Seminar der Astrophysik / The Astrophysics Seminar


Course #6961   (WS08/09)

Elective Seminar in Experimental Physics (Advanced Studies), 4 credit points

Wahlpflichtseminar in Experimentalphysik (Hauptstudium)

Mondays, 14 st (14:00) o'clock, HS Astronomy, Auf dem Hügel 71.
(Presentation of topics with all participants begins Monday, 13.October 2008 (at 14:00) in HS of Astronomy.)
Supervision: astronomy lecturers and group leaders.
Organizaton: Pavel Kroupa (Tel. 73-6140,

Each student selects a topic which he/she will report on. For the list of available topics see below.

Preparation of Talks:
Material for the seminar is provided by the supervisors (copies of papers, pens, transparencies, slides, overhead, beamer).
If you wish to use a beamer, contact your supervisor in time!

Quality of Talks:
This will be the first time that you encounter up-to-date scientific
literature in the form of research papers. Research papers
are not easy to read, and this is one of the hurdles you will need
to pass on your way to giving the talk.

A research paper typically contains references to other papers. Which of these
you should follow-up will be clarified by talking to your supervisor.
Following-up some of the cited literature will teach you how to navigate the
manifold of professional literature.

The talks ought to be prepared for the benefit of
your fellow students. Therefore this is an excellent chance to
practice your didactic skills. The aim is to communicate science.
Avoid  black  or  blue  backgrounds
  as  these  put  the  audience  to  sleep. 
Avoid  green lines or writing  as  such lines cannot be seen well through an overhead projector.
Best is to use a simple white background with black or blue letters for the writing.

While the talks may be held in German, the supervisors strongly encourage
you to talk in English, as this benefits your training.


Presentation of topics P.Kroupa et al.







7) SN 2006gy: A New Type of Supernova? Philip Schmidt
Karl Menten

1) "Galaxies Correlating with Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays" Jie Gu
Uli Klein

5) Star Clusters Around Recoiled Black Holes in the Milky Way Halo Jens Zappai
Holger Baumgardt




Topics will be introduced by the supervisors (please contact them)
on the first (organizational) meeting (October 13th), but can be offered already during the
vacation period. If you chose a subject during the vacation period, you should volunteer
to give your seminar at an early date of the semester. Please contact the supervisors.

Currently proposed topics: (a "t" in front of the number means the
topis has been taken already):

t1) "Galaxies Correlating with Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays"
Zaw, Ingyin; Farrar, Glennys R.; Greene, Jenny E 2008, arXiv0806.3470
Supervisor: Ulrich Klein

2) "Simulations of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters and groups: impact on gas 
fractions and the Lx-T scaling relation"
Puchwein et al. (2008), arXiv:0808.0494(link)
Supervisor: Thomas Reiprich

3) "Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution"
Diemand  et al.,  Nature, Volume 454, Issue 7205, pp. 735-738 (2008)

Supervisor: Pavel Kroupa

4) "M31 Transverse Velocity and Local Group Mass from Satellite Kinematics"
van der Marel & Guhathakurta 2008, ApJ
Supervisor: Andreass Brunthaler

t5) "Star Clusters Around Recoiled Black Holes in the Milky Way Halo"
Ryan M. O'Leary & Abraham Loeb (2008), MNRAS submitted, arXiv:0809.4262
Supervisor: Holger Baumgardt

6) "Water vapour and hydrogen in the terrestrial-planet-forming region of a
protoplanetary disk resolved with infrared interferometry"
Eisner, 2007, Nature 447, 562
Supervisor: Stefan Kraus

t7) "SN 2006gy: A New Type of Supernova?"
N. Smith et al. (link)
Supervisor: Karl Menten

8) "The transverse proximity effect and quasar lifetimes"
Supervisor: Christiano Porciani

9) "Distinguishing modified gravity from dark energy"
Supervisor: Christiano Porciani

10) "Broadband X-Ray Spectra of GX 339-4 and the Geometry of Accreting
Black Holes in the Hard Stat
Tomsick et al. 2008, ApJ, 680, 593
Supervisor: Maria Massi

11) "First results from the Cassini radio occultations of the Titan ionosphere"
J. Geophys. Res. 113, A09317, doi:10.1029/2007JA012965, 2008.
Supervisor: Michael Bird

12) "The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment (REX)"
 Tyler et al., Space Sci. Rev., in press, 2008.

Supervisor: Michael Bird

13) "Revealing the properties of dark matter in the merging cluster MACSJ0025.4-1222,
Bradac et al. (arXiv:0806.2320)
Supervisor: Peter Schneider

14) "Galaxy clusters discovered with a Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect survey"
Z. Staniszewski et al., ApJ, submitted, arXiv:0810.1578
Supervisor: Frank Bertoldi


Supervisor: Holger Baumgardt

Supervisor: Thomas Beckert

Supervisor: Frank Bertoldi

Supervisor: Michael Bird

Supervisor: Klaas de Boer

Supervisor: Andreass Brunthaler

Supervisor: Hans Fahr

Supervisor: Juergen Kerp

Supervisor: Ulrich Klein

Supervisor: Ruediger Kneissl

Supervisor: Stefan Kraus

Supervisor: Pavel Kroupa
(unavailable on the following Mondays: 24.11.2008, 05.01.2009)

Supervisor: Maria Massi

Supervisor: Karl Menten

Supervisor: Christiano Porciani

Supervisor: Thomas Reiprich

Supervisor: Peter Schneider

Supervisor: Olaf Wucknitz

Pavel Kroupa

E-mail: Pavel K.