*************************************************************************** * * * ELEKTRONISCHE MITTEILUNGEN ZUR ASTRONOMIEGESCHICHTE * * * * Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte * * in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft * * * * Nr. 70, 22. Januar 2004 * * * * Redaktion: Wolfgang R. Dick und Hilmar W. Duerbeck * * * *************************************************************************** Inhalt ------ 1. Acta Historica Astronomiae 2. Abraham Pais Award for the History of Physics 3. Conference in Prague: Science in contact 4. Symposium in Budapest: The European Scientist 5. Stellenanzeige: Curatorial Post at Greenwich 6. Verkaufsangebot: Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts Danksagung Impressum ........................................................................... Item 1 EMA Nr. 70, 22. Jan. 2004 ........................................................................... Acta Historica Astronomiae -------------------------- In den Jahren 2002 und 2003 erschienen in dieser Buchreihe folgende Baende: Vol. 14: Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (Hrsg.): Astronomie von Olbers bis Schwarzschild. Nationale Entwicklungen und internationale Beziehungen im 19. Jahrhundert. 2002, 243 S., 68 Abb., ISBN 3-8171-1667-5, EUR 16.80, sFr 26.90 Inhalt: Vorwort; Guenther Oestmann: Astronomischer Dilettant oder verkanntes Genie? Zum Bild Johann Hieronymus Schroeters in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Felix Luehning: Johann Hieronymus Schroeters 25fuessiges Teleskop in Lilienthal - Bau, Funktion und seine Nachbildung im Modell; Hans-Joachim Leue: Johann Gottlieb Schrader und der Lilienthaler Fernrohrbau; Klaus Schillinger: Zur Geschichte der Herschel-Teleskope im Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon Dresden; Peter Brosche: Die Wiederauffindung der Ceres im Jahre 1801; Juergen Hamel: H.C. Schumacher - Zentrum der internationalen Kommunikation in der Astronomie und Mittler zwischen Daenemark und Deutschland; Juergen Hamel: Der Briefwechsel zwischen H.C. Schumacher und H.C. Oersted; Wolfgang Kokott: Bodes Astronomisches Jahrbuch als internationales Archivjournal; Theodor Schmidt-Kaler: Karl Schwarzschild und die Professionalisierung der Astrophysik; Peter Harbison: Leo de Ball und seine Beitraege zu internationalen Astronomieprojekten um 1900; Gudrun Wolfschmidt: Internationalitaet von der VAG (1800) bis zur Astronomischen Gesellschaft; Hilmar W. Duerbeck: Nationale und internationale astronomische Aktivitaeten in Chile (1849-2001); Arno Langkavel: Auf den Spuren von Astronomen in Bremen und Lilienthal; Ueber die Autoren. Vol. 15: Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (Hrsg.): Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte, Bd. 5. 2002, 255 S., 33 Abb., ISBN 3-8171-1686-1, EUR 16.80, sFr 26.90 Inhalt: Vorwort; Guenther Oestmann, Historische Horoskope als Quelle der Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Franz Daxecker, Die Zeitberechnung und die Astronomie in Athanasius Kirchers Organum Mathematicum; Franz Daxecker, Christoph Scheiners Lebensjahre zwischen 1633 und 1650; Hans Gaab, Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau (1651-1725); Klaus-Dieter Herbst, Der Societaetsgedanke bei Gottfried Kirch (1639-1710), untersucht unter Einbeziehung seiner Korrespondenz und Kalender; Peter Brosche: Koehlers Sternphotometer von 1786; Alberto Meschiari, Briefe von Franz Xaver von Zach an Ranieri Gerbi und Pompilio Pozzetti; Karin Reich, Bessels Rezension von Gauss' "Theoria Motus"; Hans-Joachim Ilgauds, Georg Koch - ein vergessener Leipziger Astronom des 19. Jahrhunderts; Hans Scholl und Lutz D. Schmadel: Discovery Circumstances of the First Near-Earth Asteroid (433) Eros; Lutz D. Schmadel, Biographische Notizen zu Felix Linke - ein unbekannter Mitentdecker des Kleinen Planeten (433) Eros; Kurzbeitraege; Rezensionen; Ueber die Autoren; Korrekturen und Ergaenzungen zu Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 12 und 13; Inhaltsverzeichnis "Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte" Band 1 bis 4. Vol. 16: John Robert Christianson, Alena Hadravova, Petr Hadrava und Martin Solc (Eds.): Tycho Brahe and Prague: Crossroads of European Science. 2002, 392 S., zahlr. Abb., ISBN 3-8171-1687-X, EUR 29.80, SFr 47.70 Inhalt: List of participants; Owen Gingerich, Tycho Brahe: Observational Cosmologist; John Robert Christianson, Tycho and Sophie Brahe: Gender and science in the late sixteenth century; John Richard Shackelford, Providence, power, and cosmic causality in early modern astronomy: The case of Tycho Brahe and Petrus Severinus; Adam Mosley, Tycho Brahe and John Craig: The dynamic of a dispute; Guenther Oestmann, Tycho Brahe's attitude towards astrology and his relations to Heinrich Rantzau; Michel-Pierre Lerner, Tycho Brahe Censured; Gerhard Betsch, Michael Maestlin and his relationship with Tycho Brahe; Yas Maeyama, Tycho Brahe's stellar observations. An accuracy test; Giorgio Strano, Testing tradition: Tycho Brahe's instruments and praxis; Volker Bialas, Kepler as astronomical observer in Prague; Felix Luehning, The great quadrant of Lindholm - an astronomical instrument from the time of Tycho Brahe; Zdislav Sima und Jiri Valeska, Analysis of Tycho's handwritings; Carlo Triarico, Tycho Brahe and Egnazio Danti. Observations and astronomical research at Prague and Florence at the end of the 16th century; Mara Miniati, Medicean telescopes. The collection of the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence; Luisa Pigatto, Tycho Brahe and the Republic of Venice: a failed project; Gudrun Wolfschmidt, The observatories and instruments of Tycho Brahe; Joseph P. McEvoy, The death of Tycho and scientific revolution; Josef Smolka, Briefwechsel zwischen Tycho Brahe und Thaddaeus Hagecius - Anfaenge; Alena Hadravova und Petr Hadrava, Tycho Brahe and Iohannes Sindel; Beatriz Porres de Mateo, Astronomy between Prague and Vienna in the 15th century: the case of John Sindel and John of Gmunden; Andrea Bubenik, Art, Astrology and Astronomy at the Imperial Court of Rudolf II (1576-1612); Bohdana Divisova-Bursiakova, Physicians at the Prague Court of Rudolf II; Beket Bukovinska, Scientifica in der Kunstkammer Rudolfs II; Eliska Fucikova, The Belvedere in Prague as Tycho Brahe's Musaeum; Vladimir Urbanek, The comet of 1618: eschatological expectations and political prognostications during the Bohemian Revolt; Georg Schuppener, The relations between Tycho Brahe and the Jesuits in Prague; Robert Warren, Tycho and the telescope; Giancarlo Truffa, The first printed edition of Tycho's 1004 star catalogue; Owen Gingerich, Recent notes on Tycho Brahe's library; Martin Solc, Martin, Bibliotheca Tychoniana - books from Tycho Brahe's possession in the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague Clementinum; Jens Vellev, Tycho Brahe's paper mill on Hven and M.A. Moeller Nicolaisen's excavations, 1933-1934; Michal Simunek, Anthropologische Untersuchung der koerperlichen Ueberreste Tycho Brahes im Jahr 1901; Jan Munzar und Jan Parez, Tycho Brahe as a meteorologist; Ivan Stoll, Giordano Bruno to Rudolph II, Michal Svatos, Teaching astronomy at Prague University in the 14th and 15th century; Borek Neskudla, Astronomy and astrology at Prague University before the battle at White Mountain. Vol. 17: Gerhard Betsch und Juergen Hamel (Hrsg.): Zwischen Copernicus und Kepler - M. Michael Maestlinus, Mathematicus Goeppingensis 1550-1631. Vortraege auf dem Symposium, veranstaltet in Tuebingen vom 11. bis 13. Oktober 2000 von der Fakultaet fuer Physik der Universitaet Tuebingen. 2002, 247 S., 38 Abb., ISBN 3-8171-1688-8, EUR 18.80, sFr 30.10 Inhalt: Vorwort; Friedemann Rex, Keplers Lehrer Michael Maestlin und sein Lehrbuch der Astronomie (1582); Juergen Hamel, Die Rolle Michael Maestlins in der Polemik um die Kalenderreform von Papst Gregor XIII; Matthias Schramm, Zu den Beobachtungen von Maestlin; Gerd Grasshoff, Maestlins Beitrag zu Keplers "Astronomia Nova"; Friedrich Seck, Der Briefwechsel zwischen Kepler und Maestlin; Josef Smolka, Michael Maestlin und Galileo Galilei; Gerhard Betsch, Parerga Maestlini; Karin Reich und Eberhard Knobloch, Die Kreisquadratur Matthias Hafenreffers; Volker Bialas, Nicht mit fremden Augen sehen wollen - Maestlins Stellung zum wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt seiner Zeit; Johannes Michael Wischnath, Michael Maestlin als Tuebinger Professor - akademischer Alltag an der Schwelle zum 17. Jahrhundert; Roland Mueller und Johannes Michael Wischnath, Dokumentation: Maestliniana in Tuebingen; Ueber die Autoren. Vol. 18: Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (Hrsg.): Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte, Bd. 6. 2003, 238 S., 43 Abb., ISBN 3-8171-1717-5, EUR 18.80, sFr 30.10 Inhalt: Michael Weichenhan, Die Erfindung der Erdscheibe. Ein Kapitel copernicanischer Apologetik; Johann Wuensch, Die Messgenauigkeit von Tycho Brahes grossem Sextanten; Franz Daxecker, Der Astronom Christoph Grienberger und der Galilei-Prozess; Hans Gaab, Georg Friedrich Kordenbusch und die Astronomie in Nuernberg in der zweiten Haelfte des 18. Jahrhunderts; Dietmar Fuerst, Die Geschichte des Heliometers der Sternwarte Koenigsberg. 1. Teil: Anschaffung und Aufstellung des Instrumentes; Reinhold Haefner und Rolf Riekher, Die Pioniere der Sternspektroskopie: die stellarspektroskopischen Untersuchungen von Fraunhofer (1816-1820) und Lamont (1836); Manfred Strumpf, Evaluation im 19. Jahrhundert - wie Astronomen fuer die Sternwarte Gotha ausgesucht wurden; Endre Zsoldos und Peter Brosche, Zwischen Handwerk und Wissenschaft: Friedrich Schwab (1858-1931); Kurzbeitraege; Nachruf K. K. Lavrinovich (1941-2002); Rezensionen; Korrekturen und Ergaenzungen zu Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 8 bis 15; Ueber die Autoren. Vol. 19: Miguel A. Granada, Juergen Hamel und Ludolf von Mackensen (Hrsg.): Christoph Rothmanns Handbuch der Astronomie von 1589. 2003, 231 S., zahlr. Abb., ISBN 3-8171-1718-3, EUR 19.80, sFr 31.70 Christoph Rothmann war von 1584 bis 1590 an der Sternwarten des Landgrafen Wilhelm IV. von Hessen in Kassel taetig. Seine Forschungen trugen wesentlich dazu bei, dass Kassel zu einem Zentrum der Himmelsforschung wurde. In der hier edierten lateinischen Handschrift "Observationum stellarum fixarum liber primus", Kassel 1589, beschreibt Christoph Rothmann den Aufbau und die Handhabung astronomischer Instrumente, entwickelt seine Vorstellungen zum Weltbau auf heliozentrischer Grundlage, ohne feste Planetensphaeren, diskutiert das Verhaeltnis zwischen Astronomie und Theologie und berichtet ueber seine bahnbrechenden Arbeiten am Kasseler Sternkatalog. Das erstmals herausgegebene Werk ist ein Kompendium der theoretischen und praktischen Astronomie des spaeten 16. Jahrhunderts. Alle Baende erscheinen im Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, kartoniert im Format 15 x 21 cm. Fuer allgemeine Informationen ueber die Reihe und ueber Vol. 1 bis 13 siehe EMA 44, 3. September 1999; EMA 47, 28. Januar 2000; und EMA 69, 1. Januar 2004. Ausfuehrliche Informationen zur Reihe inklusive Zusammenfassungen der Einzelbeitraege, Volltexte einiger Vorworte und Beitraege sowie Hinweise auf Bezugsquellen siehe im WWW unter http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/acta/ . (Die Seiten ueber die Baende 14 bis 19 sind allerdings noch in Vorbereitung.) Bitte senden Sie Anfragen an die Herausgeber: Wolfgang R. Dick (Anschrift siehe Impressum) oder Juergen Hamel (c/o Archenhold-Sternwarte, Alt Treptow 1, D-12435 Berlin, e-mail jhamel@astw.de). ........................................................................... Item 2 EMA Nr. 70, 22. Jan. 2004 ........................................................................... Abraham Pais Award for the History of Physics --------------------------------------------- The American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics have established a major new award, the Abraham Pais Award for the History of Physics, which will recognize outstanding scholarly achievements in the history of physics. A renowned theoretical particle physicist and historian of physics, Pais died in July 2000. Among historians, he is best known for his book Subtle is the Lord: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein, which won the 1983 American Book Award in Science. The award will be given annually and consists of $5000, a certificate citing the recipient's contributions to the history of physics, and funds to travel to an APS meeting to receive the award and deliver an invited talk on the history of physics. The award is the first to be established specifically for the history of physics. The first selection committee will be chaired by Roger H. Stuewer (University of Minnesota) and other members are Allan D. Franklin (University of Colorado), Lillian Hoddeson (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Anne J. Kox (University of Amsterdam), and Spencer R. Weart (AIP). The first award will be conferred in 2005. Nominations are due by May 1, 2004, and should be sent to Stuewer. For further information, see the website of the APS Forum on History of Physics http://www.aps.org/units/fhp/pais/index.html . The Pais Award will usually be given to a single person but in any case to no more than three individuals and is open to scholars of all nationalities. For the past two years, an award establishment committee has been working on the concept and then the fundraising. The initial goal of $100,000 to establish an endowment has been reached. A major contribution came from John and Elizabeth Armstrong, who gave $30,000 outright and provided another $30,000 in matching funds to challenge other donors. Fundraising to cover travel expenses and to raise the amount of the award is continuing, according to Benjamin Bederson (New York University), who chairs the award establishment committee. Other members are Stephen G. Brush (University of Maryland), Gloria B. Lubkin (AIP), Harry Lustig (APS treasurer emeritus), Michael Riordan (Stanford University and University of California, Santa Cruz), Stuewer, and Weart. [Source: George Gale to HASTRO-L, the History of Astronomy Discussion Group, 11 Dec 2003, forwarding a message from H-NET, the List on the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, 11 Dec 2003. Original message by Spencer Weart, 10 Dec 2003.] ........................................................................... Item 3 EMA Nr. 70, 22. Jan. 2004 ........................................................................... Conference in Prague: Science in contact ---------------------------------------- Science in contact at the beginning of the scientific revolution Prague, Czech Rep., June 23 - 27, 2004 First Announcement The conference will be hosted by National Technical Museum in Prague. The EU Commission has decided, in accordance with the EU programme for cultural support - Cultura 2000 - to grant a three-year network support to the institutions responsible for the care and maintenance of the legacy left by the astronomers and scientists who founded our modern world view. The scientists in question are Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. The network, which is co-ordinated by Landskrona Cultural Department (Sweden), shall be operative during 2002-2004, and will focus on interpreting and enlivening how the knowledge of our modern worldview evolved as a result of scientific co-operation within Europe. The top of the scientific part of the project should be a conference "Science in contact at the beginning of the scientific revolution". Location and meeting schedule Preliminary time schedule of the conference: June 23, 2004, 5-8 pm: Arrival of participants, registration (at the NTM) June 24, 2004 and June 25, 2004: Sessions June 26, 2004: Sights of historical and astronomical interest in Prague The current plan is to hold the scientific part of the conference from Thursday, June 24 morning till Friday evening for the sessions; for Saturday June 26 a trip/excursion is proposed. Accommodation will be soon proposed to the participants on the NTM web page. Alternatively, a wide choice of hotels around and inside Prague is available. Scientific programme and call for contribution The themes for the conference shall be as following: Ways of circulating scientific results of fundamental importance in Europe. Creation of research centres (Hven, Kassel, Prague, Florence, Cambridge etc). Travels of scientists and their ideas. Acceptance, rejection or proof of ideas and speculations of the period up to commencement of scientific research. Instruments used in this and their development and influence on scientific knowledge. Precision of observation and discovery and formulation of natural laws. Some of the leading figures of this stage: Copernicus, Galileo, Brahe, Kepler, Newton and people around them. Merits of free movement of scholars. Science and technology - ideas circulating very rapidly internationally. We plan on organizing sessions about above mentioned topic and panel discussion. Additional poster presentations will be accepted, on all the various topics concerning the matters. A special proceedings book will be published by the NTM. Working languages of the Conference will be English and German. The correspondence can be performed in both English and German. All forms, abstracts to presentations, texts to invited papers and extended theses should be presented in English or/and German. Deadlines: Submission of Abstracts 1st February, 2004 Notification of Acceptance 1st March, 2004 Issue of Preliminary Programme on the Web site 1st April, 2004 Submission of Full Paper during the conference Publication of Workshop Proceedings August 2004 Registration fee: A registration fee of EUR 50 will be asked. Participants are expected to finance their own travel and accommodation expenses. Local Organizing Committee: Jaroslav Folta, chairman (jaroslav.folta@ntm.cz) Antonin Svejda, scientific programme supervisor (antonin.svejda@ntm.cz) Jitka Zamrzlova, conference manager (jitka.zamrzlova@ntm.cz) Jana Nekvasilova, conference manager (jana.nekvasilova@ntm.cz) Please contact us if you wish to register and/or you are interested in our forthcoming announcements. Our web site will have regular updates on the Conference Programme. [Source: First Announcement distributed by the LOC, fowarded to us by Juergen Hamel] ........................................................................... Item 4 EMA Nr. 70, 22. Jan. 2004 ........................................................................... Symposium in Budapest: The European Scientist --------------------------------------------- The European Scientist Symposium on the era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach (1754-1832) Budapest 15-17 September 2004 First Announcement Purpose This symposium celebrates the era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach on the 250th anniversary of his birth. The meeting will bring together international experts in the history of science to present papers on the following topics. Topics covered Biographical aspects Scientific periodicals Meetings of scientists Enlightenment, freemasonry and religious orders Interaction with politics The role of "managers of science" Gauss and the Hungarian science The evolution of star catalogues Minor planets and celestial mechanics Astrogeodetic instruments Local and global geodesy and navigation Civil and military cartography Geography and geophysics Dates Sept. 15 to Sept. 17, 2004. The symposium precedes the autumn meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, held in Prague at Sept. 20-25, 2004. Venue The meeting will take place in the main building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary. Accomodation In medium category hotels, next to the building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, cost per night: 65 Euro in a single and 85 Euro in a double room (including breakfast). Participation Participation is open for everybody who is interested in this subject. Registration Interested participants are invited to register with the enclosed registration form. There is no registration fee. Accompanying persons are welcome. Proceedings We intend to publish proceedings of the symposium. Scientific Organizing Committee: Peter Brosche (Daun/Bonn, chairman) Jim Caplan (Marseille) Anita McConnell (London) Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Hamburg) Local Organizing Committee (Budapest): Bela Balazs Lajos G. Balazs (chairman) Laszlo Patkos Magda Vargha Endre Zsoldos REGISTRATION FORM The era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach Budapest 15-17 September Family name: First name: Postal address: Fax: E-mail address: Number of accompanying persons: I would like to present a paper Title Authors Intended duration of talk: Abstract: Accommodation: please indicate your choice: I prefer single occupancy I wish to share a double room with: Return to: Prof. L. G. Balazs, Konkoly Observatory, P. O. Box 67, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary. Fax: (36)(1)275-4668 e-mail: balazs@konkoly.hu ........................................................................... Item 5 EMA Nr. 70, 22. Jan. 2004 ........................................................................... Stellenanzeige: Curatorial Post at Greenwich -------------------------------------------- CURATOR - HISTORY OF TIMEKEEPING GBP 20,000 - GBP 30,000 + benefits * Greenwich Recognised throughout the world for its innovative and entrepreneurial approach, the National Maritime Museum aims to illustrate for everyone the importance of the sea, ships, time and the stars and their relationship with people. The Royal Observatory at Greenwich forms part of NMM and is the international home of time. We are looking for an exceptional individual to champion the study of the history of timekeeping and actively research our relevant collections within the broader disciplines of the history of science and maritime history. These are exciting times to be joining our team: we are about to embark on a GBP 15 million project: Time & Space which will include a state-of-the-art astronomy centre and new displays that explore mankind's quest to understand time and the universe. This new post will be central to these developments, as you will communicate the excitement and relevance of the history of timekeeping to a diverse range of people, from schoolchildren to academics. Encompassing research, education and web-based interpretation work, this expansive brief will see you work with the Senior Curator of Horology and the Exhibitions team to develop new galleries and displays, promote the collections to a wide audience and publish work within the academic context that interprets the significance of the collections. We are looking for an exceptional candidate with a proven track record within the history of science field who can place our scientific and technological collections into a broader historical and maritime history context. You will have a postgraduate qualification or experience in a relevant subject area, an active research profile and published work. We are not necessarily looking for an horologist, but you must have the ability to develop the necessary practical-based skills to analyse this material for research purposes. Above all, we are looking for a genuine enthusiasm for the subject matter and collections, together with excellent communication and team-working skills. Apply now by sending your CV and covering letter, quoting reference R/CHT, to: Human Resources, National Maritime Museum, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF, or by email to recruitment@nmm.ac.uk We regret that we are unable to reply to every applicant. If you do not hear from us within three weeks, please assume you have not been shortlisted. Closing date for the receipt of applications: 2 February 2004. The Museum upholds equal opportunities for all staff and has a no smoking policy. For a full job description please visit our website www.nmm.ac.uk . [Source: Gloria Clifton to Rete Mailing List, 16 Jan 2004] ........................................................................... Item 6 EMA Nr. 70, 22. Jan. 2004 ........................................................................... Verkaufsangebot: Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ----------------------------------------------------- Eine komplette Reihe der Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts (AAA) von 1969-2000 (Vols. 1 -73) in original verpacktem Zustand wird zum Verkauf angeboten. Die Reihe wird nur komplett an eine Universitaet, ein Institut oder einen interessierten Privatmann abgegeben. Dabei gelten die folgenden Konditionen: - Die gesamte Reihe muss aus dem suedwestdeutschen Raum abgeholt werden, bzw. es muessen die Kosten fuer eine Spedition uebernommen werden. - Die Reihe (Brutto-Ladenpreis: DM 19.068.-) wird an eine Universitaet oder ein Institut kostenlos gegen eine Spendenquittung in Hoehe vom Subskriptionspreis von DM 15.254,40 (EUR 7.644,08) abgegeben. - Fuer einen privaten Bezieher betraegt der Kaufpreis EUR 3.000.- Interessen moegen sich bitte an den Redakteur II (hduerbec@vub.ac.be) wenden, der Mitteilungen an den Anbieter weiterleitet. ........................................................................... Danksagung ---------- Fuer die direkte Zusendung von Informationen danken wir Peter Brosche und Juergen Hamel. ........................................................................... Impressum --------- Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA) Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick und Dr. Hilmar W. Duerbeck Archiv bisheriger Ausgaben: http://www.astrohist.org/aa/ema/ Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern entgegengenommen. Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos. Abonnenten und Leser werden um gelegentliche freiwillige Spenden an den Arbeitskreis gebeten. Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte duerfen unbegrenzt weiterverbreitet werden, sofern dafuer keine Gebuehr erhoben wird. Ein oeffentliches Abgebot in WWW-Servern, BBS etc. ist gestattet, sofern die Redaktion informiert wird. Die Reproduktion von Auszuegen in elektronischen oder Druckmedien ist nur mit Genehmigung der Redaktion gestattet. Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen ergaenzen die gedruckten Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte, die in der Regel halbjaehrlich erscheinen: Preis: 1,- Euro/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten Ausserhalb von Deutschland: kostenfrei, Spenden erwuenscht Bezug: Einsendung von 1,50 Euro (Einzelheft) oder 3,- Euro (Nr. 20-21) in Briefmarken an die Redaktion Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Anschrift siehe unten Kostenlose Probeexemplare koennen bei der Redaktion angefordert werden. Anschriften des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte: URL: http://www.astrohist.org/ Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: +49(0)6592 2150, Fax: +49(0)6592 985140, e-mail: pbrosche@astro.uni-bonn.de Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Vogelsang 35 A, D-14478 Potsdam, e-mail: wdick@astrohist.org Spendenkonto der Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte: Empfaenger: Astronomische Gesellschaft, Konto-Nr.: 310 330 402, Volksbank Coesfeld-Duelmen, BLZ 401 631 23 Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland: Konto Nr. 16218-203, Postbank Hamburg, BLZ 200 100 20 Einzahlungen auf letzteres Konto bitte mit Vermerk "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte". ***************************************************************************