Catalogs & Experimental Data

LAMBDA - WMAP documents
Virgo Cluster Galaxies I & II
Redshift data for Messier Galaxies

NVSS radio catalogs
SIMBAD Catalogue for NVSS
FIRST catalog browser

REFLEX x-ray clusters (southern)
NORAS x-ray clusters (northern)
160 sqd ROSAT survey cluster catalog
RASS-SDSS clusters

ACCEPT: Chandra Entropy Profiles

IRSA / IRAS archive
IRIS - improved IRAS maps
DIRBE/IRAS dust maps

Scientific Data

Leiden atomic & molecular database
Cologne database for mol. spectroscopy
Basecol ro-vibrational collisional data

NIST Atomic Spectra Database
Atomic line list v2.04 (IR lines)
Kurucz Atomic line database
Partial Grotrian Diagrams of atoms & ions

ISO infrared line list
Analysis of Emission Lines
CSO Atmospheric Transmission

Zombeck's Handbook of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Numerical Recipes on-line

Telescope Sensitivities

APEX Fact Sheets

VLA observational summary

VLA spectral line observation
VLA Exposure Calculator

IRAM PdBI & 30m summary
30-m observing time calculator
Effelsberg receiver list

ATCA 3mm system description
Australia telescope national facilities

Sub-mm Array (SMA) specifications
Guide for the Green Bank Telescope
GBT sensitivity calculator

CARMA specifications

Meetings & Conferences

International astronomy meetings

KITP Conference on galaxy clusters
Cosmic baryons, Marseilles, France
SZ Workshop, Santender, Spain
SZ/X-ray, Huntsville, AL

Galaxy Clusters Conference, Garching

CL J2010: International Meeting
SnowCluster Workshop Utah
X-ray Astronomy 2009 Bologna
CosmoClusters workshop Marseille
Cluster Cooling Flows @ Leiden

Francesco Melchiorri memorial conference
IRAM interferometry school 2006

Science & Astronomy Tools

Level 5 Knowledgebase
Physical Constants
Knowledgebase of extragal. astronomy
Handbook of space astronomy

Units of measurement
Coordinate conversion utilities

Tables of integrals: Wikipedia
Integrator from Mathematica

Online Visibility Tool
Sight-Reading Trainer ;-)

Data Reduction

IDL astronomy library
Astrolib at Uni Tübingen
SLAC user's IDL library
IDL on the web
Coyote's IDL programming tips
IDL data manipulation and visualization

Python Course  
Apex telescope Database
Laboca Wiki page
BoA Wiki

PdBI flux measurement
GILDAS home page
CARMA user manual

Softwares & Typesetting

Gnuplot tips & tricks
Text Processing using LaTeX
LaTeX tutorial - basics
Basic Layout & Formatting in LaTeX

Proposal Submission

   SMA   ATCA   IRAM   Spitzer 
Apex(MPI)  GBT   Effelsberg   CARMA

IRAM PdBI project status