IAU Commission 41 : Bibliographies


[Distributed first as attachment to HAD News No. 42, Nov. 1997. - Covers literature published between 1988 and 1997.]

Books, Pamphlets, and Special Issues of Periodicals

Les Astres. Actes du Colloque international de Montpellier, 23-25 mars 1995. Études rassemblées par Beatrice Bakhouche, Alain Moreau et Jean-Claude Turpin. Montpellier, Séminaire d'étude des mentalités antiques, Publications de la recherche, Université Paul Valéry, 1996. 2 v. illus. (part col.)
Contents: t. 1. Moreau, A. Avant-propos. 1. ptie. Les astres et les mythes. ch. 1. Mythologie classique. Moreau, A. Quand Apollon devint Soleil. Wathelet, P. Le soleil et les héros solaires dans l'épopée homérique. Le Boeffle {Le B{\oe}ffle}, A. Autour du Dragon, astronomie et mythologie. Soubiran, J. Mythologie et astronomie (II). Le ciel étoilé vu par la jalousie de Junon (Sénèque, Herc. fur., 3-18). Renaud, J. M. Le catastérisme d'Orion. ch. 2. Mythe et histoire. Santini, C. Divinité des astres et catastérisme dynastique. Martin, P. M. Le soleil comme agent de souveraineté. Recherche sur les fondements italo-étrusques de la mystique solaire à Rome. Ricoux, O. Sirius ou l'étoile des mages.--2. ptie. La description du ciel. ch. 1. Les grands ancêtres. Bottéro, J. L'astrologie mésopotamienne: l'astrologie dans son plus vieil état. Lenthéric, B. À propos du Zodiaque circulaire de Dendera: éléments de réflexion. ch. 2. Naissance d'une science. Aujac, G. Sphère céleste et constellations chez Eudoxe, Aratos, Hipparque, Ptolémée. Novara, A. Cicéron et le planétaire d'Archimède. Caldini Montanari, R. Étoile, constellation et corps céleste dans les mentalités grecque et romaine. Freyburger-Galland, M. L. Thalès, astrologue ou astronome? ch. 3. Mesures et calculs. Freyburger, G. L'harmonie des sphères calculée en stades (Pline, N.H., II, 83-84 et Censorinus, 13, 2-5). Rüpke, J. Quis vetat et stellas ...? Les levers des étoiles et la tradition calendaire chez Ovide. Hübner, W. Les divinités planétaires de la Dodécatropos.--t. 2. 3. ptie. Les correspondances entre la ciel, la terre et l'homme. ch. 1. Microcosmos et macrocosmos. Bakhouche, B. La terre, petit miroir du ciel ... et vice versa? (Macrobe, Commentaire sur le Songe de Scipion, II, 5-9). Toulze, F. Astronomie, mythe et vérité (Vitruve, De Architectura, IX et Pline l'Ancien, Naturalis Historia, II). Liuzzi, D. L'Europe dans l'oevre {l'{\oe}vre} de Manilius (Astr., IV, 681-695; 715-721; 760-769). Martínez-Gázquez, J. L'homo astrologicus du ms. 2052 des archives capitulaires de la Seu d'Urgell. ch. 2. L'action des astres. Gourevitch, D. La lune et les règles des femmes. Amignes, S. Les "fiancées du soleil." Abry, J. H. L'horoscope de Rome (Cicéron, Div., II, 98-99).--4. ptie. Les "survivances" de l'astrologie antique. Fuzeau-Braesch, S. Prolongements modernes de l'astrologie antique. Brunon, C. F. Le ciel d'Horapollon. Bauer, F., and G. Gouiran. L'"aube" et les astres. À propos de quelques particularités formelles des albas profanes. Viré, G. Quelques continuateurs du De Astronomia d'Hygin. Maranini, A. Les Astronomiques de M. Manilius et le Manilius français d'Equicola. Picot, J. P. Mythologie de l'étoile chez Edgar Poe. Wathelet, P. Synthèse du colloque.
English summaries of papers appear on p. 239-265 of v. 2.

Les Astres. Préf. de Gérard Mourgue. Avec la collaboration de 270 poètes et 18 illustrateurs. Paris, J. Grassin, 1994. 472 p. illus. (L'Encyclopédie poétique, t. 29)

An anthology of poems relating to celestial objects and phenomena.

Astrologia: arte e cultura in età rinascimentale. Art and culture in the Renaissance. A cura di Daniele Bini. Testi di Ernesto Milano, Grazia Mirti, Leandro Ventura, Anna Rosa Venturi. Schede di Milena Luppi, Paola di Pietro, Paola Ortolani. Modena, Il Bulino, edizioni d'arte, 1996. 286 p. illus., facsims. (part col.), ports. (Il Giardino delle Esperidi, 5)

Italian and English in parallel columns.
Contents: 1. La cultura astrologica: cenni storici. The domain of astrology: some historical notes.--2. De Sphaera estense. The Este De Sphaera.--3. La cultura astrologica in età rinascimentale: testimonianze dai fondi della Biblioteca estense. Astrology in the Renaissance: testimonies from the Biblioteca estense.

Basinio, da Parma. Basinii Parmensis poetæ Astronomicon libri II. Edizione in fac-simile del Codice della Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini. Traduzione italiana di Marinella De Luca con una nota codicologica di Donatella Frioli e un saggio di Giordana Mariani Canova sull'apparato illustrativo del codice. Rimini, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini, 1994. [78] p. of facsims., 253 p. illus., col. facsims.

Contents: pt. 1. Fac-simile del codice.--pt. 2. Traduzione italiana. Saggi.

Bertola, Francesco. Imago mundi: la rappresentazione del cosmo attraverso i secoli. Cittadella, Biblos, 1995. 231 p. illus. (part col.), facsims. (part col.), col. map.

Italian and English.
A French translation, Imago mundi: la représentation de l'univers à travers les siècles, was published in 1996 by La Renaissance du livre in Brussels.

Castiñeiras González, Manuel A. El calendario medieval hispano: textos e imágenes (siglos XI-XIV). Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura, 1996. 335 p. illus., map. (Estudios de arte, no. 7)

Clay, Roger, and Bruce R. Dawson. Cosmic bullets: high energy particles in astrophysics. St. Leonards, NSW, Allen & Unwin, 1997. 194 p. illus. (Frontiers of science)

"These particles are in many ways deeply mysterious. Despite a century of intensive research, it is still far from certain where they come from or the way they were created. Nevertheless, the little-known story of their discovery and subsequent study has many intriguing twists and wonderful surprises."

Cramer, Frederick H. Astrology in Roman law and politics. Chicago, Ares Publishers, 1996. 291 p. illus., geneal. tables, map, ports.

Reprint of a work published in 1954 by the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, as v. 37 of its Memoirs.

David, Ferdinand. La cathédrale de Strasbourg et l'astrologie. Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, 1992. 202 p., [8] p. of plates. illus. (L'Homme et l'univers)

"Ce livre aborde, pour la première fois, la place de l'astrologie dans l'extraordinaire renouveau intellectuel et artistique des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, et plus particulièrement dans l'art gothique."

Dershowitz, Nachum, and Edward M. Reingold. Calendrical calculations. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1997. xxi, 307 p. illus., facsims.

"This volume will be a valuable resource for working programmers, as well as a source of useful algorithmic tools for computer scientists. It also includes a wealth of historical material of value to anyone interested in chronology."

Duteuil, Jean P. Le mandat du ciel: le rôle des jésuites en Chine, de la mort de François-Xavier à la dissolution de la Compagnie de Jésus (1552-1774). Préf. de Jean Delumeau. Paris, ar {\alpha\rho} éditions-Arguments, 1994. 411 p. illus.

Partial contents: 5. ptie. Vers la pensée scientifique universelle. ch. 1. Mesurer le temps, mesurer l'espace. 1. L'horlogerie: pendules et automates.--2. De l'astrologie à l'astronomie. a. Un besoin spécifique: des missionaires astronomes. b. La découverte des techniques chinoises et la fabrication d'un matériel scientifique. c. L'arrivée des Qing et les difficultés du Père Schall. d. La défense d'une astronomie scientifique, de Ferdinand Verbiest à la fin de la Mission.--3. De l'astronomie à la chronologie. a. La Chine et les origines de l'humanité. b. Le Déluge, l'Egypte et la Chine.

En toch was ze rond ... Middeleeuws mens- en wereldbeeld. Brussel, Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Aloysius--Gemeentekrediet, 1990. 191 p. illus. (part col.), facsims. (part col.), maps (part col.), ports. (part col.)

Produced to accompany an exhibition held in Brussels, Mar. 3-Apr. 28, 1990.

Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-Western cultures. Editor, Helaine Selin. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. 1117 p. illus. (1 col.)

Provides a wealth of material relating to astronomy, astronomical instruments, astrology, navigation, and calendars, as well as biographical sketches of individual astronomers. While the index lists many relevant topics under the heading Astronomy, others (including the names of astronomers) can be found among the cross references at the end of most essays.
The general articles on astronomy are listed below as an indication of the range of coverage and contributors.
Partial contents: Culver, R. B. Astronomy.--Doyle, L. R., and E. W. Frank. Astronomy in Africa.--Krupp, E. C. Astronomy in native North America.--Haynes, R. D. Astronomy of the Australian aboriginal people.--Ho, P. Y. Astronomy in China.--De Young, G. Astronomy in Egypt.--Langermann, Y. T. Astronomy of the Hebrew people.--Sarma, K. V. Astronomy in India.--Ammarell, G. Astronomy in the Indo-Malay archipelago.--King, D. A. Astronomy in the Islamic world.--Macri, M. J. Astronomy in Mesoamerica.--Ohashi {\=Ohashi}, Y. Astronomy in Tibet.

Encyclopedia of planetary sciences. Edited by James H. Shirley and Rhodes W. Fairbridge. London, New York, Chapman & Hall, 1997. xxx, 990 p., [32] p. of plates. illus. (part col.), maps (part col.), ports. + 1 computer laser optical disk (4¾ in.)

In addition to two general articles, "History of Planetary Science I: Pre-Space Age," by Patrick Moore, and "History of Planetary Science II: Space Age," by James A. Van Allen, there is a short article on archaeoastronomy by David S. P. Dearborn, and many other articles include treatment of historical aspects. There are also numerous biographical sketches, a list of which can be found on p. 943.
The CD-ROM contains "over 200 relevant planetary and related images and a review of planetary data available from NASA ... specially compiled for the Encyclopedia by the United States National Space Science Data Center."

Felsbild·u.·Sternbild II· und ausgewählte Kapitel aus: "Sie sahen die Sterne von Miroslav Ksica {Ksi\v{c}a}." Graz, GE.FE.BI, 1995. 114 p. illus., maps. (X. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für vergleichende Felsbildforschung, 1995/96)

Partial contents: Ksica {Ksi\v{c}a}, M. Sie sahen die Sterne.-- Wanke, L. Erläuterungen zu den Ksica angeführten Termini von der GE.FE.BI.--Wanke, L. Zusammenfassung: Überblick über die Solartiere.--Wanke, L. Weiterführende Literatur Himmelskundlicher Vorgeschichte.--Evers, D. Orientierung früher Seefahrer.--Läntzsch, C., and M. Läntzsch. Astronomisch deutbare Felsbilder in Amerika als Ausdruck indianischer Mythologie.

Fernández Castro, Telmo. Historias del universo. Madrid, Espasa, 1997. 320 p. illus. (Espasa hoy)

Contents: Introducción.--1. El universo a través de los ojos y de la mente.--2. Una forma "diferente" de mirar el cielo.--3. Los nuevos "límites" del universo.

Giraud, Fabienne. Recherche des périodicités astronomiques et des fluctuations du niveau marin à partir de l'étude du signal carbonaté des séries pélagiques alternantes. Application au Crétacé inférieur du sud-est de la France (bassin vocontien), de l'Atlantique Central (site 534 DSDP) et du golfe du Mexique (site 535 DSDP). Villeurbanne, Centre des sciences de la terre, Université Claude-Bernard, Lyon I, 1995. 279 p. illus., maps. (Documents des Laboratoires de géologie Lyon, no 134)

Studies of marl-limestone alternations at the sites indicated show a linkage to cyclic variations of the earth's orbit.
Abstract in English.

Gordon, Richard. Image and value in the Graeco-Roman world; studies in Mithraism and religious art. Aldershot, Hants, Variorum; Brookfield, Vt., Ashgate Pub. Co., 1996. [324], 6, 4, 2 p. illus., plan, port. (Collected studies series, C551)

Partial contents: 3. Mithraism and Roman society: social factors in the explanation of religious change in the Roman empire (1972).--4. Authority, salvation and mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras (1988).--6. The sacred geography of a mithræum: the example of Sette Sfere (1976).
See additions and corrections to these three papers on p. 1-5 (2d group).

Harford, James J. Korolev: how one man masterminded the Soviet drive to beat America to the moon. New York, J. Wiley, 1997. xviii, 392 p., [16] p. of plates. illus., ports.

A History of scientific thought; elements of a history of science. Edited by Michel Serres. Translated from the French. Oxford, Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell Reference, 1995. 760 p. illus., maps.

Translation of Éléments d'histoire des sciences.
Partial contents: Serres, M. Gnomon: the beginnings of geometry in Greece.--Benoît, P., and F. Micheau. The Arab intermediary.--Stengers, I. The Galileo affair.--Authier, M. Refraction and Cartesian 'forgetfulness.'

Houtman, Cornelis. Der Himmel im Alten Testament. Israels Weltbild und Weltanschauung. Leiden, New York, E. J. Brill, 1993. 401 p. (Oudtestamentische Studiën, deel 30)

Ibarra Grasso, Dick E. La ciencia antigua y los zodíacos del Viejo Mundo y América. Buenos Aires, Editorial Kier, 1995. 573 p. illus.

Contents: Introducción.--cap. 1. La navegación y la astronomía en Micronesia.--cap. 2. La navegación y la astronomía en Polinesia.--cap. 3. La navegación y la astronomía árabe oriental.--cap. 4. Medidas, calendarios y astronomía antiguas.--cap. 5. La más antigua ciencia astronómica y astrológica.--cap. 6. Conjunto de los zodíacos en el Viejo Mundo.--cap. 7. El zodíaco lunar en América del Norte.--cap. 8. La astronomía mesoamericana.--cap. 9. Astronomía y calendarios andinos.--Conclusiones.

International Astronomical Union. Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, 7th, Pusan, 1996. Proceedings. Pusan, Pusan National University Press, 1996. S1-S462 p. illus. (Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, v. 27, Suppl.)

Partial contents: Park, C. Analysis of the Korean celestial planisphere: Ch'on-Sang-Yul-Cha-Bun-Ya-Ji-Do.--Han, Y., and P. Zhang. Timing records of ancient lunar eclipses in China and long-term variation of the earth's spin speed.--Xu, Z., and Y. Jiang. On the astronomy of oracle bone inscriptions.--Zhou, H., W. Zhuang, and Y. Wang. A study of Chinese ancient cometary records.

Lang, Harry G., and Bonnie Meath-Lang. Deaf persons in the arts and sciences, a biographical dictionary. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1995. xvii, 424 p. ports.

See the sketches of Robert Grant Aitken (p. 1-3), Annie Jump Cannon (p. 63-67), John Goodricke (p. 150-155), Olaf Hassel (p. 175-178), Henrietta Swan Leavitt (p. 219-221), and Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (p. 358-362).

Le Contel, Jean M., and Paul Verdier. Un calendrier celtique: le calendrier gaulois de Coligny. Paris, Éditions Errance, 1997. 88 p. illus. (Archéologie aujourd'hui)

Leitz, Christian. Studien zur ägyptischen Astronomie. 2., verb. Aufl. Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 1991. 108 p. illus. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Bd. 49)

"Für die Neuauflage wurde die seither erschienene Literatur, soweit sie mir bekannt geworden ist, eingearbeitet. Änderungen ergaben sich hauptsächlich in den Kapiteln X und XII, in geringerem Mass auch in Kapitel I, in den übrigen Kapiteln handelt es sich meist nur um Verbesserungen der Tippfehler."

Leitz, Christian. Tagewählerei. Das Buch h3t nhh ph.wy dt {\it \d{h}3t n\d{h}\d{h} p\d{h}.wy \b{d}t} und verwandte Texte. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1994. 2 v. facsims. (part fold.) (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Bd. 55)

Contents: Textband.--Tafelband.
Provides hieroglyphic texts, transcriptions, translations, and commentary, in an effort to improve understanding of the ancient Egyptian calendar system.

Lerner, Michel P. Le monde des sphères. 2. La fin du cosmos classique. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 1997. 418 p. facsims. (L'Ane d'or)

Contents: 1. ptie. La disparition des sphères planétaires.--2. ptie. La sphère des étoiles fixes.

Lupato, Giovanni. SN1054. Una supernova sul Medioevo. Padova, Biroma [1996?] 224 p. illus.

Mathematische Probleme im Mittelalter. Der lateinische und arabische Sprachbereich. Hrsg. von Menso Folkerts. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag in Kommission, 1996. 449 p. illus., facsims. (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien, Bd. 10)

Partial contents: King, D. A. The neglected astrolabe.--Lorch, R. P. The transmission of Theodosius' Sphærica.--Kunitzsch, P. Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen bei der Arbeit mit Texten der arabisch-lateinischen Übersetzungsliteratur (Mathematik/Astronomie).--Kaunzner, W. Über einige Zusammenhänge zwischen lateinischen und deutschen mathematischen Texten, die auf arabische Quellen zurückgehen.

Medieval cosmologies. Edited by J. M. M. H. Thijssen. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1997. 107-213 p. (Early science and medicine, v. 2, no. 2)

Contents: Thijssen, J. M. M. H. Introduction.--Gutman, O. On the fringes of the Corpus Aristotelicum: the pseudo-Avicenna Liber celi et mundi.--Grant, E. Celestial motions in the late Middle Ages.--Rudarsky, T. M. Philosophical cosmology in Judaism.--Langermann, Y. T. Arabic cosmology.

Moore, Patrick. Eyes on the universe: the story of the telescope. London, New York, Springer, 1997. 114 p. illus. (part col.), facsims., col. ports.

Includes a chronology of telescope history (p. 109-110).

Nicolaus, de Paganica. Compendium medicinalis astrologiæ. Ediz. intr. e note a cura di Giuseppe dell'Anna. Galatina, Congedo editore, 1990. 171 p. facsims.

Oort, Jan Hendrik. The letters and papers of Jan Hendrik Oort as archived in the University Library, Leiden. By J. K. Katgert-Merkelijn. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. xxx, 198 p. illus., facsims., ports. (Astrophysics and space science library, v. 213)

Includes a list of Oort's publications (p. 161-172).
"A Short Biography of Jan Hendrik Oort": p. xv-xxx.
A portrait of Oort, painted in 1987 by Gerard de Wit, is reproduced in color on the front cover of the volume.

Ottewell, Guy. Albedo to zodiac: a glossary of astronomical names and terms with their pronunciation, origin, and meaning. Greenville, S.C., Universal Workshop, Furman University, 1996. 64 p. illus.

Ovid. Ovid's Fasti: Roman holidays. Translated with notes and introd. by Betty Rose Nagle. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1995. 209 p.

"Written at the end of the first century B.C., the Fasti includes religious festivals, historical anniversaries, and astronomical lore from January through June. A valuable source of information about the Roman calendar ..."

Les Poètes et l'univers; anthologie. Jean-Pierre Luminet [compilateur] Paris, Cherche midi, 1996. 427 p. (Collection "Espaces")

Religión y sociedad en el área Maya. Edición de Carmen Varela Torrecilla, Juan Luis Bonor Villarejo, Yolanda Fernández Marquínez. Madrid, Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, 1995. 327 p. illus., plans. (Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas. Publicaciones, no. 3)

Proceedings of the IV Mesa Redonda Internacional, Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, held in Madrid, Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 1993.
Partial contents: Graulich, M. Una posible explicación del punto de partida de la cuenta larga.--Nieves, L. M., L. Esparza, and P. Nieto. Trabajos arqueológicos en la Plaza Central de Calakmul, Campeche, México.--Amador Naranjo, A. La desaparición del sol en Yucatán.--Nájera Coronado, M. I. El temor a los eclipses entre comunidades mayas contemporáneas.

Schechner Genuth, Sara. Comets, popular culture, and the birth of modern cosmology. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1997. xvi, 365 p. facsims.

Schlosser, Wolfhard, and Jan Cierny. Sterne und Steine. Eine praktische Astronomie der Vorzeit. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1996. 178 p., [8] p. of plates. illus.

Schmidt, Erik. Optical illusions: the life story of Bernhard Schmidt, the great stellar optician of the twentieth century. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 1995. 159 p., [48] p. of plates. illus., ports.

Simon, Gérard. Sciences et savoirs aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 1996. 223 p. illus., facsims., ports. (Histoire des sciences)

See particularly the chapters entitled "L'Astrologie dans la pensée du XVIe siècle," "Kepler ou les leçons d'un contre-exemple en épistémologie," and "Le Songe de Kepler" (p. 63-112).

Stephenson, F. Richard. Historical eclipses and Earth's rotation. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1997. xvi, 557 p. illus., maps.

"The study of Earth's past rotation is just one of several modern scientific disciplines in which ancient and medieval astronomical observations play a major role. It is particularly satisfying that observations from a wide variety of early cultures made using different techniques can be integrated into a viable entity."
Contents: 1. Variations in the length of the day: a historical perspective.--2. Tidal friction and the ephemerides of the Sun and Moon.--3. Pre-telescopic eclipse observations and their analysis.--4. Babylonian and Assyrian records of eclipses.--5. Investigation of Babylonian observations of solar eclipses.--6. Timed Babylonian lunar eclipses.--7. Untimed Babylonian observations of lunar eclipses: horizon phenomena.--8. Chinese and other East Asian observations of large solar eclipses.--9. Other East Asian observations of solar and lunar eclipses.--10. Records of eclipses in ancient European history.--11. Eclipse records from medieval Europe.--12. Solar and lunar eclipses recorded in medieval Arab chronicles.--13. Observations of eclipses by medieval Arab astronomers.--14. Determination of changes in the length of the day.

Sterne, Mond, Kometen: Bremen und die Astronomie. Zum 75. Jahrestag der Gründung der Olbers-Gesellschaft Bremen e.V. Hrsg. von Peter H. Richter. Bremen, Verlag H. M. Hauschild, 1995. 327 p. illus., facsims., plans, ports.

Contents: 1. Klassische Astronomie. Gutzwiller, M. C. Newton und die vielen Bewegungen des Mondes. Olbers, W. Ueber die Möglichkeit, dass ein Comet mit der Erde zusammenstossen könne. Kasten, V. Wilhelm Olbers und die Kometen. Richter, P. H. Himmel so hell wie 90 000 Sonnen--das Olberssche Paradoxon.--2. Die Gründerjahre der Olbers-Gesellschaft. Müller, A. Max Völkel: erster Präsident der Olbers-Gesellschaft. Wattenberg, D. Wilhelm Finke: Pädagoge und Physiker. Finke, F. Der Grundgedanke der Lösung war ... --3. Arbeit und Leben in der Olbers-Gesellschaft. Sixt, E. P. "Stein-Zeit." Leue, H. J. Himmlische Zeiten: 40 Jahre Amateur-Astronomie in der Olbers-Gesellschaft. Jaeckel, W. Spiegelschleifen als Hobby, damals und heute. Dierks, H. Philipp Fauths Mondatlas.--4. Mensch, Zeit und Kosmos. Egen, A. Das Spronser Bergheiligtum bei Meran: die älteste Sternwarte der Menschheit in situ? Landscheidt, T. Die kosmische Funktion des Goldenen Schnitte. Vornholz, D. Bremer Sonnenuhren: eine Einführung in die Messung der Sonnenzeit.--Ein Singspiel von Malvina Elisabeth Schütte, geb. Focke. Olbers und die Zeit auf Besuch bei Carl Schütte.

Tannery, Paul. Recherches sur l'histoire de l'astronomie ancienne. Sceaux, J. Gabay, 1995. 370 p. illus.

Facsimile reprint of the edition published in 1893 by Gauthier-Villars in Paris as 4. sér., t. 1 of the Mémoires of the Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux.
Contents: 1. Ce que les Hellènes ont appelé astronomie.--2. Ce que les Hellènes ont appelé astrologie.--3. Les mathématiciens alexandrins.--4. Les postulats de l'astronomie d'après Ptolémée et les auteurs élémentaires.--5. La sphéricité de la terre et la mesure de sa circonférence.--6. Le mouvement général des planètes.--7. Les cercles de la sphère.--8. La longueur de l'année solaire.--9. Les tables du soleil.--10. Les périodes d'Hipparque pour les mouvements lunaires.--11. Les tables de la lune.--12. Les parallaxes de la lune et du soleil.--13. Les prédictions d'éclipses.--14. La théorie des planètes.--15. Le catalogue des fixes.--Appendice. 1. Traduction de la Didascalie céleste de Leptine (Art d'Eudoxe). 2. Vie d'Eudoxe d'après Diogène Laërce. 3. Sur la trigonométrie des anciens. 4. La grande année de Josèphe. 5. Sur les opinions conjecturales des anciens concernant les distances des planètes à la terre. 6. Par M. Carra de Vaux. Les sphères célestes selon Nasîr Eddîn Attûsî. Errata.

Texts and contexts in ancient and medieval science. Studies on the occasion of John E. Murdoch's seventieth birthday. Edited by Edith Sylla and Michael McVaugh. Leiden, New York, E. J. Brill, 1997. xxxii, 330 p., [5] p. of plates. facsims., port. (Brill's studies in intellectual history, v. 78)

Partial contents: De Groot, J. Eudoxan astronomy and Aristotelian holism in the Physics.--Molland, G. Roger Bacon's De laudibus mathematicae: a preliminary study.--Grant, E. Nicole Oresme, Aristotle's On the Heavens, and the court of Charles V.--Cadden, J. Charles V, Nicole Oresme, and Christine de Pizan: unities and uses of knowledge in fourteenth-century France.--Shank, M. H. Academic consulting in fifteenth-century Vienna: the case of astrology.

The Universe. Moscow, Magisterium, 1996. 392, [16] p. illus. (part col., part fold.), facsims., ports. (part col.)

Partial contents: Cosmology. Eartheners ask heavens childish questions. Toporov, V. Mythology and space. Gurshtein {Gurshte\u{\i}n}, A. Past civilizations as imprinted in the zodiac. Gavriushin, N. Russian cosmism: insights and illusions. Chizhevskii {Chizhevski\u{\i}}, A. Faces of the sun. Ginzburg, V. Prospects of physics and astrophysics for the 21st century.--Astronautics. Nicolaidis, E. The measure of the earth. Cornell, J. Archaeoastronomy overview. Kulikov, S. On Robinson and Fridays (calendar history).--Cosmogony.

Varahamihira {Var\=ahamihira}. Pañcasiddhantika {Pa\~ncasiddh\=antik\=a} of Varahamihira {Var\=ahamihira}. With translation and notes by T. S. Kuppanna Sastry. Critically edited with introd. and appendices by K. V. Sarma. Adyar, Madras, P.P.S.T. Foundation, 1993. xxix, 382 p. illus. (P.P.S.T. science series, no. 1)

English and Sanskrit.

Wilson, Robert. Astronomy through the ages; the story of the human attempt to understand the universe. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1997. xv, 302 p., [16] p. of plates. illus. (part col.)

Articles, Including Essays in Books and Papers in Proceedings

Ahrens, Thomas J. Eugene Shoemaker (1928-97). Founder of the scientific study of impact cratering. Nature, v. 389, Sept. 11, 1997: 132. port.

Aller, Lawrence H. Leo Goldberg, January 26, 1913-November 1, 1987. In National Academy of Sciences. Biographical memoirs. v. 72. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1997. p. 114-134. port.

Andrei {Andre\u{\i}} Vladimirovich Mandzhos (1942-1997). Kinematika i fizika nebesnykh tel, t. 13, mai/iiun {ma\u{\i}/iiun} 1997: 99-100. port.

Signed by A. N. Aleksandrov and 13 others.

Ansari, S. M. Razaullah. Commission 41: History of astronomy/Histoire de l'astronomie. In International Astronomical Union. Reports on astronomy. Edited by Immo Appenzeller. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. (Its Transactions, v. 23A) p. 603-605.

Ansari, S. M. Razaullah. Modern astronomy in Indo-Persian sources. In International Symposium on Modern Sciences and the Muslim World, Istanbul, 1987. Transfer of modern science & technology to the Muslim world. Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Modern Sciences and the Muslim World." Science and technology transfer from the West to the Muslim world from the Renaissance to the beginning of the XXth century (Istanbul, 2-4 September 1987). Edited by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu {\.Ihsano\u{g}lu}. Istanbul, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 1992. (Studies and sources on the history of science series, no. 5) p. 121-144. facsim.

"In this paper we attempt to answer in negative the question: 'Did only the British educationists/administrators propagate modern science in India?'"

Archaeo-astronomy. In Uppsala Astronomical Observatory. Annual report for 1994. Editor, B. Edvardsson. Uppsala, 1995. p. 35-37. illus.

See also the observatory's annual reports for 1993 (p. 36) and 1992 (p. 32-33. illus.).

Archaeoastronomy. In University of Calgary Archaeological Association. Conference, 23d, Calgary, 1990. Ancient images, ancient thought: the archaeology of ideology. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. Calgary, Alta., 1992. p. 295-320. illus., plan.

Contents: Kehoe, A. B. Cosmologies and calendars.--Snow, S. R. The Pleiades and their role in the New World tropics.--Sullivan, W. F. Andean gods as planets: the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter of A.D. 650.--Liller, W. The archaeoastronomy of the Polynesian Islands.
See also, elsewhere in the volume, "The Sun in Image and Thought" (p. 83-90), by K. Jones-Bley, and an abstract of "The Use of Cosmological Indicators in Differentiating Glyphic Events: Naranjo--a Case Study" (p. 539), by S. Brisbin.

Armitage, R. A., M. Hyman, J. Southon, C. Barat, and M. W. Rowe. Rock-art image in Fern Cave, Lava Beds National Monument, California: not the AD 1054 (Crab Nebula) supernova. Antiquity, v. 71, Sept. 1997: 715-719. illus., map.

"The 14C contents of the three figures of the painted panel demonstrate conclusively that it does not represent the AD 1054 supernova."

Ashfaque, Syed M. Enigma of the Indus script and origin of the Vedic astronomy in Pakistan. Lahore Museum bulletin, v. 7, Jan./Dec. 1994: 61-63.

Basargina, E. IU. Nagliadnoe obuchenie astronomii v V v. do n.e. {n.\.e.}. In Nekotorye problemy istorii antichnoi {antichno\u{\i}} nauki; sbornik nauchnykh rabot. Otv. redaktory: A. I. Zaitsev {Za\u{\i}tsev}, B. I. Kozlov. Leningrad, Glavnaia astronomicheskaia observatoriia, 1989. p. 56-62.

Beck, Rainer. Das Ende einer Ära: die Eidgenössische Sternwarte Zürich ist geschlossen. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 8/9, 1997: 794-796. col. illus., facsim.

Beekman, George W. E. Langste telescoop ter wereld weer in oude staat hersteld. Zenit, 24. jaarg., okt. 1997: 410-413. illus., port.

On the renovation of the refractor at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin.
A color photograph of the observatory entrance is reproduced on the outside front cover of the issue.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. A late Mamluk (?) basin with zodiac imagery. In Annales islamologiques. t. 29. Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1995. p. 111-131. illus.

Bellec, François. L'irritant problème de la longitude. La Revue, Musée des arts et métiers, no 13, déc. 1995: 17-22. illus. (part col.), facsim., col. map, ports. (part col.)

Beneke, E. Jochen. Fünfundsiebzig Jahre--eine kurze Geschichte der Sternwarte Stuttgart. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 8/9, 1997: 791-794. col. illus.

Bennett, J. A. A special exhibition: 'The Noble Dane: Images of Tycho Brahe.' Sphæra, the newsletter of the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, no. 5, spring 1997: 3-5. illus., ports.

See also, on p. 6, "The Noble Dane: Is It Really Tycho?" (signed S. A. J.), on the centerpiece of the exhibition, a painting by Edouard Ender (1855).

Beretta, Marco. Galileo in Sweden: legend and reality. In Sidereus nuncius & stella polaris: the scientific relations between Italy and Sweden in early modern history. Marco Beretta & Tore Frängsmyr, editors. Canton, Mass., Science History Publications/USA, 1997. (Uppsala studies in history of science, v. 24) p. 5-23. facsims., ports.

On the rapid impact in Sweden of Galileo's discoveries and publications.

Berger, Christian P. Verbirgt sich hinter Klein 22 ein Horoskop? Neue Untersuchungen zum Geburtsdatum Oswalds von Wolkenstein. Der Schlern, 70. Jahrg., März 1996: 165-188. illus., facsim.

"In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellt sich uns die Frage nach dem Stellenwert des Planetengedichts Klein 22 nicht mehr allein im Zusammenhang mit Fragestellungen der astrologischen Charakteristik, vielmehr geht es uns nunmehr um den astronomisch-chronologischen Aufweis, das es sich bei Klein 22 um ein 'verstecktes' Horoskop handelt, das das Geburtsdatum Oswalds von Wolkenstein wiedergibt, so wie er es dem Horoskopsteller direkt angegeben hat."

Betsch, Gerhard. Südwestdeutsche Mathematici aus dem Kreis um Michael Mästlin. In Der "Mathematicus": zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung einer neuen Berufsgruppe in der Zeit Gerhard Mercators. Bochum, Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer, 1996. (Duisburger Mercator-Studien, Bd. 4) p. 121-150. illus., facsims.

Most attention is given to Kepler and Schickard; Georg Galgemair, Wolfgang Bachmayer, and Matthäus Beger are more briefly treated.

Bleiler, Everett F. Alice through the zodiac. Washington post book world, v. 27, Aug. 3, 1997: 1, 10. illus.

Proposes that Carroll used the zodiac as a framework for Through the Looking-Glass and wonders whether some other astronomical/astrological ideas may be hidden in the story, noting that "Carroll was well versed in astronomy."

Blondeau, Roger A. Verbiest, Ferdinand, missionaire et astronome, né à Pittem, près de Tielt (Flandre occidentale), le 9 octobre 1623, décédé à Pékin le 28 janvier 1688. In Nouvelle biographie nationale. 2. Bruxelles, Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, 1990. p. 379-383. facsim.

"Traduit du néerlandais."
A facsimile of the title page of Verbiest's Astronomia Europea, showing the Peking observatory, 1668, is reproduced on plate XVI (facing p. 321).

Bodnár, István M. Alexander of Aphrodisias on celestial motions. Phronesis, v. 42, July 1997: 190-205.

Böttrich, Christoph. Astrologie in der Henochtradition. Zeitschrift für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 109. Bd., Heft 2, 1997: 222-245.

Bonata, Diego. Lux in tenebris lucet. L'Astronomia, anno 19, luglio 1997: 40-44. illus. (part col.)

"Sette meridiane a riflesso--cioè disegnate su pareti non esposte al Sole--rinvenute in ville patrizie e conventi nel Bergamasco. Sono capolavori che il tempo e l'incuria rischiano di cancellare per sempre."
The meridians date from the first half of the 18th century.

Bonnet, Roger M. C. de Jager, Europe, space, and the sun. Solar physics, v. 169, Dec. 1996: 233-243. illus.

"... presents an overview of C. de Jager's career and his achievements in space science and solar physics."

Brooks, Randall C. The Brightly circular dividing engine. Rittenhouse, v. 11, May 1997: 75-80. illus.

"The introduction of circular dividing engines in the late eighteenth century revolutionized the manufacture of navigation and surveying instruments."

Brueckner, Guenter E. Richard Tousey. Physics today, v. 50, Sept. 1997: 98.

Bührke, Thomas. 299 792,458 Kilometer in der Sekunde. Bild der Wissenschaft, Aug. 1997: 76-78. col. illus.

Reviews the history of attempts to measure the speed of light.

Burnett, Charles S. F. L'astronomie à Chartres au temps de l'évêque Fulbert. In Le Temps de Fulbert. Actes de l'université d'été du 8 au 10 juillet 1996. Enseigner le Moyen Age à partir d'un monument la cathedrale de Chartres. Chartres, Société archéologique d'Eure-et-Loir, 1996. p. 91-103.

Translated by François Quiviger.
"Appendice: Les oevres {{\oe}vres} sur la science des astres, environ 960-1050": p. 99-100.

Burnett, Charles S. F. The works of Petrus Alfonsi: questions of authenticity. Medium ævum, v. 66, no. 1, 1997: 42-79.

"Appendix I. The works of Petrus Alfonsi": p. 62-63.
"Appendix II. An edition and translation of Petrus Alfonsi's prologue to his astrological tables (Zij {\it Z\={\i}j})": p. 63-67.

Burns, Joseph A., Peter J. Gierasch, and Yervant Terzian. Carl Edward Sagan. Physics today, v. 50, Sept. 1997: 94-95. port.

Callataÿ, Godefroid de. The knot of the heavens. In London. University. Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. v. 59. London, 1996. p. 1-13. facsims.

On the star so named by Aratus, in Pisces.

Casanovas, Juan. Early observations of sunspots: Scheiner and Galileo. In Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference, 1st, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 1996. Advances in the physics of sunspots. Proceedings of a meeting held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 2-6 October 1996. Edited by B. Schmieder, J. C. Del Toro Iniesta, and M. Vázquez. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1997. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 118) p. 3-20. facsims.

Castiñeiras González, Manuel A. La iconografía de los planetas en la Cataluña de los siglos XI-XII. In Institut d'Estudis Gironins. Annals. v. 35; 1995. Girona, 1996. p. 97-122. illus., facsims.

Corrected version of an entry listed in H.A.D. News no. 40 (the author's surname was misspelled).

Cavalleri, Giancarlo. L'utilizzazione metafisica dei risultati dell'astrofisica. In L'Integrazione delle scienze per una società ordinata. Atti del I, II e III Simposio dell'Arcipelago. A cura di Pier Paolo Ottonello. Genova, L'Arcipelago, Società internazionale per l'unità delle scienze, 1996. (Biblioteca dell'Arcipelago, 1) p. 35-52.

"La storia delle teorie cosmologiche mostra che tutte le teorie sensate in accordo con le osservazioni astrofisiche e con i principi fondamentali della fisica portano alla conclusione che l'Universo non è esistito da sempre. Invece le teorie che implicano una vita passata infinita per l'Universo devono violare alcuni principi fondamentali della fisica e sono state sconfessate (e alcune di esso lo stanno per essere) dalle osservazioni astrofisiche. Viene abbozzata una nuova teoria che conferma il primo filone, ossia che implica una vita passata non infinita per l'Universo, pertanto richiedendo la sua creazione da parte di qualcosa (o Qualcuno) esterno o trascendente l'Universo stesso."

Chapman, Allan. An astronomical bookmark tale. Astronomy now, v. 11, Oct. 1997: 23-24. facsims., port.

"A scrap of paper found within an astronomical book reveals the existence of a Leeds Astronomical Society in 1863."

Chapman, Allan. Early geophysics. Astronomy now, v. 11, Aug. 1997: 53-56. facsims., maps, ports.

"Edmond Halley is well known for predicting the return of the comet that bears his name, but he was also involved with the beginnings of geophysics."

Chapman, Allan. 400 years on from Tycho and Kepler. Astronomy now, v. 10, Dec. 1996: 19-21. col. illus., ports. (part col.)

Chapman, Clark R. [Jürgen Rahe] Planetary report, v. 17, Sept./Oct. 1997: 19.

Chapman-Rietschi, P. A. L. Astronomical conceptions in Mithraic iconography. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 91, June 1997: 133-134.

Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad. Astronomy. In his History of science and technology in ancient India. v. 3. Astronomy; science and society. Calcutta, Firma KLM, 1996. p. 1-55. illus.

Contents: introduction.--ch. 1. The first phase: school of Vedanga Jyotisa.--ch. 2. The second phase: Greek astronomy in India.--ch. 3. The third phase: Siddhantic astronomy.--ch. 4. The fourth phase: some of its founders [Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta]--ch. 5. Astronomy in medieval India.--Appendix A. Names of asterisms as given in Vedic literature. Coordinates of Yogataras.--Appendix B. Some astronomical parameters.

Chinnici, Ileana. Gli strumenti del "Gattopardo." Giornale di astronomia, v. 23, mar. 1997: 24-29. illus., facsim., port.

About the scientific activity of Prince Giulio Tomasi di Lampedusa (1815-1885) and his telescopes, which were purchased after his death by Gaetano Cacciatore for the Osservatorio astronomico di Palermo. The prince was the great-grandfather of the author of Il Gattopardo and the model for the novel's leading character.

Claus, Reinhart. Drei wiedergefundene Fraunhofer-Refraktoren. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 6, 1997: 536-540. col. illus.

Clayton, Geoffrey C. Jason Cardelli and interstellar dust. In From stardust to planetesimals. Symposium held as part of the 108th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, held at Santa Clara, California, 24-26 June 1996. Edited by Yvonne J. Pendleton and A. G. G. M. Tielens, with the editorial assistance of Maureen L. Savage. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1997. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 122) p. 3-5. port.

Cuzzi, Jeffrey N. James B. Pollack: a pioneer in "stardust to planetesimals" research. In From stardust to planetesimals. Symposium held as part of the 108th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, held at Santa Clara, California, 24-26 June 1996. Edited by Yvonne J. Pendleton and A. G. G. M. Tielens, with the editorial assistance of Maureen L. Savage. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1997. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 122) p. 7-16. illus., ports.

Czegka, Wolfgang. Die Entstehung und frühe Diskussion von E. F. F. Chladnis Schrift: "Ueber den Ursprung der von Pallas gefundenen und anderer ihr ähnlicher Eisenmassen ..." (1794). Chemie der Erde, Bd. 53, Dez. 1993: 376-391.

"Übersicht über die wichtigsten Schriften Chladnis": p. 388-389.
Abstract in English.

Damm, Erik. Neue astronomische Uhr nach altem Konzept. Klassik-Uhren, 20. Jahrg., Juni/Juli 1997: 32-39. col. illus.

Demin, R. N. Astronomicheskie predstavleniia v Gippokratovskom korpuse. In Nekotorye problemy istorii antichnoi {antichno\u{\i}} nauki; sbornik nauchnykh rabot. Otv. redaktory: A. I. Zaitsev {Za\u{\i}tsev}, B. I. Kozlov. Leningrad, Glavnaia astronomicheskaia observatoriia, 1989. p. 47-56.

Depuydt, Leo. "More valuable than all gold": Ptolemy's Royal Canon and Babylonian chronology. In Journal of cuneiform studies. v. 47; 1995. Atlanta, GA, Scholars Press, 1996. p. 97-117.

"The Canon was designed for astronomical purposes. Its history is therefore intertwined with that of astronomy."

Diacu, Florin. The solution of the n-body problem. Mathematical intelligencer, v. 18, summer 1996: 66-70. port.

Dold-Samplonius, Yvonne. In memoriam: Bartel Leendert van der Waerden (1903-1996). Historia mathematica, v. 24, May 1997: 125-130. port.

The portrait faces p. 125.

Dutka, Jacques. A note on 'Kepler's equation.' Archive for history of exact sciences, v. 51, no. 1, 1997: 59-65.

Edge, Frank. Taurus in Lascaux. Griffith observer, v. 61, Sept. 1997: 13-17. illus.

On the possibility that a series of six dots above the shoulder of an aurochs depicted in the Lascaux cave could represent the Pleiades, and another series of dots on the animal's face, the Hyades.

Eglash, Ron. The African heritage of Benjamin Banneker. Social studies of science, v. 27, Apr. 1997: 307-315. illus.

Encrenaz, Thérèse. In memoriam: Jan Rosenqvist (1962-1995). Icarus, v. 119, Feb. 1996: 243.

Ernst, Germana, and Laura Salvetti Firpo. Tommaso Campanella e la cometa del 1618. Due lettere e un opuscolo epistolare inediti. Bruniana & Campanelliana, anno 2, n. 1/2, 1996: 57-88.

English summary.

Esclapez, Raymond. Météores & prodiges dans la poésie française du XVIe siècle (1550-1610). In A Imagem do mundo na Idade Média. Actas do colóquio internacional organizadas por Helder Godinho com a colaboração de Ana Paiva Morais e João Amaral Frazão. Lisboa, Ministério da Educação, Instituto de Cultura e Lingua Portuguesa, 1992. (Dialogo. Série Compilação) p. 287-297.

Faustmann, Gerlinde. Johann Pasquich (1753-1829). In her Österreichische Mathematiker um 1800 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer logarithmischen Werke. Wien, Österreichischer Kunst- und Kulturverlag, 1994. (Dissertationen der Technischen Universität Wien, 59) p. 70-91. illus., facsims.

Includes a short biography of Pasquich and a list of his publications in addition to the study of his work on logarithms.

Federici Vescovini, Graziella. L'espressività del cielo di Marsilio Ficino, lo Zodiaco medievale a Plotino. In Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter. Bd. 1; 1996. Amsterdam, B. R. Grüner, 1997. p. 111-125.

Abstract in English.

Feitzinger, Johannes V. Der südliche Himmelspol, das Kreuz des Südens und Ptolemäus. Ein Ausflug in die Astronomiegeschichte. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 7, 1997: 656-659. illus. (part col.), facsims.

Fernie, J. Donald. Transits, travels and tribulations. 2. American scientist, v. 85, Sept./Oct. 1997: 418-421. facsim., map. (Marginalia)

About the expeditions to observe the 1761 transit of Venus.

Fischer, Gaston. L'évolution de nos conceptions du cosmos. Orion, 55. Jahrg., Aug. 1997: 23-31. illus., facsims.

Includes three boxes: "Les dimensions de la Terre" (p. 27), "Newton" (p. 28), and "Le principe anthropique" (p. 30).

Focus: Victorian astronomy. Astronomy now, v. 11, May 1997: 41-53. illus., facsims., ports.

Contents: Lindop, Sir N. Richard Carrington.--Chapman, A. The admiral and the magistrate [Admiral W. H. Smyth and Dr. John Lee]--Kitchin, C. First astrophysics [Sir William Huggins]--White, F. One of the first astrophotographers [Isaac Roberts]

Frangenberg, Thomas. A private homage to Galileo. Anton Domenico Gabbiani's frescoes in the Pitti Palace. In London. University. Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. v. 59. London, 1996. p. 245-273. illus., port.

Gähde, Ulrich. Anomalies and the revision of theory-elements: notes on the advance of Mercury's perihelion. In International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, 10th, Florence, 1995. Structures and norms in science. Volume two of the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, August 1995. Edited by Maria Luisa della Chiara, Kees Doets, Daniele Mundici, and Johan van Benthem. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. (Synthèse library, v. 260) p. 89-104. illus.

Gale, George. Anthropic-principle cosmology: physics or metaphysics? In Final causality in nature and human affairs. Edited by Richard F. Hassing. Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 1997. (Studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy, v. 30) p. 188-210.

García Avilés, Alejandro. Two astromagical manuscripts of Alfonso X. In London. University. Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. v. 59. London, 1996. p. 14-23.

Gera, Dov, and Wayne Horowitz. Antiochus IV in life and death: evidence from the Babylonian astronomical diaries. In American Oriental Society. Journal, v. 117, Apr./June 1997: 240-252.

Giansante, Massimo. Cecco d'Ascoli: il destino dell'astrologo. Giornale di astronomia, v. 23, giugno 1997: 9-16. col. facsim.

Glessmer, Uwe. Horizontal measuring in the Babylonian astronomical compendium MUL.APIN and in the astronomical book of 1En. Henoch, v. 18, dic. 1996: 259-282. illus.

Golvers, Noel. Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (o1623-+{\dagger}1688) and the Astronomical Bureau in Beijing. Review of culture, 2d ser., no. 21, Oct./Dec. 1994: 201-212. col. illus., facsims.

Includes a Chinese glossary.
See also the folded plate preceding p. 1 of the issue which reproduces a view of the observatory in Peking after the changes made by Father Verbiest, from Louis Lecomte's Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état de la Chine (Paris, 1696).

Gough, Douglas O. Roger John Tayler. Physics today, v. 50, Sept. 1997: 98-100.

Gregory, Tullio. Natura e qualitas planetarum. In Micrologus, rivista della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo latino. IV. Il teatro della natura. The theatre of nature. Paris, Brepols, 1996. p. 1-23.

Grenet, Micheline. Voltaire et l'astronomie. Ciel et espace, no 328, sept. 1997: 66-70. illus. (part col.), ports. (part col.)

Hackmann, Willem D. Warren De la Rue and lunar photography. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society, no. 53, June 1997: 2-4. illus. (Cover story)

Another illustration appears on the outside front cover of the issue.

Haddad, Leila. Grandes lunettes: le crépuscule des géantes. Ciel et espace, no 325, juin 1997: 70-74. illus. (part col.)

On the short heyday of the great refractors.
Includes two boxes, "Lumière, lentilles et lunettes" (p. 73), and "Les dix plus grandes lunettes du monde" (p. 74).

Halsberghe, Nicole. Sources and interpretation of chapters one to four in Ferdinand Verbiest's Xin zhi lingtai yixiang zhi (discourse on the newly-built astronomical instruments in the observatory) Beijing, 1674. Review of culture, 2d ser., no. 21, Oct./Dec. 1994: 213-234. facsims.

Includes Chinese glossary.

Hamel, Jürgen. Diedrich Wattenberg (1909-1996). Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 5, 1997: 428-429. port.

Happer, William, P. J. E. Peebles, and David T. Wilkinson. Robert Henry Dicke. Physics today, v. 50, Sept. 1997: 92-94. port.

Hashimoto, Keizo, and Catherine Jami. Kepler's laws in China: a missing link? Jean-François Foucquet's Lifa Wenda. Historia scientiarum, v. 6, Mar. 1997: 171-185.

Hentschel, Klaus. An unwelcome discovery: the pole effect in the electric arc, a threat to early 20th century precision spectrometry. Archive for history of exact sciences, v. 51, no. 3, 1997: 199-271. illus.

Herrmann, Dieter B. Hundert Jahre Archenhold-Sternwarte. Festvortrag. Nachrichten der Olbers-Gesellschaft Bremen, Nr. 176, Jan. 1997: 4-7. illus., port.

Horowitz, Wayne. The 360 and 364 day year in ancient Mesopotamia. In Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society. v. 24. New York, Jewish Theological Seminary, 1997. p. 35-44. illus.

Contents: 1. Astronomical introduction.--2. The 360 day ideal stellar year. 2.1. Historical evidence for the 360 day year in Mesopotamia. 2.2. The 360 day year in Mesopotamian astrology.--3. The 364 day year in Mesopotamia and ancient Israel.--Excursus I: Models for solar and lunar visibility.--Excursus II: The dates of the equinoxes and solstices.

Hughes, David W. Only the first four asteroids. In British Astronomical Association, London. Journal, v. 107, Aug. 1997: 211-213. illus., facsim.

"One of the reasons why nobody seriously bothered to look for asteroids in the second and third decade of the nineteenth century was the biblical suspicion that a large planet, when disrupted, would break up into only four pieces; and these four pieces had already been discovered."

Huxley, Margaret. The shape of the cosmos according to cuneiform sources. In Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal, 3d ser., v. 7, July 1997: 189-198. illus.

Ihsanoglu {\.Ihsano\u{g}lu}, Ekmeleddin. Introduction of Western science to the Ottoman world: a case study of modern astronomy (1660-1860). In International Symposium on Modern Sciences and the Muslim World, Istanbul, 1987. Transfer of modern science & technology to the Muslim world. Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Modern Sciences and the Muslim World." Science and technology transfer from the West to the Muslim world from the Renaissance to the beginning of the XXth century (Istanbul, 2-4 September 1987). Edited by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu {\.Ihsano\u{g}lu}. Istanbul, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 1992. (Studies and sources on the history of science series, no. 5) p. 67-120. facsims.

Indic {In\=di\'c}, M. Life, scientific and professional activity of Milutin Milankovi {Milankovi\'c}. Bulletin astronomique de Belgrade, no. 155, May 1997: 169-197.

Includes a list of Milankovic's {Milankovi\'c's} published works (p. 182-197).

Izumi, Chiye. Timaean science: the role of stereometry in Greek cosmology. Historia scientiarum, v. 7, June 1997: 45-57.

Jager, Cornelis de. A white and a red star. Solar physics, v. 169, Dec. 1996: 443-464.

The author's portrait faces p. 231 of the issue.

Jarrell, Richard A. The formative years of Canadian radio astronomy. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 91, Feb. 1997: 20-27.

Jaumotte, André L. Cox, Jacques, François, Jean, Gérard, docteur en sciences physiques et mathématiques, professeur à l'Université de Bruxelles, recteur de l'Université (1944-1947), né à Anvers le 16 août 1898, décédé à Bruxelles le 29 octobre 1972. In Nouvelle biographie nationale. 1. Bruxelles, Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, 1988. p. 22-28.

Jörk, Wolfgang D. Über das Megalithmonument von Stonehenge als eine sakrale Manifestation der Zyklen von Sonne und Mond. In International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, 12th, Bratislava, 1991. Actes du XIIe Congrès international des sciences préhistoriques et protohistoriques, Bratislava, 1-7 septembre 1991. t. 3. Rédigé par Juraj Pavúk. Bratislava, Institut archéologique de l'Académie slovaque des sciences, 1993. p. 93-96. plans.

Jones, Alexander. Babylonian astronomy and its legacy. Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies, 32, Mar. 1997: 11-16.

Jones, Alexander. Studies in the astronomy of the Roman period. 2. Tables for solar longitude. Centaurus, v. 39, no. 3, 1997: 211-229. illus.

Kaptsiug, Vitalii {Vitali\u{\i}} B., Viacheslav N. Chernov, Bjørn G. Harsson, Serge {Serge\u{\i}} G. Vereshchagin, and Vladimir R. Zagoruko. Struve's arc of the meridian agrees with the first GPS-results. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 121. Jahrg., Dez. 1996: 572-576. map.

Karetnikov, Valentin G., and Aleksandr F. Pugach. Pamiati uchitelia. (K 90-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia Vladimira Platonovicha TSesevicha.) Kinematika i fizika nebesnykh tel, t. 13, mai/iiun {ma\u{\i}/iiun} 1997: 95-98. illus.

Kieffer, Susan W. Eugene M. Shoemaker (1928-1997). Science, v. 277, Aug. 8, 1997: 776-777. col. ports.

Kiselev, Aleksei {Alekse\u{\i}} A. Sobstvennye dvizheniia "nepodvizhnykh" zvezd i ikh znachenie v astronomii. Proper motions of "fixed" stars and their significance in astronomy. Sorosovskii {Sorosovski\u{\i}} obrazovatel'ny {obrazovatel'ny\u{\i}} zhurnal, Soros educational journal, no. 2, 1997: 81-84.

Abstract in English.

Klecker, Elisabeth. Mista propago: der Katasterismos der Virgo in Giovanni Pontanos Urania. In Wiener Studien; Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition. Bd. 110. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997. p. 221-244.

Knobloch, Eberhard. "Die gesamte Philosophie ist eine Neuerung in alter Unkenntnis"--Johannes Keplers Neuorientierung der Astronomie um 1600. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Bd. 20, Sept. 1997: 135-146.

Kocharov, Grant E. Eksperimental'naia {\.Eksperimentalnaia} paleoastrofizika: dostizheniia i perspektivy. Experimental paleoastrophysics: achievements and perspectives. Sorosovskii {Sorosovski\u{\i}} obrazovatel'ny {obrazovatel'ny\u{\i}} zhurnal, Soros educational journal, no. 11, 1996: 66-72. col. illus.

Kokott, Wolfgang. Regiomontans Ephemeriden für die Jahre 1475 bis 1506: Grundlagen, Genauigkeit, Anwendungen. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 5, 1997: 446-451. illus. (part col.), facsims.

La Cotardière, Philippe de. Canaux martiens--la grande illusion. Ciel et espace, no 325, juin 1997: 56-57. col. illus. (Idées fausses)

Léna, Pierre. Le pendule de Foucault au Panthéon. La Revue, Musée des arts et métiers, no 13, déc. 1995: 49-53. col. illus., facsims.

A color photograph of the pendulum beneath the cupola of the Panthéon appears on the outside front cover of the preceding issue, no 12, sept. 1995.

Leopold, J. H. Mechanical globes circa 1500-1650. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society, no. 53, June 1997: 5-8. illus. (The Annual invitation lecture)

Leray, Michel. Alignements de Carnac et complexe mégalithique morbihannais à travers art et sciences du paysage, expression des croyances de l'homme mégalithique à l'échelle européenne. In International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, 12th, Bratislava, 1991. Actes du XIIe Congrès international des sciences préhistoriques et protohistoriques, Bratislava, 1-7 septembre 1991. t. 4. Rédigé par Juraj Pavúk. Bratislava, Institut archéologique de l'Académie slovaque des sciences, 1993. p. 318-321. illus., maps.

Summary in English and German.

Liubina, Galina I. Glava V. Fiziko-matematicheskie nauka. In her Rossiia i Frantsiia: istoriia nauchnogo sotrudnichestva (vtoraia polovina XIX-nachalo XX vv.). Moskva, "IAnus," 1996. p. 126-164.

See particularly the section on physics and astronomy (p. 152-164).

Longo, Giuseppe. Valentin Alexandrovich Lipovetsky (1945-1996). Giornale di astronomia, v. 23, mar. 1997: 55.

Lynden-Bell, Donald, and Ruth M. Lynden-Bell. On the shapes of Newton's revolving orbits. In Royal Society of London. Notes and records, v. 51, July 1997: 195-198. illus.

McBeath, Alastair. Stones from heaven: some meteoric fossil folklore. WGN, v. 25, June 1997: 128-130.

"A short review of several elements of folklore connecting certain fossils with the heavens is given, indicating the widespread belief in stones coming from the skies in earlier times." Quotes comments of Dr. Robert Plot in two late 17th-century works on natural history.

Macdonald, Peter. The great Westminster Clock. In British Astronomical Association, London. Journal, v. 107, Aug. 1997: 226.

The story of Big Ben. "The Astronomer Royal, George Airy, was appointed referee for the design and construction of the clock ...
"The music of the chimes is taken from Handel's Messiah. It is an extension of a phrase in the aria 'I know that my Redeemer liveth.'"

Marsden, Brian G. Eugene M. Shoemaker (1928-1997). International comet quarterly, v. 19, July 1997: 153.

Martins, Roberto de A. A influência de Aristóteles na obra astrológica de Ptolomeu (o Tetrabiblos). In Trans/form/ação, revista de filosofia. v. 18; 1995. São Paulo, Universidad Estadual Paulista. p. 51-78.

Maury, Jean P. Jean-Dominique Cassini: l'astronome du Roi Soleil. Ciel et espace, no 329, oct. 1997: 58-62. facsims., ports. (part col.)

Includes a box, "Une entreprise familiale" (p. 62).

Maury, Jean P. Nicolas Louis de La Caille: le défricheur au ciel austral. Ciel et espace, no 324, mai 1997: 64-67. col. illus., col. facsim., col. port.

Mestel, Leon. Obituary: M Schwarzschild. Southern stars, v. 37, June 1997: 126-128.

Mewe, Rolf. X-ray spectroscopy of stellar coronae: history - present - future. Solar physics, v. 169, Dec. 1996: 335-343. illus.

Millburn, John R. 'To Rectify the Orrery': a previously unknown manuscript by James Ferguson. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society, no. 54, Sept. 1997: 28-29. facsims.

Mínguez Pérez, Carlos. El prefacio al Almagesto de Ptolomeo. In Thémata, revista de filosofía. no. 14; 1995. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, Vicerrectorado de Extension Universitaria. p. 17-35.

Mollan, Charles. Leviathan reborn. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society, no. 53, June 1997: 31-36. illus., ports.

"The author traces the background to Ireland's most impressive historic scientific instrument, now magnificently restored ... [A] 72-inch aluminium mirror is being made, and before too long Leviathan will again be a working telescope."

Montgomery, Scott L. Naming the heavens: a brief history of earthly projections. Science as culture, v. 5, no. 4, 1996: 546-587; v. 6, no. 1, 1996: 73-129. facsims.

Contents: pt. 1. Nativizing Hellenic science.--pt. 2. Nativizing Arab science.

Montserrat, Marcelo. Copernico y la modernidad. In his Ciencia, historia y sociedad en la Argentina del siglo XIX. Buenos Aires, Centro Editor de América Latina, 1993. (Los Fundamentos de las ciencias del hombre) p. 121-135.

Morrison, Leslie V., and F. Richard Stephenson. Contemporary geophysics from Babylonian clay tablets. Contemporary physics, v. 38, Jan./Feb. 1997: 13-23. illus., maps.

Ancient eclipse records, "the only way known to us at present of measuring the actual change in the Earth's rotation over the course of recorded history," are used to determine the size of the non-tidal component of the Earth's deceleration. "The non-tidal acceleration may be associated with the rate of change in the Earth's oblateness attributed to viscous rebound of the solid Earth from the decrease in load on the polar caps following the last deglaciation."

Navegación, hidrografía, astronomía. In Malaspina '92. I jornadas internacionales, Madrid, Cádiz, La Coruña, 17-25 de septiembre de 1992. Edición y coordinación, Mercedes Palau Baquero, Antonio Orozco Acuaviva. Cádiz, Real Academia Hispano-Americana, 1994. p. 213-248. illus., facsims., maps, ports.

Contents: Kendrick, J. The art of navigator in the time of Malaspina.--González González, F. J. Instrumentos del Real Observatorio destinados a la Expedición Malaspina.--David, A. Felipe Bouzá and the British Hydrographic Office, 1823-1834.--López Arroyo, M. Tres observatorios astronómicos de la época de la Expedición Malaspina.

Nieuwenhuis, Henk. In memoriam: Harke Terpstra (1922-1997). Zenit, 24. jaarg., sept. 1997: 367. port.

Terpstra was for many years conservator of the Eise Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker.

Noyes, Robert W. Olin C. Wilson and the solar-stellar connection. In Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, 9th, Florence, 1995. Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun; ninth Cambridge Workshop, dedicated to the memory of Olin C. Wilson. Proceedings of a workshop held 3-6 October 1995 in Florence, Italy. Edited by Roberto Pallavicini and Andrea K. Dupree. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1996. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 109) p. 3-10.

Ostriker, Jeremiah P. Martin Schwarzschild (1912-97). Astrophysicist instrumental in developing the modern theory of stars and galaxies. Nature, v. 388, July 31, 1997: 430. port.

Pakvor, Ivan. In memoriam: Milan Mijatov, 1933-1996. Bulletin astronomique de Belgrade, no. 155, May 1997: 1. port.

See also Pakvor's "Scientific and Professional Activity of Milan Mijatov," with a list of Mijatov's scientific and professional papers, on p. 165-168 of the same issue.

Pankenier, David W. The cosmo-political background of heaven's mandate. In Early China. 20; 1995. Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California [1996?] p. 121-176. illus.

"In China by the early second millennium B.C. there was already firmly established a mindset characterized by a self-conscious dependence on regularly scrutinizing the sky for guidance."

Paranjape, Kalpana M. Cosmological theories: modern scientific and ancient Indian. In his Ancient Indian insights and modern science. (A UGC project.) Pune, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1996. (Bhandarkar Oriental series, no. 29) p. 67-108.

Parker, Eugene N. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, October 13, 1910-August 21, 1995. In National Academy of Sciences. Biographical memoirs. v. 72. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1997. p. 28-48. port.

Peck, Charles W., Gerry Neugebauer, and Rochus E. Vogt. Robert Benjamin Leighton. Physics today, v. 50, Sept. 1997: 96. port.

Perozzi, Ettore, and Giovanbattista Valsecchi. La Luna e il saros. L'Astronomia, anno 19, ag./sett. 1997: 18-27. col. illus., ports.

"Cosa unisce gli antichi Caldei a Cristoforo Colombo, il greco Metone a una tranquilla baia australiana, il grande matematico Henri Poincaré a Vasco Rossi? Una strana storia che ha come protagonista la nostra vecchia Luna."

Pinkau, Klaus. The early days of gamma-ray astronomy. In Compton Symposium, 3d, Munich, 1995. Results of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Les Ulis, France, Les Éditions de physique, 1996. (Astronomy and astrophysics. Supplement series, v. 120, no. 4) p. 43-47. illus., ports.

Plotkin, Howard. The Henderson Network versus the Prairie Network: the dispute between the Smithsonian's National Museum and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory over the acquisition and control of meteorites, 1960-1970. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 91, Feb. 1997: 32-38. illus., ports.

Ponzio, Paolo. La disputa sulle comete nelle Quaestiones physiologicae di Tommaso Campanella. Bruniana & Campanelliana, anno 2, n. 1/2, 1996: 195-213.

English summary.

Poulain, Julie R. Giordano Bruno, une éthique de l'infini. Bibliothèque d'humanisme et Renaissance, t. 59, no 2, 1997: 305-320.

Prestinenza, Luigi. Galileo e il perspicillum sul Gianicolo. L'Astronomia anno 19, ag./sett. 1997: 14. port.

"Rievocata la serata dell'aprile 1611 in cui il Pisano presentò il cannocchiale ai dotti di Roma."

Proverbio, Edoardo, Giuliano Romano, and Anthony F. Aveni. Possible astronomical orientations of dolmenic tombs in North Sardinia. In Rivista di archeologia. anno 20; 1996. Roma, G. Bretschneider editore. p. 148-155.

Qajar, Chingiz. Scientists who made a difference: Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-1274) and the Maragha observatory. Azerbaijan international, v. 4, summer 1996: 35, 61. illus. (part col.), col. port.

Rabineau, Phyllis. The universe in your hands: early tools of astronomy. Curator, v. 38, no. 3, 1995: 190-196. illus.

On a new permanent exhibition at the Adler Planetarium. Another illustration, in color, appears on the outside front cover of the issue (caption at foot of contents page).

Reipurth, Bo, and Steve Heathcote. 50 years of Herbig-Haro research: from discovery to HST. In International Astronomical Union. Symposium, 182d, Chamonix, 1997. Herbig-Haro flows and the birth of low mass stars. Proceedings of the 182nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Chamonix, France, 20-26 January 1997. Edited by Bo Reipurth and Claude Bertout. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. p. 3-18. illus.

Renson, Pierre. Les constellations (IV). Les constellations plus récentes. Ciel et terre, v. 113, juil./août 1997: 147-152. facsims.

Richter, Peter H. Kants Theorie des Himmels von 1755. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 7, 1997: 640-644. illus. (part col.), facsim., ports. (part col.)

Richter, Peter H. Professor Diedrich Wattenberg *13. Juni 1909 +{\dagger}26. November 1996. Nachrichten der Olbers-Gesellschaft Bremen, Nr. 177, Apr. 1997: 4-5. port.

Another portrait appears on the outside front cover of the issue.

Riha, Ortrun. Gelenkparameter Zeit. In her Wissensorganisation in medizinischen Sammelhandschriften. Klassifikationskriterien und Kombinationsprinzipien bei Texten ohne Werkcharakter. Wiesbaden, Dr. L. Reichert, 1992. (Wissensliteratur im Mittelalter, Bd. 9) p. 128-164.

On astrological and magical considerations affecting medical practice as recorded in medieval manuscripts.

Romano, Giuliano. I calendari Nahuatl. In Atti e memorie dell'Ateneo di Treviso. nuova ser., n. 10. Anno accademico 1992/93. Treviso, 1994. p. 115-138. illus.

Romano, Giuliano. Orientamenti a Chavin de Huantar e Cerro Sechin. In Atti e memorie dell'Ateneo di Treviso. nuova ser., n. 7. Anno accademico 1989/90. Treviso, 1991. p. 43-55. illus., plans.

Romano, Giuliano. L'osservazione degli astri nel lontano passato. In Atti e memorie dell'Ateneo di Treviso. nuova ser., n. 11. Anno accademico 1993/94. Treviso, 1995. p. 15-25.

Contents: 1. Introduzione.--2. L'importanza della Luna.--3. La ciclicità del tempo.--4. Le osservazioni della luna e i culti lunari.--5. Le costellazioni e l'osservazione delle stelle.--6. Lo zodiaco.--7. Le stelle e le cosmologie a tre livelli.--8. Le eclissi e i pianeti.

Romano, Giuliano. La storia della misura del tempo. In Odeo olimpico; memorie dell'Accademia olimpica. 21; 1991-94. Vicenza, 1996. p. 215-239. illus., map, plan.

Romano, Giuliano, and Riccardo Trevisan. Uno studio sull'orientamento di alcune chiese antiche nel Vicentino. In Odeo olimpico; memorie dell'Accademia olimpica. 21; 1991-94. Vicenza, 1996. p. 241-251. illus.

Rosino, Leonida. Aldo Kranic (1919-1994). Giornale di astronomia, v. 23, mar. 1997: 54-55.

Rosino, Leonida. Luigi Giuseppe Jacchia (1910-1996). Giornale di astronomia, v. 23, mar. 1997: 54.

Rosino, Leonida. Novae e supernovae ad Asiago. In Odeo olimpico; memorie dell'Accademia olimpica. 21; 1991-94. Vicenza, 1996. p. 5-15. illus.

Rudnicki, Konrad. Z historii uniwersyteckiego obserwatorium astronomicznego we Lwowie. Analecta, studia i materialy {materia{\l}y} z dziejów nauki, r. 5, nr. 2, 1996: 171-187.

English summary.

Saliba, George. Copernican astronomy in the Arab East: theories of the earth's motion in the nineteenth century. In International Symposium on Modern Sciences and the Muslim World, Istanbul, 1987. Transfer of modern science & technology to the Muslim world. Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Modern Sciences and the Muslim World." Science and technology transfer from the West to the Muslim world from the Renaissance to the beginning of the XXth century (Istanbul, 2-4 September 1987). Edited by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu {\.Ihsano\u{g}lu}. Istanbul, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 1992. (Studies and sources on the history of science series, no. 5) p. 145-155.

"In the following discussion I will analyze the form in which this Copernican theory was received in the Arab East, specifically in nineteenth century Syria and Egypt."

Schlak, Arthur. Venus, Mercury, and the sun: GI, GII, and GIII of the Palenque Triad. Res, 29/30, spring/autumn 1996: 180-202. illus., plan.

Schuppener, Georg. Kepler's relation to the Jesuits--a study of his correspondence with Paul Guldin. NTM, internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Ethik der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, neue Ser., v. 5, Nr. 4, 1997: 236-244.

Seymour, Percy. A week of names. Astronomy now, v. 11, July 1997: 24-25. col. illus.

"The names of the days of the week have astronomical origins, but it was a tortuous route to the names we accept today."

Simson, Georg von. Zum Ursprung der Götter Mitra und Varuna {Varu\d{n}a}. Indo-Iranian journal, v. 40, Jan. 1997: 1-35.

"Mitra and Varuna {Varu\d{n}a} can be understood as the double aspect of the planet Venus ... as morning- and evening-star ..."
Abstract in English.

Stättmayer, Peter. 50 Jahre Volkssternwarte München. Sterne und Weltraum, 36. Jahrg., Nr. 8/9, 1997: 791. col. illus.

Standish, E. Myles. Pluto and Planets X. In Completing the inventory of the solar system. A symposium held in conjunction with the 106th annual meeting of the ASP held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 25-30 June 1994. Edited by Terrence W. Rettig and Joseph M. Hahn. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1996. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 107) p. 163-170. illus.

Stautz, Burkhard. Ein Astrolab aus dem Jahr 1420. NTM, internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Ethik der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, neue Ser., v. 5, Nr. 3, 1997: 142-149. illus.

Abstract in English.

Stein, S. K. Exactly how did Newton deal with his planets? Mathematical intelligencer, v. 18, spring 1996: 6-11. illus., port.

Stone, Deirdre M. Bernardus Silvestris, Mathematicus [The Astrologer] Edition and translation. In Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge. t. 63; 1996. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin. p. 209-283.

"The poem ... concerns a young man who requests from the Senate and People of Rome permission to suicide because he has learned of a prophecy that he will kill his father."
English summary.

Thorvaldsen, Steinar. Kometer i historiens lys. Astronomisk tidsskrift, årg. 30, sept. 1997: 21-26. col. illus., facsims.

Tokunaga, Alan T. Akira Sakata and quenched carbonaceous composite. In From stardust to planetesimals. Symposium held as part of the 108th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, held at Santa Clara, California, 24-26 June 1996. Edited by Yvonne J. Pendleton and A. G. G. M. Tielens, with the editorial assistance of Maureen L. Savage. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1997. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 122) p. 17-21. port.

Tombaugh, Clyde W. Struggles to find the ninth planet. In Completing the inventory of the solar system. A symposium held in conjunction with the 106th annual meeting of the ASP held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 25-30 June 1994. Edited by Terrence W. Rettig and Joseph M. Hahn. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1996. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 107) p. 157-162.

Toulmonde, M. The diameter of the Sun over the past three centuries. Astronomy and astrophysics, v. 325, Sept. (III) 1997: 1174-1178. illus.

"In this paper, a comparison of 30 series of measurements, obtained at various epochs over the last three centuries, is made with about 900 modern measurements applying early techniques and instruments. This investigation reveals the necessity of instrumental corrections, notably the effect of diffraction. When these corrections are taken into account, a homogenised database, extending over three centuries, can be considered. This does not reveal any sensible secular variation in the solar diameter and leads to a result for the semi-diameter at 1 AU of 960".0±0".1."

Townes, Charles H. A physicist courts astronomy. In Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. v. 35; 1997. Palo Alto, Calif., Annual Reviews. p. xii-xliv. port.

Trimble, Virginia. The astro-particle-cosmo-connection. Beam line, v. 27, spring 1997: 45-51. illus., ports.

"Observational astronomers and theoretical physicists have been getting in each other's hair since the time of Newton and show no signs of letting up."

Turner, Michael S. Cosmology: from Hubble to HST. In Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium, Baltimore, 1996. The extragalactic distance scale. Proceedings of the ST ScI May Symposium, held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 7-10, 1996. Edited by M. Livio, M. Donahue, N. Panagia. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1997. (Space Telescope Science Institute. Symposium series, 10) p. 6-17. illus.

Van den Bergh, Sidney. Early history of the distance scale problem. In Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium, Baltimore, 1996. The extragalactic distance scale. Proceedings of the ST ScI May Symposium, held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 7-10, 1996. Edited by M. Livio, M. Donahue, N. Panagia. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1997. (Space Telescope Science Institute. Symposium series, 10) p. 1-5. illus., port.

Vanin, Gabriele. I primordi della navigazione astronomica. Astronomia UAI, apr./giugno 1997: 5-17. illus., maps, ports.

On the development of astronomical navigation up to the 16th century, with particular attention to Columbus.
Abstract in English.

Viktor Amazaspovich Ambartsumian (1908-1996). Astronomicheskii {Astronomicheski\u{\i}} zhurnal, t. 74, mart/apr. 1997: 319-320. port.

An English translation by D. Gabuzda appears in Astronomy Reports, v. 41, Mar./Apr. 1997, p. 278-279.

Voiret, Jean P. Contribution à l'origine de l'écriture en Chine: sur la genèse astronomique de certains pictogrammes. Asiatische Studien, 50. Jahrg., Heft 4, 1996: 971-1004. illus.

Voskuhl, Adelheid. Recreating Herschel's actinometry: an essay in the historiography of experimental practice. British journal for the history of science, v. 30, Sept. 1997: 337-355. illus.

Wacholder, Ben Zion, and Sholom Wacholder. Patterns of biblical dates and Qumran's calendar: the fallacy of Jaubert's hypothesis. In Hebrew Union College annual. v. 66. Cincinnati, 1995. p. 1-40.

Wagner, Gerhard G., and Frauke van der Wall. Eine Büchsensonnenuhr mit Kalendarium von Christoph Schissler. Klassik-Uhren, 20. Jahrg., Juni/Juli 1997: 52-53. col. illus.

Made in 1537.

Watt, W. S. Maniliana. Classical quarterly, new ser., v. 44, no. 2, 1994: 451-457.

Comments on Housman's and Goold's editions.

Westlund, Margareta. Hesslemeteoriterna. Astronomisk tidsskrift, årg. 30, sept. 1997: 32-35. illus. (part col.), map.

On a meteorite that fell at Hässle, Sweden, on Jan. 1, 1869.

Whitfield, Peter. The topography of the sky. Mercator's world, v. 2, Sept./Oct. 1997: 18-24. illus. (part col.), facsims. (part col.)

Yabuuti, Kiyoshi. Islamic astronomy in China during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Translated and partially revised by Benno van Dalen. Historia scientiarum, v. 7, June 1997: 11-43. illus.

Includes an epilogue by Michio Yano and Benno van Dalen.

Zimmer, Eugène. Le culte de Saint Hubert en Ardenne: christianisation de la fête celtique de Samhain? Kadath, no 86, printemps/été 1996: 39-50. illus., map.

Includes a box, "Le culte de Saint Hubert" (p. 40-41).

Ruth S. Freitag
Library of Congress
November 1997

HTML version: Wolfgang R. Dick, 5 June 1998