The dance of stars: dense stellar systems from infant to old



June 2 - 6 2014, Bad Honnef, Germany






Talks and posters now available online!


Most talk slides (in PDF format) are now available online at the Program tab. The posters can be found here (also linked at the Program tab). Also check out some photos at the Participants tab.





Closure of MODEST14


MODEST14 ended successfully on June 6, 2014 after five exiting days!







The final program is now available here.





Registration closed


The registration for MODEST14 is closed as of April 14, 2014 14:00 CET. The registration process had to be closed due to substantial over-subscription.





Conference poster


A poster for this conference is now available here. Feel free to display!





Invitation letter


If you need an official invitation letter for this meeting please contact at





Registration for MODEST 14 is now open!


Click here to register. Current registration/abstract submission deadline is March 31, 2014.

There is no fee for participating in the event. The costs for lodging and meals will be payable electronically in due course.





Second announcement (please feel free to distribute to potential participants)


Conference: "The dance of stars: dense stellar systems from infant to old" [MODEST 14]


Scientific Rationale


The study of dense stellar systems has constantly been an active area of research since half a century. Such systems, which mainly refer to young massive star clusters, globular clusters and dwarf galaxies, play the role of building blocks of the structures in the Universe. This is why it is crucial to understand them. Dense systems of stars present enough challenges to basically all schools in astronomy and in all wavelengths. Young systems challenge an optical/infrared observer to extract the stellar ingredient, their motions and distributions by overcoming the dense crowding of stars. Older systems puzzle one with large over-populations of exotic objects of a wide variety - millisecond radio pulsars, "blue-straggler" stars and X-ray binaries. Old and dense star clusters are also ideal sources for the forthcoming ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. Our "classical" notion of a unique-aged globular cluster is also shaken as their number, with recent discoveries of multiple-generation stellar populations in them, is counting. On the theoretical side, a dense stellar system challenges theorists to cope with the formidable task of accurately calculating its relaxation under its own gravity taking into account all the relevant physical processes such as close-passages and collisions among stars, tracking of the evolution of individual stars and binary systems. It is a major challenge towards the physics of stars and stellar population on one hand and towards computational science on the other, making the study of dense star clusters a marked interdisciplinary topic. Young massive clusters and embedded infant systems challenge with the mechanisms of their assembly and thereby connect fundamentally with star-formation theories.


The objective of this international conference, which is a part of the MODEST (MOdeling DEnse STellar systems) series of meetings, is to gather observers and theorists at all academic levels from all over the world, with expertise on dense stellar population and closely related areas, to assess the current state-of-the-art. The meeting will consist of talks as well as topical discussion sessions. Such a timely event would not only facilitate to unify the ever-improving data and the theoretical models so far but would also perhaps shed light on the issues that are lacking understanding.


The meeting will take place in the Bad Honnef Physics Center (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef) located at the foot of the "Siebengebirge" (the Seven Hills) and is very close to the bank of the Rhine River. The center provides a scenic and quiet surrounding and is equipped with sophisticated facilities.


Please find additional information in the following conference website where you can also register for the event (see the "Registration" tab):