IAU Commission 41 : Working Groups

IAU Commission 41

The Astronomical Chronology Working Group

This WG was formed at the 2000 Manchester General Assembly specifically in order to compile a wide-ranging internationally-approved master list of the major milestones in the history of astronomy (including key instruments, astronomical phenomena, discoveries and ideas) that profoundly influenced its development. A meeting to review progress made in addressing these objectives is planned for the 2003 Sydney General Assembly.

The Committee members of this WG are: Professor Alex Gurshtein (Russia – Chair, e-mail: agurshtein@hotmail.com), Professor Adriaan Blaauw (Netherlands), Dr Teije de Jong (Netherlands) and Professor Brian Warner (South Africa).

For questions concerning IAU Comm. 41, please contact F. Richard Stephenson.
For questions concerning layout and links, please contact Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 6 Dec 2001