IAU Commission 41 : Meetings

XXIV General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union

Business Meeting of Commission 41 "History of Astronomy"

Manchester, UK, August 15, 2000


1. President's Report
2. Election of Officers/New Members/Consultants
3. New Resolutions: Preservation of Transit of Venus sites
4. Proposals for next IAU General Assembly ­ Possible JDs
5. Relation of IAU C 41 to IUHPS
6. Other business: future meetings; archaic constellation status, etc.

Any items for the Business session should be sent to S. J. Dick by July 15, 2000. These items should preferably be sent via e-mail to dick.steve@usno.navy.mil.

It is too late for proposing resolutions that would go forward to the General Assembly, but Commission 41 resolutions can still be proposed. At the moment, the only Commission resolution we have is as follows:

Recognizing the historical importance of the 19th century transits of Venus and the numerous transit of Venus expeditions mounted by many countries, and

Noting the rarity of the upcoming transits of 2004 and 2012

Commission 41 Recommends that the sites of the 19th century transit of Venus expeditions be inventoried, marked and preserved, as well as instrumentation associated with these expeditions.

See also Newsletter # 6.

For questions concerning IAU Comm. 41, please contact F. Richard Stephenson

For questions concerning layout and links, please contact Wolfgang R. Dick

Created: 6 June 2000