IAU Commission 41 : Working Groups

IAU Commission 41

The Historical Instruments Working Group

When the Archives WG was set up in 1991 there was discussion about whether to include historical instruments within the gambut of an enlarged WG, but it was decided at that time to defer such a move until progress had been made with the archives initiative.

Subsequently, a Resolution urging preservation of surviving instruments associated with the measurement of the arc of the meridian made by F.G.W. Struve was adopted at the C41 Business Meeting at the 1997 General Assembly in Kyoto.

At the 2000 Manchester General Assembly members of C41 felt the time was right to form an Historical Instruments WG as a complement to the Archives WG. The objectives of this new WG are: to draw up an inventory of all internationally-significant astronomical instruments; to assemble a bibliography of existing publications relating to such instruments; and to encourage colleagues to carry out research and publish their results. A WEB Site has already been set up, and a start has been made on the listing of historically-significant astronomical instruments. Meanwhile, this WG also plans to hold a meeting at the 2003 General Assembly where colleagues can report on their research work during the triennium.

Committee members of the Historical Instruments WG are: Professor Il-Seong Nha (Korea – Chair, e-mail: SLISNHA@chollian.net), Dr Wayne Orchiston (Australia) and Mr John Briggs (USA).

Homepage of the WG: my.dreamwiz.com/snha

For questions concerning IAU Comm. 41, please contact F. Richard Stephenson.
For questions concerning layout and links, please contact Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 6 Dec 2001