History of Astronomy: Persons (S)
- Sabine, Edward, Sir (1788-1883 )
- Sabliere (18th century)
- Sacrobosco: see Johannes de Sacrobosco (c.1195-1256)
Sagan, Carl Edward (1934-1996)
- Saha, Meghnad (1893-1956)
- Saint Vincent, Gregorius [Gregory of Saint Vincent] (1584-1667)
- Salomonovich, Alexander (b. 1916)
- Salpeter, Edwin Ernest (b. 1924)
- Sandage, Allan Rex (b. 1926)
- Sands, Benjamin F. (1812-1883)
- Sang, Edward (1805-1890)
- Santini, Giovanni Sante Gaspero (1787-1877)
- Sarabhai, Vikram (1919-1971)
- Sargent, Wallace Leslie William (b. 1935)
- Sarpi, Paolo (1552-1623)
- Savary, Felix (1797-1841)
- Savile, Henry, Sir (1549-1622)
- Sawyer Hogg, Helen: see Hogg, Helen B.
- Scaliger, Joseph (1540-1609)
- Scarpellini, Caterina (1808-?)
- Schall von Bell, Johann Adam (1592-1666)
- Scheiner, Christoph (1575-1650)
Scheiner, Julius (1858-1913)
- Scheuer, Peter (b. 1930)
- Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio (1835-1910)
- Schickard [Schickhardt], Wilhelm (1592-1635)
- Schindel, Iohannes [Andreae, Iohannes] (fl. 14th-15th c.)
- Schjellerup, Hans Karl Frederik Kristian (1827-1887)
- Schläfli, Ludwig (1814-1895)
- Schlesinger, Frank (1871-1943)
- Schmidt, Bernhard Voldemar (1879-1935)
- Schmidt, Maarten (b. 1929)
- Schoener, Johannes (1477-1547)
- Schopf, James William (b. 1941)
- Schramm, David N. (1945-1997)
- Schrödinger, Erwin (1887-1961)
- Schultán, Nathanael Gerhard af (1750-1825)
- Schuster, Arthur, Sir (1851-1934)
- Schwabe, Samuel Heinrich (1789-1875)
- Schwarzschild, Karl (1873-1916)
- Schwarzschild, Martin (1912-1997)
- Scott, William (1825-1917)
- Seares, Frederick Hanley (1873-1964)
- Secchi, Angelo (1818-1878)
- Segner, Johann Andreas (1704-1777)
- Seidel, Philipp Ludwig von (1821-1896)
Seitter, Waltraut C. (1930-2007)
- Selander, Nils Haqvin (1804-1870)
- Seldowitsch: see Zel'dovich, Yakov Borisovich (1914-1987)
- Seleucus of Seleucia (c. 190 BC - ?)
- Serpieri, Alessandro (1823-1885)
- Serret, Joseph Alfred (1819-1885)
- Sestini, Benedict (1816-1890)
- Severin, Christian: see Longberg, Kristen Sorensen
- 'sGravesande, Willem Jacob (1688-1742)
- Shakerley, Jeremy (1626-c.1655)
- Shakeshaft, John (fl. 20th c.)
- Shapley, Harlow (1885-1972)
- Shelton, Ian (b. 1958)
- Shen Kua (1031-1095)
- Shepard, Alan Bartlett, Jr. (b. 1923)
- Shklovskii [Schklowski], Iosif Samuilovich (1916-1985)
- Shoemaker, Eugene Merle (1928-1997)
- Shuter, William L. H. (1936-1995)
- Siegel, Carl Ludwig (1896-1981)
- Sierpinski, Waclaw (1882-1969)
- Sigüenza y Gongora, Carlos de (1645-1700)
- Silesius Lublenensis, Georgius Iobius (fl. 1610)
- Sima Qian [Ssu-ma Ch'ien] (c.145 BC - c.90 BC)
- Simson, Robert (1687-1768)
- Sisson, Jeremiah (18th c.)
- Sitter, Willem de (1872-1934)
- Sitterly, Charlotte Emma Moore (1898-1990)
- Slee, O. Bruce (20th c.)
- Slipher, Vesto Melvin ["V.M."] (1875-1969)
- Sluse [Sluze], René-Francois de (1622-1685)
- Slutskij [Slutsky; Sluzki; Sluckij], Evgenij [Evgeny; Jewgeni] Evgenievich [Jewgenjewitsch] (1880-1948)
- Smalley, George Robarts (1822-1870)
- Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
- Smith, Graham (b. 1923)
- Smith, Harlan James (1924-1991)
- Smith, Paul (19??-1995)
- Smoot, George Fitzgerald, III (b. 1945)
- Smyth, Charles Piazzi (1819-1900)
- Snel [Snell; Snellius; Snel van Royen], Willebrord (1580-1626)
- Soemmerring [Sömmerring], Samuel Thomas von (1755-1830)
- Sokolov, Yurij [Yurii; Juri] Dmitrievich [Dmitrijewitsch] (1896-1971)
- Somerville, Mary Fairfax Greig (1780-1872)
- Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm (1868-1951)
Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.)
Short biography and references (in German)
Arnold Sommerfeld: Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel (in German)
- Including many letters on astronomical matters. See the
subject index "Suche nach Wissenschaft" for keywords like Astrologie,
Astronomie, Astrophysik, Gravitationswellen, Keplerbewegung, Mars,
kosmische Strahlung, Kosmologie, Universum, Uranus, Urknall etc.
- Sommerville, Duncan MacLaren Young (1879-1934)
- Sonduk (around 630 BC)
- Sonnefeld, August (1886-1974)
- Sophronius (fl. 445)
- Sosigenes of Alexandria (c. 50 or 90 BC - ?)
- Southworth, Albert Sands (1811-1894)
Spencer Jones, Harold [Jones, Harold Spencer] (1890-1960)
- Spigl, Hyman Solomon (1911-1962)
- Spinoza [de Spinoza], Benedictus [Baruch] (1632-1677)
- Spitzer, Georg (1925-1989)
- Spitzer, Lyman, Jr. (1914-1997)
- Spole, Anders (1630-1699)
- Sporus of Nicaea (c. 240 - c. 300)
- Spurr, Josiah Edward (1870-1950)
- Sripati (1019-1066)
- Stampioen, Jan Jansz. de Jonge (1610- after 1689)
- Stanley, G. J. (20th c.)
- Stansel, Valentin (1621-1705)
- Staudt, Karl Georg Christian von (1798-1867)
- Stebbins, Joel (1878-1966)
- Stein, Johan W.J.A. (1871-1951)
- Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925)
- Steinmeyer, Ferdinand (1720-1786)
- Stephan, Jean Marie Edouard (1837-1923)
- Stevin, Simon (1548-1620)
- Stewart, Robert Meldrum (1878-1954)
- Stewart, Matthew (1717-1785)
- Stibbs, Douglas Walter Noble (b. 1919)
- Stieltjes, Thomas Joannes [Jan] (1856-1894)
- Stifel [Styfel], Michael (1487-1567)
- Stodola, Edwin King (1914-1992)
- Stokes, George Gabriel (1819-1903)
- Storer, Arthur (17th c.)
- Störmer, Fredrik Carl Mülertz (1874-1957)
- Streete, Thomas (1622-1689)
- Strömer, Mårten (1707-1770)
- Strömgren, Bengt Georg Daniel (1908-1987)
- Strömgren, Svante Elis (1870-1947)
- Strutt, John William [Lord Rayleigh] (1842-1919)
- Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm (1793-1864)
- Struve, Gustav Wilhelm Ludwig (1858-1920 )
- Struve, Karl Hermann (1854-1920)
- Struve, Otto (1897-1963)
- Struve, Otto Wilhelm (1819-1905)
- Subbotin, Mikhail Fedorovich (1893-1966)
- Suess, Hans Eduard (b. 1909)
- Sullivan, Woodruff (b. 1944)
- Sundman, Karl Fritiof (1873-1949)
- Sunyaev, Rashid Alievich (b. 1943)
- Sutherland, William (1859-1911)
- Svanberg, Gustaf (1802-1882)
- Svanberg, Jöns (1771-1851)
- Swasey, Ambrose (1846-1937)
Very short biography
Very short biography
History of the Warner and Swasey Observatory,
Case Western Reserve University
Swasey Observatory, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, USA
Swasey Chapel, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, USA
Ambrose Swasey Library, Colgate Rochester Divinity School,
Rochester, NY, USA
- Is it named after the engineer?
Ambrose Swasey Professor of Physics (Lawrence M. Krauss)
Engineering Foundation
- Established in 1914 in response to Ambrose Swasey's
offer to provide funds for research in science and engineering
and the advancement of engineering in general.
history of the foundation.
Find more about Swasey with Alta Vista
- Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688-1772)
- Sylvester, James Joseph (1814-1897)
- Szalay, Sandor (b. 1909)
- Szerdahely, Georg (1740-1808)
- Szilard, Leo (1898-1964)
Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 16 Jan 1995.
Latest update: 15 Dec 2012