Summer Semester 2014 (April 1 - September 30)

Title: Research Internship: X-ray Emission of Galaxy Clusters

Course number: 6979
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. T. H. Reiprich et al.
Place: Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Auf dem Hügel 71, 53121 Bonn-Endenich
Time: All day, for four weeks.

This research internship is aimed at Master of Astrophysics students at Bonn University. Check here for general information on research internships.

X-rays are emitted from regions where the Universe is hot and wild. Galaxy clusters, the largest and most massive clearly defined structures we know, are strong X-ray emitters. Observations of these systems require space-based instruments. In this internship, the students will download, reduce, and analyze recent X-ray data of a galaxy cluster taken with a satellite observatory, using software existing in the research group. This will allow them to determine the intracluster gas mass and temperature, as well as the mass of the invisible and dominant component -- dark matter.

Last modified: Sun Apr 6 20:51:50 CEST 2014