[Distributed first as attachment to HAD News No. 41, Aug. 1997. - Covers literature published between 1989 and 1997.]
Astronomical traditions in past cultures. Proceedings of the first annual general meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC), Smolyan, Bulgaria, 31 August-2 September 1993. Edited by Vesselina Koleva and Dimiter Kolev. Sofia, Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen, 1996. 185 p. illus., facsims., maps, plans.
Bougis, Francis. À propos du Grand Menhir brisé de Locmariaquer. 2. éd. Le Bono (Morbihan), 1994. 312 p. illus., maps. + 1 annex.
Brennan, Martin. The stones of time: calendars, sundials, and stone chambers of ancient Ireland. Rochester, Vt., Inner Traditions International, 1994. 216 p. illus., maps, plans.
Bronshten {Bronsht\.en}, Vitalii {Vitali\u{\i}} A. Mikhail Anatolevich Vilev, 1893-1919. Moskva, Nauka, 1995. 125 p. illus., facsims., ports. (Seriia "Nauchno-biograficheskaia literatura")
Burnett, Charles S. F. Magic and divination in the Middle Ages. Texts and techniques in the Islamic and Christian worlds. Aldershot, Hants, Brookfield, Vt., Variorum, 1996. [341], 7, 11, 4, 3 p. (Collected studies series, C557)
Convegno internazionale sul tema: Archeologia e astronomia: esperienze e prospettive future (Roma, 26 novembre 1994). Roma, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1995. 159 p. illus., maps, plans. (Atti dei convegni Lincei, 121)
Diacu, Florin, and Philip Holmes. Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stability. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1996. xv, 233 p. illus., ports.
La Diffusione del copernicanesimo in Italia, 1543-1610. A cura di Massimo Bucciantini, Maurizio Torrini. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1997. 272 p. illus. (Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi, 21)
Fantoli, Annibale. Galileo: for Copernicanism and for the Church. Translation by George V. Coyne. 2d ed., rev. and corr. Città del Vaticano, Vatican Observatory Publications; Notre Dame, Ind., Distributed by the University of Notre Dame Press, 1996. xx, 567 p. illus. (Studi Galileiani, v. 3)
Ferris, Timothy. The whole shebang: a state-of-the-universe(s) report. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1997. 393 p. illus.
Festa, Egidio. L'erreur de Galilée. Paris, Austral, 1995. 431 p. illus. (Collection Diversio)
Flamsteed, John. The correspondence of John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal. v. 2. 1682-1703. Compiled and edited by Eric G. Forbes, and (for Maria Forbes) by Lesley Murdin and Frances Willmoth. Bristol, Philadelphia, Institute of Physics Pub., 1997. xlvii, 1095 p. illus., facsims.
Galilei, Galileo. Galileo on the world systems. A new abridged translation and guide [by] Maurice A. Finocchiaro. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1997. 425 p. illus.
Glass, Ian S. Victorian telescope makers. The life and letters of Thomas and Howard Grubb. Bristol, Philadelphia, Institute of Physics Pub., 1997. 279 p. illus., ports.
González González, Francisco J. Astronomía y navegación en España, siglos XVI-XVIII. Madrid, Editorial MAPFRE, 1992. 283 p. illus., facsims., map. (Colecciones MAPFRE, 1492) (Colección Mar y América, 3)
González González, Francisco J., María Paz Gutiérrez, and José M. Merino. Catálogo de la Biblioteca del Real Observatorio de la Armada. San Fernando, Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones Armada, 1993. 174 p. facsims. (Boletín ROA, no. 5/93)
Guth, Alan H. The inflationary universe: the quest for a new theory of cosmic origins. With a foreword by Alan Lightman. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1997. xv, 358 p. illus., ports.
Hayman, Richard. Riddles in stone: myths, archaeology, and the ancient Britons. London, Rio Grande, Ohio, Hambledon Press, 1997. xiv, 332 p. illus., facsims., maps, plans, ports.
Hetherington, Norriss S. Hubble's cosmology; a guided study of selected texts. Tucson, Pachart Pub. House, 1996. xx, 218 p. ports. (Pachart history of astronomy series, v. 11)
Homet, Jean M. L'Observatoire de Haute-Provence. Préf. de Philippe Véron. Aix-en-Provence, Édisud, 1995. 39 p. illus. (part col.), col. map.
Hübner, Wolfgang. Die Dodekatropos des Manilius (Manil. 2, 856-970). Stuttgart, F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1995. 105 p. illus. (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse. Abhandlungen, Jahrg. 1995, Nr. 6)
Hulley, Charles E. Dreamtime moon: aboriginal myths of the moon. With paintings and drawings by Ainslie Roberts. Chatswood, NSW, Reed Books, 1996. 79 p. illus. (part col.)
Internationale Coronelli-Gesellschaft für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde. Symposium, 8th, Prague, 1994. Bericht über das VIII. Symposium der Internationalen Coronelli-Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Narodní Technické Muzeum, Praha, 1. bis 4. September 1994. Wien, 1995. 364 p., [16] p. of plates. illus. (part col.), facsims. (part col.), maps (part col.) (Der Globusfreund, Nr. 43/44)
Jarolím, Miroslav. Katalog starých tisku Knihovny Astronomického ústavu AV CR {\v{C}R}. II. Ondejov, Stedisko vedeckých {v\v{e}deck\'ych} informací AsÚ AV CR {\v{C}R}, 1994. 123, [16] p. facsims. (Scripta astronomica, 6)
Jungnickel, Christa, and Russell McCormmach. Cavendish. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1996. 414 p., [16] p. of plates. illus., facsims., maps, ports. (American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Memoirs, v. 220)
Kepler, Johannes. The harmony of the world. Translated into English with an introd. and notes by E. J. Aiton, A. M. Duncan, J. V. Field. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1997. xli, 549 p. illus., facsims., music. (American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Memoirs, v. 209)
Leitner, Wilhelm. Der Sintflut-Mythos im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Kultur und Glauben. Eine Stellungnahme zu E. u. A. Tollmanns "Sintflut-Impakt-Theorie"--aus der Sicht der Geographie der Geisteshaltung. Bochum, Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer, 1994. 124 p. illus., maps. (Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften und Religion/Umwelt-Forschung, Beiheft 4)
Lerner, Michel P. Le monde des sphères. 1. Genèse et triomphe d'une représentation cosmique. Paris, Les Belles lettres, 1996. 403 p., [15] p. of plates. illus., facsims. (L'Ane d'or)
Malmström, Vincent H. Cycles of the sun, mysteries of the moon; the calendar in Mesoamerican civilization. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1997. 282 p. illus., maps.
Manilius, Marcus. Il poema degli astri (Astronomica). v. 1, libri 1-2. Introduzione e traduzione di Riccardo Scarcia. Testo critico a cura di Enrico Flores. Commento a cura di Simonetta Feraboli e Riccardo Scarcia. Roma, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla; Milano, A. Mondadori, 1996. lxxix, 384 p. illus. (Scrittori greci e latini)
Masani, Alberto. La cosmologia nella storia, fra scienza, religione e filosofia. Brescia, Editrice La Scuola, 1996. 410 p. illus., facsims. (Analisi e sintesi)
Mörzer Bruyns, W. F. J. The cross-staff: history and development of a navigational instrument. Zutphen, Vereeniging Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum, Rijksmuseum Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam, Walburg Instituut, 1994. 127 p. illus., facsims. (part col.), ports. (part col.)
Molenaar, A. M. De Jacobsladder: de astronomische dimensie van het boek Genesis in het licht van de zonkalender van de Dode-zeerollen. Blesdijke, 1995. 40 p. illus.
Morin, Jean Baptiste. Astrologia gallica. Book twenty-two, Directions. Translated from the Latin by James Herschel Holden. Tempe, Ariz., American Federation of Astrologers, 1994. xv, 292 p. illus.
Nebeker, Frederik. Astronomy and the geophysical tradition in the United States in the nineteenth century; a guide to manuscript sources in the library of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society Library, 1991. 114 p. (American Philosophical Society Library Publication, no. 16)
Parodi Isolabella, Alberto. Valiosa contribución a la astronomía internacional desde observatorios en el Perú: reseña histórica de los observatorios astronómicos de Monte Harvard, Chosica (1889-1890), y Carmen Alto, Arequipa (1890-1927). Una página de la historia de Arequipa. Lima, Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnología, 1989. 204 p. illus., plan, ports.
Paturi, Felix R. Harenberg Schlüsseldaten Astronomie. Von den Sonnenuhren der Babylonier zu den Raumsonden im 21. Jahrhundert. Dortmund, Harenberg Lexikon Verlag, 1996. 616 p. illus. (part col.), facsims., ports.
Peter Apian: Astronomie, Kosmographie und Mathematik am Beginn der Neuzeit, mit Ausstellungskatalog. Karl Röttel (Hrsg.). Eichstätt, Polygon-Verlag Buxheim, 1995. 360 p. illus. (part col.), facsims. (part col.), maps (part col.), ports. (part col.)
Ramsey, John T., and A. Lewis Licht. The comet of 44 B.C. and Caesar's funeral games. Foreword by Brian G. Marsden. Atlanta, Ga., Scholars Press, 1997. xx, 236 p. illus. (American classical studies, no. 39)
Rohr, René R. J. Sundials: history, theory, and practice. With a foreword by Henri Michel. Translated by Gabriel Godin. New York, Dover Publications, 1996. 142 p. illus., facsims.
Schmadel, Lutz D. Dictionary of minor planet names. 3d, rev. and enl. ed. Berlin, New York, Springer, 1997. 939 p. illus., facsim.
Schramm, Jochen. Sterne über Hamburg; die Geschichte der Astronomie in Hamburg. Hamburg, Kultur- & Geschichtskontor, 1996. 270 p. illus., facsims., map, plans, ports.
Schwäbische Forscher und Gelehrte: Lebensbilder aus sechs Jahrhunderten. Hrsg. von Helmuth Albrecht. Stuttgart, DRW-Verlag, 1992. 133 p. illus. (part col.), facsims. (part col.), maps (part col.), ports. (part col.)
Siorvanes, Lucas. Proclus: Neo-Platonic philosophy and science. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1996. 340 p. map.
Sun, Xiaochun, and Jacob Kistemaker. The Chinese sky during the Han: constellating stars and society. Leiden, New York, Brill, 1997. xx, 240 p., [10] p. of plates. illus. (part col., part fold.), facsims., map. (Sinica Leidensia, v. 38)
Svoboda, Svatopluk. Praha astrologická. Praha, Melantrich, 1994. 199 p. illus., facsims., ports.
Taylor, J. Glen. Yahweh and the sun; biblical and archaeological evidence for sun worship in ancient Israel. Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1993. 308 p., [11] p. of plates. illus. (Journal for the study of the Old Testament. Supplement ser., 111)
Tooth, Thomas. It was all a matter of time. Katoomba, NSW, 1993. 156 p. illus., ports.
Tracce di sole: orologi solari in Sudtirolo. [A cura di] Rosina Ruatti, Lucio Giudiceandrea. Ganesh Neumair (foto). Bolzano, Casa editrice Athesia, 1996. 192 p. illus. (part col.)
Tradition, transmission, transformation. Proceedings of two conferences on pre-modern science held at the University of Oklahoma. Edited by F. Jamil Ragep and Sally P. Ragep with Steven Livesey. Leiden, New York, E. J. Brill, 1996. xxxiv, 591 p. illus. (Collection de travaux de l'Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences, t. 37)
Ulugh Beg. Ulugbek Mukhammad Taragai {Taraga\u{\i}} (1394-1449) "Zidzh." Novye Guraganovy astronomicheskie tablitsy. Vstupitelnaia statia, perevod, kommentarii i ukazateli A. A. Akhmedova. Tashkent, Izd-vo "FAN" Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan, 1994. 455 p. illus.
Wilhelm Beer: Genius der Astronomie und Ökonomie, 1797-1850. Ausstellung und Katalog, Jürgen Blunck. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin--Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1997. 156 p., [16] p. of col. plates. illus. (part col.), facsims., maps (part col.), plans, ports. (part col.) (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin--Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Ausstellungskataloge, n.F., 20)
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Ackermann, Silke. Empirie oder Theorie? Der Fixsternkatalog des Michael Scotus. In Convegno storico internazionale, 31st, Todi, 1994. Federico II e le nuove culture. Atti del XXXI Convegno storico internazionale, Todi, 9-12 ottobre 1994. Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1995. p. 287-302.
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Arias de Greiff, Jorge. Recepción inicial de la relatividad en Colombia. In Memorias del primer coloquio sobre ciencia, tecnología y cultura. Editores, Olga Restrepo Forero, Jorge Charum. Santa Fe de Bogotà, D.C., Editora Guadalupe, 1996. (Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Colección Memorias, no. 6) p. 49-58.
Aujac, Germaine. Le poème sur la sphère du Toulousain D. Ricard. Pallas, revue d'études antiques, no 42, 1995: 69-82. facsim.
Baars, Jacob W. M. Radioteleskope. Historisch-technische Entwicklung eines neuen Instruments für die Astronomie. Die Sterne, Bd. 72, Heft 6, l996: 324-344. illus.
Barrow, John D. Stars in their ancient eyes. Times Higher education supplement, no. 1206, Dec. 15, 1995: 16. illus.
Baruffetti, Pietro. L'astrolabio di Barbiana. L'Astronomia, anno 19, febbr. 1997: 25-33. illus. (part col.), ports.
Beebe, Reta. Clyde William Tombaugh. Physics today, v. 50, July 1997: 77. port.
Bernstein, Jeremy. Heaven's net: the meeting of John Donne and Johannes Kepler. American scholar, v. 66, spring 1997: 175-195.
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Böhm, Conrad. Friedrich Bessel e 61 Cyg. L'Astronomia, anno 19, febbr. 1997: 66-67. illus. (part col.), port. (Osservatorio del passato)
Böhm, Conrad. Halley e la cometa che ritorna. L'Astronomia, anno 19, apr. 1997: 68-69. col. illus., facsim., col. port. (Osservatorio del passato)
Böhm, Conrad. Victor Hess e i raggi cosmici. L'Astronomia, anno 19, magg. 1997: 68-69. col. illus., col. ports. (Osservatorio del passato)
Bost, Hubert. Utopie et pluralité des mondes: l'espace imaginaire comme lieu théologique à l'âge classique. Études théologiques & religieuses, t. 70, no 1, 1995: 1-13.
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Brück, Mary T. Agnes Clerke's work as a scientific biographer. Irish astronomical journal, v. 24, July 1997: 193-198. ports.
Brück, Mary T. M A Orr (Mrs John Evershed), astronomer and Dantist. Astronomy & geophysics, v. 38, June/July 1997: 9.
Bugajak, Grzegorz. Wokól {Wok\'o\l} problemu przyczny Wielkiego Wybuchu. Some remarks concerning the problem of the cause of the Big Bang. Studia philosophiae christianae, r. 31, nr. 2, 1995: 167-183.
Burtnyk, Kim. Canada's South American observatory. Sky news, v. 2, Jan./Feb. 1997: 18-21. col. illus., col. group port.
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Cappi, Alberto. Le intuizioni cosmologiche di Edgar A. Poe. L'Astronomia, anno 19, magg. 1997: 26-33. col. illus., col. ports.
Carey, Hilary M. New worlds, imaginary spaces and contingent reality: Columbus and astrology. Parergon, new ser., v. 12, Jan. 1995: 29-39.
Carl Sagan, a tribute. Planetary report, v. 17, May/June 1997: 4-19, 22. illus. (part col.), group port.
Chapin, Seymour L. Did Halley slay the calamitous comet dragon? Ideas about close-approaching comets from Whiston to Lalande. Griffith observer, v. 61, Mar. 1997: 2-9, 23. illus., port.
Chapman, Allan. War of the worlds. Times (London), Sept. 23, 1996: 14. illus.
Chappelet, Jeanine. Le Club des Pléiades a 30 ans: bilan et perspectives. L'Astronomie, v. 111, mars. 1997: 84-85.
Christianson, Gale E. The night the universe changed forever. Griffith observer, v. 61, June 1997: 4-10. illus., ports.
Clayton, Geoffrey C. Jason A. Cardelli (1955-1996). Mercury, v. 26, July/Aug. 1997: 6.
Cocco, Gisèle. L'astrolabe plan: des traités à l'instrument, de l'instrument aux traités. In La Transmission des connaissances techniques. Tables rondes, Aix-en-Provence, avril 1993-mai 1994. Édité par M.-Cl. Amouretti et G. Comet. Aix-en-Provence, Université de Provence, Service des publications, 1995. (Cahiers d'histoire des techniques, 3) p. 99-110. illus.
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Curtis, John B. Astral worship and the date of Deuteronomy. In Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Societies. Proceedings. v. 14; 1994. Buffalo, N.Y., Canisius College. p. 87-93.
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Dobbins, Thomas, and William Sheehan. Johann Schroeter's 'extremely dark spots of Jupiter.' In British Astronomical Association, London. Journal, v. 107, June 1997: 144-146. illus.
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Happer, Will. Robert Dicke 1916-97. Physics world, v. 10, May 1997: 63. port.
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Ruth S. Freitag
Library of Congress
July 1997
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