History of Astronomy: Persons (W)
- Waerden, Bartel Leendert van der (1903-1996)
- Waineo, Thomas (1935-1996)
- Walch, A.T. (? - ?)
- Waldmeier, Max (b. 1912)
- Walker, Arthur Geoffrey (1909-2001)
- Wallace, William (1768-1843)
- Wallenquist, Åke Anders Edvard (1904-1994)
- Wallingford: see Richard of Wallingford (1291/92-1336(?))
- Wallis, John (1616-1703)
- Walmesley, Charles (1722-1797)
- Walton, Ernest (b. 1903)
- Wangerin, Albert (1844-1933)
Warburg, Aby M. (1869-1929)
- Ward, Seth (1617-1689)
- Wargentin, Pehr Wilhelm (1717-1783)
- Warner, Worcester Reed (1846-1929)
- Washburn, Cadwallader Colden (1818-1882)
- Wassenius [Vassenius], Birger (1687-1771)
- Watson, James Craig (1838-1880)
- Watson-Watt, Robert (1892-1973)
- Weber, Joseph (1919-2000)
Obituary, by Virginia Trimble
- Please not that this obituary was not published in
Mercury vol. 30, 2001, issue 1, as indicated. This issue contains
only a summary (p. 6).
- Weber, Wilhelm Eduard (1804-1891)
- Wegener, Alfred Lothar (1880-1930)
- Wegg-Prosser, Francis Richard (1824-1911)
- Wehlau, William H. (1926-1995)
- Weierstraß [Weierstrass], Karl Wilhelm Theodor (1815-1897)
- Weinberg, Steven (b. 1933)
- Weinstein, Alexander (1897-1979)
- Weiß [Weiss], Edmund (1837-1917)
- Welser, Marc (1558-1614)
- Wendelin [Vendelinus], Gottfried (1580-1667)
- Werner, Johann (1468-1522)
- Westerlund, Bengt E. (b. 1921)
- Westfall, Richard S. (1924-1996)
- Weyl, Hermann Klaus Hugo (1885-1955)
- Wharton, George (1617-1681)
- Whipple, Fred Lawrence (b. 1906)
- Whiston, William (1667-1752)
- White, Edward John (1831-1913)
- White, Henry Seely (1861-1943)
- Whitehorne, Mary Lou (fl. 20th c.)
- Whitford, Albert Edward (b. 1905)
- Whiting, Sarah F. (1846-1927)
- Whitney, Mary Watson (1847-1921)
- Whittaker, Edmund Taylor (1873-1956)
- Widmannstätten, Alois von Beckh-
[Aloys Beck, Edler von Widmannstätten] (1753/54-1849)
- Wien, Wilhelm (1864-1928)
- Wiener, Norbert (1894-1964)
- Wilczek, Frank Anthony (b. 1951)
- Wilczynski, Ernest Julius (1876-1932)
- Wilhelm IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (1532-1592)
- Wilhelm von Hirsau [Wilhelm der Selige; Engl. William of Hirsau; Blessed William] (?-1091)
- Wilkins, John (1614-1672)
- Willcox, Kenneth W. (1943-1999)
- William IV, King of England (1765-1837)
- William of Auvergne [Guillaume d'Auvergne] (c.1180-1249)
- William of Conches (c.1100-?)
- William of Hirsau: see Wilhelm von Hirsau (?-1091)
- William of Moerbeke (c.1215-1286)
- Williams, Robley Cook (b. 1908)
- Wills, William John (1834-1861)
- Wilson, Alexander (1714-1786)
- Wilson, Benjamin
- Wilson, Olin Chaddock (1909-1994)
- Wilson, Robert Woodrow (b. 1936)
- Wilson, Stephanie D. (b. 1966)
- Winckelmann, Maria Margarethe: see Kirch, Maria Margarethe, née Winckelmann (1670-1720)
- Windischmann, Karl Joseph Hieronymus (1775-1839)
- Wing, Vincent (1619-1668)
- Winnecke, Friedrich August Theodor (1835-1897)
- Winthrop, John (1606-1676)
- Relation to astronomy: had a telescope and observed the heavens
- Winthrop, John (1714-1779)
- Wintner, Aurel Friedrich (1903-1958)
- Wirtz, Carl Wilhelm (1876-1939)
- Witt, John H. de, Jr. (20th c.)
- Wittich, Paul (c.1546-1586)
- Wolf, Johann Rudolf (1816-1893)
- Wolf, Max[imilian] Franz Joseph Cornelius (1863-1932)
- Wolfer, Alfred (1854-1931)
- Wollaston, William (1766-1828)
- Woodhouse, Robert (1773-1827)
- Woodward, Robert Simpson (1849-1924)
- Woolley, Richard van der Reit (1906-1986)
- Wren, Christopher, Sir (1632-1723)
- Wright, Edward (1561-1615)
- Wright, Horatio George Anthony (1827-1901)
- Wright, Thomas (1711-1786)
- Wronski, Josef Hoëné de (1778-1853)
Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 16 Jan 1995.
Latest update: 11 Feb 2004