of this package (actually limitations in the complexity of interfacing
the application to this sophisticated package) mean that the
surface plots are always scaled to the range of the data and that
it is not possible to label the graph or use the graphics cursor to
point at features for the task.
ccdred.instruments proto.fixpix,
a, b
Replace rectangular or aperture regions by background values. A background
surface is fit the pixels in the background annulus. The x and y orders of
the surface function are given by the xorder and yorder parameters.
The surface is then evaluated for the pixels in the replacement region. If
a positive sigma is specified then gaussian noise is added. If a sigma of
INDEF is specified then the residuals of the background pixels are sorted,
the upper and lower 10% are excluded, and the remainder are randomly
selected as additive noise.
c, f, l
Replace rectangular or line regions by interpolation from the nearest
background column or line. The 'f' line option interpolates across the
narrowest dimension; i.e. for lines nearer to the line axis interpolation
is by lines while for those nearer to the column axis interpolation is
by columns. The buffer region applies but only the nearest background
pixel at each line or column on either side of the replacement region
is used for interpolation. Gaussian noise may be added but background
sampling is not available. This method is similar to the method used
in fixpix or ccdred with no buffer. For "fixpix" type
input the type of interpolation is automatically selected for the
narrower dimension with column interpolation for square regions.
d, e
Replace rectangular or aperture regions by the specified constant value.
This may be used to flag pixels or make masks.
j, k
Replace rectangular or aperture regions in the editor buffer by the data
from the input image. This may be used to undo any change. Note that
the 'i' command can be used to completely reinitialize the editor
buffer from the input image.
m, n
Replace an aperture region by another aperture region. There is no
centering applied in this option. The aperture region to copy is
background subtracted using the background annulus surface fitting.
This data may then be added to the destination aperture or replace
the data in the destination aperture. In the latter case the destination
background surface is also computed and added.
Undo the last change. When a change is made the before and after data
are saved. An undo exchanges the two sets of data. Note that it is
possible to undo an undo to restore a change. If any other command is
used which causes data to be read (including the statistics and surface
plotting) then the undo is lost.
? Print help
: Colon commands (see below)
The following editing options are available. Rectangular and line regions
are specified with two positions and aperture regions are specified by
one position. The current aperture type (circular or square) is used
in the latter case. The move option takes two positions, the position
to move from and the position to move to.
a Background replacement (rectangle)
b Background replacement (aperture)
c Column interpolation (rectangle)
d Constant value substitution (rectangle)
e Constant value substitution (aperture)
f Interpolation across line (line)
j Replace with input data (rectangle)
k Replace with input data (aperture)
l Line interpolation (rectangle)
m Copy by replacement (aperture)
n Copy by addition (aperture)
u Undo last change (see also 'i', 'j', and 'k')
When the image display provides a fill option then the effect of zoom
and roam is provided by loading image sections. This is a temporary
mechanism which will eventually be replaced by a more sophisticated
image display interface.
E Exapnd image display
P Pan image display
R Redraw image display
Z Zoom image display
0 Redraw image display with no zoom
1-9 Shift display
The colon either print the current value of a parameter when there is
no value or set the parameter to the specified value.
angh [value] Horizontal viewing angle (degrees)
angv [value] Vertical viewing angle (degrees)
aperture [type] Aperture type (circular|square)
autodisplay [yes|no] Automatic image display?
autosurface [yes|no] Automatic surface plots?
buffer [value] Background buffer width
command [string] Display command
display [yes|no] Display image?
eparam Edit parameters
graphics [device] Graphics device
input [image] New input image to edit (output name = input)
output [image] New output image name
radius [value] Aperture radius
search [value] Search radius
sigma [value] Noise sigma (INDEF for histrogram replacement)
value [value] Constant substitution value
width [value] Background annulus width
write [name] Write changes to name (default current output)
xorder [value] X order for background fitting
yorder [value] Y order for background fitting
cl> head bad
20 32
40 91
3. It is possible to use a contour plot for image display. This is really
not very satisfactory but can be used in desparation.
cl> reset stdimcur=stdgraph
cl> display.command="contour $image >& dev$null"
cl> imedit raw002 ed002
4. Use a "fixpix" file (without trim option).
cl> head fixpix
20 22 30 80
99 99 1 500
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