History of Astronomy: Persons (P)
- Paczynski, Bohdan (b. 1940)
- Page, Thornton L. (1913-1996)
- Painlevé, Paul (1863-1933)
- Palisa, Johann (1848-1925)
- Palitzsch, Johann Georg (1723-1788)
- Palmieri, Luigi (1807-1896)
- Paracelsus [Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim] (ca. 1493 - 1541)
- Parent, Antoine (1666-1716)
- Parise, Ronald A. (b. 1951)
- Parker, Eugene Newman (b. 1927)
- Parker, Louis (b. 1906)
- Parkinson, Wilfred Charles (1884-1964)
- Parmenides of Elia (c. 515 BC - after 450 BC)
- Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse [Lord Rosse] (1800-1867)
- Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
- Pascal, Étienne (1588-1651)
- Patterson, Clair Cameron (1922-1995)
- Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908-1962)
Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia Helena (1900-1979)
- Peacock, George (1791-1858)
- Pearce, Joseph Algernon (1893-1988)
- Pease, Francis Gladheim (1881-1938)
- Pedersen, Olaf (1920-1997)
- Peebles, Phillip James Edward (b. 1935)
- Peirce, Benjamin (1809-1880)
- Peiresc, Nicolas Claude Fabri de (1580-1637)
Pelerin de Prusse (14th c.)
- Pell [Pellius], John (1611-1685)
- Penzias, Arno Allan (b. 1933)
- Perelli, Tommaso (1704-1783)
- Perez de Vargas, Bernardo (before 1560 - after 1569)
- Perrault, Claude (1613-1688)
- Architect, built the Observatoire de Paris.
- Perrine, Charles (1867-1951)
- Perry, Stephen Joseph (1833-1889)
- Petit, Pierre (1598-1677)
- Petzval, Józeph Miksa (1807-1891)
- Peurbach [Peuerbach, Purbach], Georg von (1423-1461)
- Philolaus of Tarentum or Croton (c. 480 BC - ?)
- Piazzi, Giuseppe (1746-1826)
- Picard, Jean (1620-1682)
- Piccolomini, Alessandro (1508-1578)
- Pickering, Edward Charles (1846-1919)
- Pickering, William Hayward (b. 1910)
- Pickering, William Henry (1858-1938)
- Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni (1463-1494)
- Pierry, Mme. du (18th century)
- Pierson, Ambroise (17--? - ?)
- Pighius [Pigghe], Albert (c.1490-1542)
- Pigot, Edward Francis (1858-1929)
- Pinchbeck, Christopher (ca.1710-1738)
- Pingré, Alexandre Guy (1711-1796)
- Piscopia, Elena Lucrezia Cornaro (1646-1684)
- Plana, Giovanni Antonio Amedeo (1781-1864)
- Planck, Max (1858-1947)
- Planman, Anders (1724-1803)
- Plaskett, John Stanley (1865-1941)
- Platina, Bartolomeo [orig. Sacchi] (1421-1481)
- Plato (428 BC - 347 BC)
- Playfair, John (1748-1819)
- Plössl, Georg Simon (1794-1868)
- Plume, Thomas (1630-1704)
- Pocock, Robert John (1889-1918)
- Poggiali, Giuseppe (19th c.)
- Poincaré, Jules Henri (1854-1912)
- Poisson, Siméon Denis (1781-1840)
- Poleni, Giovanni (1683-1761)
- Pollock, James Arthur (1865-1922)
- Pólya, George (1887-1985)
- Pons, Jean-Louis (1761-1831)
- Poretskij [Poretsky], Platon Sergeevich (1846-1907)
- Porro, Ignazio (1801-1875)
- Porta, Giambattista della (1535-1615)
- Porter, Russell Williams (1871-1949)
- Poseidonius of Apamea [Posidonius] (c. 135 BC - c. 50 BC)
- Potapenko, Gennady (1895-1979)
- Potocnik, Herman (1892-1929)
- Prigogine, Ilya (b. 1917)
- Primakoff, Henry (1914-1983)
- Priscillian (?-385?)
- Pritchett, Henry Smith (1857-1939)
- Proclus [Proklos] Diadochus (410[412?]-485)
- Prokhorov, Alexander Mikhailovich (b. 1916)
- Prony, Gaspard Clair Francois Marie Riche de (1755-1839)
- Prosperin, Erik (1739-1803)
- Ptolemy [Ptolomaeus; Ptolemaios, Klaudios; Ptolemeus] (c.87-c.165)
- Puiseux, Victor Alexandre [Victor-Alexandre] (1820-1883)
- Purbach: see Peurbach, Georg von (1423-1461)
- Purcell, Edward Mills (b. 1912)
- Pythagoras of Samos (580 BC - 500 BC)
Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 16 Jan 1995.
Latest update: 12 Nov 2003