Astronomy backyard

Malte's attempt to use dokuwiki as an electronic lab notebook

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I'm a researcher at the Argelander Institut für Astronomie of the University of Bonn.

My work here was sponsored by a postdoctoral research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

You're only one click away from my
list of publications (ADS labs).

Collaborators: if you cannot find what you are looking for on this front page, you probably didn't log in!


Malte Tewes
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Auf dem Hügel 71
D - 53121 Bonn

Room 2.007

My previous home, at EPFL


My research area is observational cosmology with weak and strong gravitational lensing.

On the weak lensing side, I work on the problem of accurate measurement of gravitational shear and magnification on small and noisy galaxy images. I develop machine learning algorithms to address the intricate systematic error sources affecting these measurements.

On the strong lensing side, I'm heavily involved in COSMOGRAIL, a collaboration aimed at measuring the time delays between multiple images of gravitationally lensed quasars.

Key motivations behind these projects are to learn about the nature of dark energy and dark matter, and to test the standard cosmological model.


  • D3CS
    Interactive Curve Shifting, in your browser, using the D3.js library
  • cosmicruler
    Code to generate cosmology nomograms in svg, used for goodies of the EC meeting 2018.
  • QCgravlens
    Strong gravitational lens simulation with Quartz Composer

Public code

sewpy 1.0dev, yet another Source Extractor Wrapper, hosted on GitHub
tenbilac, an experimental inverse regression ANN, on GitHub
MomentsML, for ML shear measurement
PyCS, to measure time delays
alipy 2.0, to find geometrical transforms between optical astronomical images
And the good old (FITS to png in python, with annotation capabilities) and (L.A.Cosmic in python : cosmic ray identification and cleaning).


start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/23 14:22 by mtewes